Where is Jono that they are worried about? Jono has already set foot on the road to the temple of the sun.

Although Jono chose to leave Yinzhu at the beginning, he was still very concerned about Yinzhu. At the beginning, he thought that he would leave Yinzhu far away, so that he would not be a drag on Yinzhu, and would not be a handle for others to drag on Yinzhu. But Jono found that he could not do it. He missed Yinzhu crazily not long after he left, although he would Miss relatives, but relatives only occasionally think of, and Yin Zhu is really thinking all the time.

Jono complained about himself and became Yin Zhu's partner. He didn't do anything for Yin Zhu. Even now, the unity of the two souls is caused by his desire to be strong. Even the reason why he can live rationally now is because of Xiaojin's concession, which is also because Xiaojin likes Yin Zhu.

But even so, he still becomes a burden to Yin Zhu. He has Qingling's hands and feet on him. Jono knows that this will definitely become one of Qingling's ways to deal with Yin Zhu in the end. As a husband, he occupies the most important position around Yin Zhu, but he doesn't take the responsibility. This is what Jono feels most guilty about and one of the reasons why he escapes from Yin Zhu.

There are four companions of Yin Zhu. Tengxiao can always guard Yin Zhu with his life. Bai Kun is resourceful and can give advice for Yin Zhu. Leihe is even more powerful. There are orcs behind him. He is probably the most useless. His strength is not as good as Tengxiao Leihe, and his wisdom is not as good as Bai Kun. He is the most useless.

But emotion is not something that anyone can control. Jono also wants to say that he is so useless. Don't harm Yin Zhu, but he can't help it. Especially what happened along the way to Yin Zhu, he is concerned about. Knowing what Yin Zhu is going to face, Jono thinks that he has nothing to help Yin Zhu, so let's explore the way for Yin Zhu and have a look In the end, what's waiting for Yin Zhu in the temple of the sun? That's all he has left.

Jono is energetic toward the East, as a partner, to protect his partner is his most glorious time.

The temple of the sun is said to be at the east end of the mainland. As for those who have been there, Jono doesn't know where it is, so he can only walk to the East with his own intuition.

But Jono has been walking for a long time, but he has not been able to find the legendary Temple of the sun. It seems that there is no end in the Far East.

Just when Jono was still having a headache about how to go to the Sun Temple, an old woman with white hair appeared in front of Jono. She laughed and said to Jono, "Jono, you can never go to the Sun Temple if you walk like this."

"Who are you?" Jono looked at the person in front of him in amazement. After all, he was not famous. He could not know himself when he met someone.

At this time, the old woman opened the hide covering her face. Although the face was much older, she could still see that it was cold.

"It's you? Would you be so kind to tell me? " Jono can't help but be vigilant. He won't believe any of them, no matter they are cold or pure.

"In fact, I'm not your enemy. Of course, you won't believe me. Well, I'll talk to you. You should have this time. Anyway, you should think about what's right and wrong at that time." QingHan sits down on the grass and looks at Jono.

Jono hesitated for a while and then sat down to listen. Of course, Jono knew that this man would tell himself that he absolutely wanted to use himself. But if you want to say that the person who knows the beast God best in the world is QingHan. He may not believe everything QingHan said, but he can use it to know something.

QingHan looked at Jono sitting next to him and said with a faint smile: "you are really smart. From the little speculation I gave you, you guessed so many things. Many of your guesses are right. But you're wrong. I'm not your enemy, and of course I won't help you. "

"Although you have guessed some things, they are not comprehensive. I'd better tell you the whole story from beginning to end." QingHan looked up at the sky and said.

"In the early days, there was more than one God in this world. At that time, the orc mainland could go to another world after practicing God. But I don't know when there were fewer and fewer gods in this world, and then there was no access to the outside world. When the orc God was limitless, there was no God in the whole continent. Wuji naturally wanted to become a God, but no matter how hard she tried, she couldn't do it. Later I became her disciple, and then I woke up to the beast God's destiny. At that time, Wuji was very happy. I thought she was happy for my disciple, but later I realized that she was not. She was just happy. She finally found a way to the beast God in ningwai. " QingHan pauses at this time.

