"The more urgent you are, the more I dare not upgrade, because I have never believed you." Yin Zhu said in a calm voice.

Yin Zhu's words made Bena silent, but she looked very anxious.

"Don't you tell me why you became a Poseidon? Maybe you can try to persuade me to believe you without saying anything. Do you think this is possible? It can be said that I have been led by the nose for a long time by you and the beast God. That's enough, Bena. If you really haven't betrayed me, you can tell me what all this is about Yin Zhu once regarded Beina as her sister, because Beina knew her identity and came from the 21st world with her. She was a person who understood herself and could depend on herself. The results all changed. It can be said that Yin Zhu was really sad when she knew the truth.

After hearing Yin Zhu's words, Beina was silent for a while and then said, "I don't know, I don't know why I became the so-called sea god. After my spirit was separated from the system, I was trapped in this statue and had no way to escape. Even I was so anxious because my spirit had been locked when you set foot on this island, It could be withdrawn at any time. "

"Yin Zhu, if you ask me what's the matter with me, I can tell you that I don't know. I really don't know anything, but all this should be done by my master. I only know that you need to upgrade the system immediately. Only if you upgrade the system can you get divine power. Otherwise, no matter what you do, you can't get divine power. Only if you have divine power can you get it There is a reason why he let you have divine power. But I can tell you that even if there is a trap, you must get divine power. Only if you have divine power, you can do a lot of things. I don't know the rest. If there is a trap, you must get divine power If I can help you, I'll try my best to help you. " Beina quickly explained some things. It seems that what she said was quite sincere. She talked about the good and the bad.

"Yin Zhu, you must believe me. Only if you have divine power can you fight against my master. Otherwise, you don't even have the chance to fight. Only if you have divine power can you save your beloved. Yin Zhu, I'm leaving. Take care of yourself. " With Beina's last words falling, Yin Zhu sees a flash of light from the top of the statue, and then the tall statue breaks into countless pieces.

"Be careful, Yin Zhu." Tengxiao directly blocked in front of Yin Zhu.

Beina didn't want to attack a few people, and soon the movement calmed down. Yin Zhu looked at the debris on the ground and was silent.

Bai Kun looked at Yin Zhu very worried at this time, "Yin Zhu, let's discuss it."

"No, I'll upgrade the system later." Yin Zhu is very sure. Although Yin Zhu has always said that she doesn't believe in Bena, when she knows that she can get divine power after upgrading, Yin Zhu knows that she will upgrade the system. Even if there is a trap ahead, she will go, because she wants to save the people she cares about most.

"Yin Zhu, wait a minute, you may have divine power, and you may not be able to lift the magic fire, or you may not be able to lift the curse." Bai Kun felt that things would not be so smooth, and it was obviously a trap, a trap for Yin Zhu.

"But Beina is right. Anyway, divine power can improve my strength. Besides, if I want to devour my original body, I also need divine power, so I have to have divine power. Of course, you can say that I can test my self-cultivation, but baikun, we don't have so much time. I guess we'll go to the Sun Temple later, and maybe we can see the beast God." Yin Zhu said in a calm voice.

Bai Kun was silent for a moment, and his hand, which was holding Yin Zhu tightly, was released.

"Well, upgrade, upgrade. No matter what you do, I will accompany you. I have only one sentence. If you come to the end, you remember that you don't compromise for my business. You just need to think about yourself. If you compromise for my son and hurt yourself, I will end myself in the most miserable and painful way and punish myself. Please remember Well, Yin Zhu, you must remember that you are your own. Don't compromise for anyone. You can't be selfish. You still carry the hope of the whole world. " Bai Kun says word by word that if he can't help Yin Zhu, then he won't let himself implicate Yin Zhu. What he does now is to let Yin Zhu give up when necessary.

"Bai Kun..." Yin Zhu couldn't say the rest, and his tears fell down one by one.

Tengxiao also said at this time, "I am the same as Bai Kun. Besides, I am your guardian. Even if I die, I will die in front of you. So even for me, Yin Zhu, you must protect yourself."

"Tengxiao..." Yin Zhu cried and cried. Both of them are forcing her, but this is really the most practical protection. Both of them are protecting their own lives.

"Well, what are you crying for? It's so ugly." Bai Kun smiles and reaches out his hand like a skeleton to wipe Yin Zhu's tears clumsily.

