Tengxiao and Leihe look a little bit bad after hearing Bai Kun's words. After Bai Kun's analysis, Yin Zhu is just waiting to die.

Yin Zhu is calmer than anyone else at this time. "Bai Kun, you have said it too seriously. What I want to say is that no matter how well arranged the animal God is, the outcome is not fixed. Now, according to Bai Kun's analysis, what the animal God wants most is to let the original body swallow me. That way, I will win. Now I can win the original body, and I will win the animal God in the future Don't let each of you be so disappointed. " "Not disappointed, just thinking, where can we help you?" Reich said in a calm voice.

"What's more, I even devoured the original body. What the beast God Wuji did contact with the original body is that the original body didn't know why the beast God cared for her. That is to say, the spirit split by the beast God didn't have the memory of the original beast God. When Morrison left, didn't he think he would die? That's why they split the soul again. That is to say, those split souls will not listen to the beast God. On the other hand, who is not willing to live well, who is willing to become the vassal of others, and even have no chance of independence, they will fight against each other. This is my chance, and I may not lose. " Yin Zhu said calmly.

"It's true that no matter Qingling or QingHan, they have always had a strange relationship with beast gods. Now they understand it. Besides, I think those souls want to be masters. Maybe we can make good use of it." Reich's on the other side at this time.

Bai Kun nods happily when he hears this. There is nothing wrong with Yin Zhu's words. This is indeed an opportunity for Yin Zhu. It has to be said that Yin Zhu has grown rapidly in this period of time, but it is normal for anyone to grow under such great pressure.

"Well, my Yin Zhu is the best. I shouldn't pour cold water on you." Bai Kun touched Yin Zhu's head with a smile.

Yin Zhu glanced at Bai Kun at this time, "Bai Kun, my head feels very comfortable. I don't think you like to touch my hair very much."

When Bai Kun heard this, he said with a smile, "whose name is Yin Zhu? He is very good." Well, although Yin Zhu sometimes has his own opinions, in Bai Kun's eyes, Yin Zhu is still a very clever baby, so good that he wants to follow Mao.

"Now that we have known the purpose of infinity, is the next thing we should do to find the parts of infinity and devour them? This can not only increase Yin Zhu's strength, but also weaken Wuji's strength. " Reich said in a calm voice.

"Well, it depends on whether my guess is correct. I'll go back and take out the ghost of Morrison. Yin Zhu, you can swallow it directly. If you think it's the same source as the original soul, you should be able to feel it." Bai Kun said.

"In that case, let's go to the swamp and jungle quickly." Yin Zhu also wants to know whether Bai Kun's guess is right.

Yin Zhu didn't have time to delay this meeting, so they directly rushed to the swamp jungle as soon as possible. When Yin Zhu arrived, the jade box of Morrison's soul had stopped shaking. At this time, Yin Zhu carefully arranged it. She was worried about what to do if the soul escaped as soon as she opened the box? Yin Zhu has met many times like that, Beina's and QingHan's, they all disappear like that.

After arranging everything, Yin Zhu opens the jade box. Yin Zhu will find that the silkworm, who was still energetic before, will be lying there on the verge of death, and can't move very much.

The first moment Yinzhu opened the jade box, the silkworm sent a message to Yinzhu, "Yinzhu, I was swallowed by the beast God, be careful."

Yin Zhu didn't expect Morrison to deliver a message to him, but now he wants to devour what he left behind. Yin Zhu is a little embarrassed.

Yin Zhu thinks for a while, and decides to swallow Morrison's soul carefully. If Bai Kun guesses wrong, she will help Morrison live. If Bai Kun guesses right, Yin Zhu will not be a woman. Anyway, Morrison can't escape. Why can't she help her.

Yin Zhu uses his mental power to go directly through the body of the silkworm, bites the mental power inside, and then devours it, making her a part of himself.

Bai Kun, Lei he and Tengxiao all looked at Yin Zhu. After a while, Yin Zhu slowly opened his eyes, "Bai Kun, what you said is right."

Yin Zhu said in a calm voice at this time: "the original body is really one of the nine spirits of the beast God. Who could have thought that the beast God would use his own soul to layout, and who could have thought that the beast God would be so unbearable."

"Yin Zhu, even if we are animal gods, we may not lose." Leihe holds Yinzhu's hand tightly.

