"Whether it's divine punishment or curse, only when you have completely mastered all the destiny and all the divine power and become the first animal God in the world, can you help us lift the curse." Bai Kun said in a calm voice.

"Damn it, how could that be." Yin Zhu said angrily.

At this time, Bai Kun suddenly laughed and said in a very indifferent tone, "Yin Zhu, in fact, I think I'm very good. I can live a long life and never die and never grow old. If others want something that they can't get, why should I lift this sacred fire? Divine punishment is not a big deal for me. I'm used to it. Moreover, divine punishment can make my mental power increase faster."

"Nonsense." Yin Zhu knows how painful baikun's punishment is every time. Yin Zhu doesn't even dare to see it. Although Yin Zhu knows that baikun can survive, he can increase people's mental strength. At the same time, the next punishment will be more severe. It can be said that the punishment will make you more painful and more conscious. People who don't have a certain willpower can't stick to it.

It's not right. Before, he said that he wanted to help Bai Kun get in touch with God's punishment. Bai Kun didn't have this attitude. How could Bai Kun suddenly say that he couldn't lift it? It's very wrong.

"Bai Kun, did you think of something? Do you want to do it by yourself Yin Zhu grabs Bai Kun's hand anxiously.

"Bai Kun, as you said, we can't discuss anything together. We can't face it alone. I don't like you. You don't tell me anything, and then you face it by yourself. If that's the case, I'll tell you. I'll ignore it. Bai Kun, tell me what you know." Yin Zhu holds Bai Kun tightly. If Bai Kun had meat in his arm, Yin Zhu's nails would have been pinched into the meat.

Bai Kun looks at Yin Zhu and looks at himself with red eyes. Then he sighs and holds people in his arms. "Silly Yin Zhu."

"You're stupid. Your family is stupid." Yin Zhu cried angrily.

Bai Kun laughs at this, reaches out his finger and scrapes Yin Zhu's nose, "doesn't my family include you?"

Yin Zhu's face was distorted when she heard this. She stretched out her hand and tried to pinch Bai Kun's, but what she touched was the skeleton. So she was so angry that she slapped Bai Kun, "I know you're smart, and you don't tell me what you think clearly. If you don't tell me clearly, I'll think wildly at that time, and you can do it yourself."

Bai Kun heard Yin Zhu's threat and shook his head. "If I don't say it, you'll think about it later. Besides, no matter what choice I make, I can't change your decision. Yin Zhu, I really regret that if I chose to die at the beginning, would I not tangle like this now?"

"Don't talk nonsense to me. Speak quickly. I'll tell Tengxiao Leihe to beat you up." Yin Zhu said impolitely.

Tengxiao and Leihe don't look well at this time. If they can make baikun so serious, what they would rather die than what Yinzhu does must be very serious.

"Yin Zhu, you said that fate is so important. How can the beast God give you this? I guess the divine power is also like this. You say such a precious thing, how can the beast God divide it out? I always thought that the beast God wants to break the void and ask you to lead the way, but what's her assurance that you can lead the way 100%. Now I understand that she wants to swallow you, swallow you, and your connection with the world will become her, which is tantamount to being guided, It's much easier for her to break the void. " Bai Kun said with a pale face.

"Moreover, because of the relationship between Leihe and tengan, you don't even need him to take the initiative. You will be willing to be swallowed by her to save us. This is what I want to understand, and what makes me most painful. I, Rehe teng'an, these backers, are afraid that the beast God has already arranged it, and the beast God will not let you down 100%. She will tell you that if you swallow her, you can become the only God in the world and save your relatives. On the surface, she will give you a little hope, just like you have to work hard It may be successful, but she has been preparing for so many years that it is impossible to succeed. She dug a trap and waited for Yin Zhu to jump down Bai Kun's voice is heavy, let a few people listen to the presence, the heart is also heavy.

Yin Zhu's face changed when he heard this. He was eaten and his soul was engulfed. It should be completely nonexistent. Thinking of this, Yin Zhu could not help shivering. It was not terrible to die. What was terrible was that he would disappear forever in the long river of history.

But if what Bai Kun said is right, Yin Zhu really has to face it. She can't accept her partner's son's pain, and then she hides and lives. It has to be said that the beast God's step is too good. Just like what Bai Kun said, she just waits for Yin Zhu to jump down for a little hope.

"Yinzhu, no, you can't do that. In fact, I've been used to being a Orc for such a long time. There's nothing about orcs, and their strength is even stronger. Besides, Yinzhu, you said you like me like this. Yinzhu, we don't care about anything. It's none of our business that the world will do. Let's go back and have a good life." Leihe grabs Yinzhu's hand.