"Can't I be moved?" Yin Zhubai takes a look at Bai Kun. He is obviously very sad, but it's much better to be interrupted by Bai Kun."Well, you see, at least we agree now. Besides, you are not always confident. Now you are crying like this, which is just destroying your prestige. You are the God of the world, the only God." Bai Kun points Yin Zhu's nose.

Yin Zhu wants to say that he has the prestige of fart. He is a lost dog who is forced to run everywhere. But he didn't say it out. It's a blow to say it out. Besides, Yin Zhu can't lose his temper with the man who loves and dotes on him, so he can only hum. "You didn't start it first. It's all your fault."

"Well, I'm to blame." Bai Kun touches his nose. It's not that Yin Zhu is too affectionate. He's worried that Yin Zhu will lose his chain at this point. Although it's very happy to be guarded by his partner, Bai Kun doesn't want Yin Zhu to do such a thing and put himself in a dangerous situation.

"Well, let's go to the heart species upgrade system. Maybe there are many new species on this island." Bai Kun smiles. He said before that he would not upgrade the system. He didn't expect to take back the previous decision so soon.

"Yes." Yin answered, and the three men began to search for new species on the island.

It didn't take a lot of experience to upgrade the system. It took three people two days to get the experience they needed. Yin Zhu said to Tengxiao, "here we go."

With the upgrading of the system, Yin Zhu sees the whole system emitting golden light, and then the system constantly twists and squirms under Yin Zhu's perception, and then turns into a golden rune that flies out of Yin Zhu's body, and then flies to Yin Zhu's forehead, forming a beautiful mark. At this time, Yin Zhu feels that the whole Orc world seems to be changing Like cheering, she closed her eyes and felt the wind, the water and the land of the world. They were greeting themselves, cheering and very happy. Yin Zhu's body also gave out a golden light, which was a sign of divine power.

At this time, Bai Kun and Tengxiao looked at the rune on Yin Zhu's forehead very seriously, because the rune was the legendary destiny.

Is Yin Zhu the beast God chosen by heaven? That's not right. It's clearly made by the system. Can destiny be made? Or is it really destiny?

Unfortunately, there is no one here to answer for Bai Kun and Tengxiao, but their hearts are a little flustered.

After a long time, Yin Zhu slowly opened his eyes. When he first opened them, Bai Kun saw that Yin Zhu's eyes were golden, so dignified and indifferent. It was just a flash in his eyes, followed by Yin Zhu's smiling eyes.

"Yin Zhu, what's wrong with you? When you just opened your eyes, I always felt that something was wrong." Bai Kun looks at Yin Zhu worried.

"Tengxiao, did you feel it just now? It should not be my illusion." Bai Kun takes Tengxiao to testify.

Tengxiao nodded at this time, but he was staring at Yin Zhu all the time, Yin Zhu is a little change, he felt.

Yin Zhu nodded at this time and said, "I know, it's because of destiny. I just accepted it, but I haven't had time to put it away, so you will feel dignified."

"I'm fine, I feel good and strong. You don't have to worry, Bai Kun. " Yin Zhu laughed and waved his magic power to show his power.

"Bai Kun, come and see if I can touch the divine punishment on you." Yin Zhu can't wait to help Bai Kun at this time.

"Aren't you tired? Why don't you take a break first? " Bai Kun said anxiously.

"No, I'm fine now, better than ever. Trust me." Yin Zhu smiles and waves to Bai Kun.

"Then try." Bai Kun sits down with a smile. Yin Zhu wants to have supernatural power. One of his purposes is to save himself.

At this time, Yin Zhu stood up and cast a spell on the totem stone. Then, one of his hands went directly through the totem stone and grasped something. Tengxiao could see clearly. What Yin Zhu grasped should be Bai Kun's soul. Fortunately, Yin Zhu's hands are now wrapped by divine power and will not be burned by divine fire.

At this time, Bai Kun kept trembling and was obviously fighting.

It's just that Yin Zhu has divine power now, but the power of Shenhuo is obviously greater. Yin Zhu spent a lot of effort only to pull out half of his soul. Then because of his subsequent weakness, Bai Kun's soul was swallowed back into the totem stone by Shenhuo. People didn't come back, but it's obvious that several people have seen hope.

As long as the method is feasible, Yin Zhu already has divine power. As long as he further practices, his divine power will grow.

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