"However, after swallowing me, the beast God devoured me, because she was worried that my fate would disappear, so she devoured me little by little, with soul and flesh, leaving only the bloody beast pill sealed. I thought that I would die, but I didn't think that because of the destiny, there is a trace of my soul hidden in it to survive. The beast God thought that she had got the destiny and became the beast God. She was desperately celebrating. But I hid in the destiny and kept accumulating strength. The beast God thought that she was strong enough to break the void, but she found that she could not fully use the power of the beast God. At that time, she also found that I existed. She wanted to kill me completely, but she could not. If I died completely, the destiny would come true Will disappear, because the destiny is mine, can't be deprived, can only be me, beast God want to be beast God, must let me exist QingHan said and laughed sarcastically."She devoured me. As a result, her strength was not complete, she could not break the void, and she could not go to the kingdom of God. She could only stay in the orc continent and become an immortal beast God." When it comes to the cold, I feel proud.

"After a long time, I grew up a little bit, and the beast God was afraid. She was careful that one day I would completely replace her. It can be said that our two souls were integrated with each other, but she was still in charge at that time. In order to get rid of my evil, she wanted to strip the part of reason and wisdom of my soul and leave the destiny behind. She was a genius, and she really succeeded, but While splitting me, she also split her own soul. Jiutou has nine souls with different personalities. "

"Later, it was the animal God who managed to get her nine spirits back to her side in various ways. However, she still didn't want to give up her dream in this way. So in 5000 years, she used the blood donation of most people in the orc continent to open the gap to the kingdom of God, and then she lost one of them."

"Before, I always thought that this idea of Wuji was the end of the world. I didn't expect that it really succeeded. Five thousand years later, Bena came back with a soul of the kingdom of God, that is, your partner Yin Zhu."

"Yes, the goal of the beast God is to devour your Yin Zhu, but my goal is not. My goal is to take back what belongs to me and let the beast God die. We have the same goal. We can work together." QingHan turns to look at Jono at this time.

When Jono heard this, he couldn't help sneering. If anything else, he could believe it, but he would never believe it. Bai Kun said that there is only one destiny, and Yin Zhu's is also incomplete. How can QingHan let Yin Zhu's destiny go if he wants to take back his own things? The most likely thing is that QingHan, like the beast God, is ready to devour Yin Zhu, It's just that QingHan is going to make a profit in the back.

"Just tell me this, and you want me to help you. At least tell me what the beast God has prepared in the Solar Temple. Cooperation also requires capital, right?" Jono turned his head and looked at QingHan with a smile.

When QingHan heard this, he turned cold and asked, "what do you want? Isn't it enough to tell you so much? "

"It's not enough. Basically, Bai Kun has guessed a lot about this. If you said it, you didn't say it." Qiao Nong sneers coldly. He wants to do things for her. If you want to say that Wuji is not a good thing, so is QingHan.

"Well, don't you want me to tell you? It doesn't matter to tell you that the Sun Temple is the place where the orc gods lived before. Although there is no God there, there are things left by God. Those things are greedy even for the beast gods. However, the former gods have left their dark hands, and not everyone can take them. Only the descendants who satisfy them can move their things. In addition, only those who want to go to the Sun Temple have divine power Only when people can communicate with each other can they go to that place. You can never go alone. " QingHan said triumphantly, then looked at Jono coldly.

It's obvious that Jono can't go to the temple of the sun all his life.

"Send me there. I think it's very simple for you who have the destiny of the beast God." Jono shrugged.

"But I don't really want to see you off now." Cold sneer, obviously before Jono's attitude to her, but she was a little upset.

"In this way, on the premise of not harming the people of Yinzhu and daze tribe, I will do one thing for you." Jono knows very well that there is no free lunch in the world.

QingHan nods when she hears this. Although she says that there is nothing she can do for Jono at present, it's not in vain to help Jono when she has this promise.

"All right, that's what you say."

Jono nodded and said, "don't worry, I'm more honest than you people, and I don't have so much money."

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