Tengxiao also hopes to look at Yin Zhu, hoping that Yin Zhu will agree, and then their family will live their own life.Yin Zhu gave a wry smile at this time. "It's too late. The beast God has arranged so many things. How can I escape? Besides, as Bai Kun said, as long as I have a chance, I always have to try. Besides, I may not lose. In the past, QingHan was able to escape, but the beast God failed. Now, I may not be worse than QingHan. Besides, we already know her purpose, so let's go The next thing to do is how to improve their chances of winning in this battle. "

"I'm afraid there will be worse." Bai Kun sighed.

"Do you have anything to say? Don't do that for a moment. " Yin Zhu is not very angry.

"Yinzhu, I remember you told me that Sophie was awakened, right?" Bai Kun suddenly mentions Sophie, who is about to be forgotten by Yin Zhu.

"Yes, what's the matter?" Yin Zhu wondered what it had to do with Sophie.

"Do you remember the letter left by QingHan? The beast God is a hydra Bai Kun asked another question.

Yin Zhu knew that Bai Kun would not raise this question for no reason. Since Bai Kun raised it, these things must be related.

"Well, you say." Yin Zhu's brain didn't turn so fast. If he didn't understand, he simply didn't want to ask Bai Kun how fast he came.

"According to my conjecture, there is only one divine power in this world, so Sophie's divine power is also the animal God's, and she will be devoured by the animal God. QingHan said that the animal God is Hydra. I heard a story that Hydra has nine souls, and each soul is in charge of its own head, but they are linked with each other, and can merge with each other. However, the nine heads are different Although snakes have nine souls, they are actually one person, so each soul is incomplete and each soul has a defect. And I think that the beast God may have separated his nine heads, and now he is merging back. " Bai Kun looks at Yin Zhu seriously.

"Nine heads, who do you think those nine heads should be?" Reich couldn't help but wonder.

"The beast God Wuji must be one of them, and it should be the most powerful one in them. Sophie is one of them, and QingHan is also one of them. Morrison guards there according to their ancestors. Besides the problems, I think he is also one of them, and Bena, who disappeared and guided Yin Zhu, is also one. After all, it is so important to guide Yin Zhu to come It's certain that no one will be at ease to go to the beast God. Yin Zhu is one, and there are still three left, which should be Qingling Qingyun Shirley of the temple. In 5000 years, for such a long time, the beast God is also afraid that the temple will fall into other people's hands. What's safer than holding it in one's own hands. " Bai Kun said lightly.

"You said Qingling, they are one of the nine spirits of the beast God. How could it be that the beast God accepted them as disciples again? It's just..." Yin Zhu really doesn't know what to say.

"It should be that after the beast God devoured QingHan, she was devoured by QingHan, and then she tried to separate her souls, just to deal with QingHan, even the catastrophe five thousand years ago. It is estimated that the beast God split QingHan by Qingling's hand. Only in this way can she slowly get rid of the hidden danger in her body, even I guess, Yin Zhu, your original soul is also one of the nine spirits of the beast God. " Bai Kun said lightly.

"How could this be possible? How could the beast God be so brainless and so like that?" Tengxiao can't believe it at this time. It's reasonable to say that the man who has made such a big conspiracy in all aspects, what's the matter? The original fool, this is the same person. Tengxiao can't believe it. That's to say, no one will believe it.

Bai Kun shook his head and said, "didn't I say that? If the nine souls are divided, there will be defects. I estimate that the master soul grasps wisdom, and the original body is probably greed and other bad aspects. I think this is reasonable. It's not so easy for a person's soul to swallow. When the beast God swallowed QingHan, there should be a big problem. But if the beast God swallowed Yinzhu again, would it be 100% successful? So he thought of a way, that is to make a separate body. At that time, whether Yin Zhu devours her original body, takes part of the characteristics of her soul, or the original body devours Yin Zhu, it will be good for her. "

"That is to say, Yin Zhu is wrong and shouldn't devour his soul?" Tengxiao asked anxiously at this time.

No, you still have to swallow it. If Yin Zhu doesn't swallow it, he will be swallowed up. Although it will affect him after being swallowed up, it is a fact that he will become stronger. Only in this way, Yin Zhu, you will be more involved with the beast God. Is that right? We will know when we go to chop down the little soul left by Morrison. Bai Kun's face is very heavy. According to his guess, Yin Zhu's next road is very difficult. It's much more difficult than they thought before. Even they don't know how to help.

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