"I know, but now I'm not worried about myself. I'm worried about tengxi Tengcheng and the two of them. You said that the caravan of daze tribe has been to almost all the places, but there's no news about tengxi Tengcheng. You said that the two children are my children or the children of beast God?" Yin Zhu suddenly spat out such a sentence at this time.

Tengxiao's face turned black when he heard this, "of course it's your child."

At this time, Yin Zhu shook his head and said, "I also admit that the two children, but I'm afraid, afraid that the two children will be used. After all, the two children left us when they were young. We didn't raise them, and we didn't know where they were. Where do you think we can't find any information? At the beginning, Teng Xi and Tengcheng left because of mo Leeson and QingHan, that is to say, they are all arranged by the beast God. I'm afraid the two children are already in Wuji's hands. ""You said that the blood left on the children should belong to the beast God. The orcs have blood sensing. If the two children were raised by her, what would the children do to us?" Yin Zhu said in a calm voice. At least as far as she knows, the birth of grace is not as good as the maintenance of grace. What's more, at that time, the beast God can bite back. For example, she killed tengxi Tengcheng's biological mother, but at that time, she can't even explain, because she really swallowed her soul.

"Yin Zhu." Tengxiao can't hold his ground when he thinks of what Yin Zhu said. Those two are his own children. If they really say that to Yin Zhu, what will he do?

"Yin Zhu, you don't have to worry about it. It's just two children. No matter how powerful they are, they can't be better than us. I'll stop them at that time. I'll be careful. You don't have to worry about that." Leihe took Yinzhu's hand and said.

"No, I'll go by myself. They may not be soft on you. I'll be different. I'm their father. No one can change that." Tengxiao said in a calm voice at this time. It's really the best for Tengxiao to face it by himself, although it's cruel to let father and son face each other.

"Since you said that yourself, Yin Zhu, you can't get close to the two children, no matter they appear on their own initiative or because of other reasons. Even if the two children don't have a bad heart, it's better not to even touch tengan. No one knows what Wuji will say to them. The best and safest way is not to take them In recent years, although these children are cruel to you, Yin Zhu, as long as we win, you will have enough time to get close to them. " Bai Kun looks at Yin Zhu very seriously at this time.

He didn't care about the children. He would care about them just because of Yin Zhu's face. If they would hurt Yin Zhu, Bai Kun would be rude to them.

Yin Zhu was silent when she heard Bai Kun's words. She wanted to bring the two children back and teach them in person. As a result, Bai Kun directly denied everything, even Teng an.

"Bai Kun, you will not be too careful, saying that everything is my guess." Yin Zhu said with a frown.

"No, it's not a guess. Yin Zhu, you can see that everything Wuji does has a purpose. If you think about it carefully, there is a trap behind everything. No matter whether we jump or not, in my eyes, your safety is the most important, so you can never take risks. As for the children, as long as there is no danger of life, we don't care for the time being." Bai Kun said simply, but he didn't give Yin Zhu an opportunity to explain. At this time, he directly pulled Leihe on the side and said, "Leihe, do you think I'm right?"

"Yes." Reich said with certainty at this time. Yin Zhu is the most important. As for tengxiteng City, it's better to stand aside.

"Yin Zhu, your safety is the most important thing. It doesn't matter to the children. We will have enough time to explain and understand them slowly in the future. If not, there will be nothing left. No matter how much you love them, they won't feel your maternal love." Bai Kun is afraid that Yin Zhu will be soft hearted to his children.

Yin Zhu is hard hearted to others, soft hearted to his own people, and less wary of children.

"I know that you have stressed it several times. Don't worry. I want to live well and live happily with you. No one wants to destroy it. If anyone wants to destroy my happiness, I will fight with her." Yin Zhu clenched her fist and swore that she was a mole ant in the eyes of the beast God, but the mole ant would work hard.

When Bai Kun heard Yin Zhu's promise, his originally tense heart was a little relaxed. That's what Yin Zhu said. She could basically do everything she promised, and she didn't have to be told all the time.

They almost know the truth of the matter, but they don't know where Jono has gone. They are afraid that they will face the beast God Wuji soon, but it's better if Jono doesn't appear, so Yin Zhu won't worry about it.

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