Jono quietly looked at the Sun Temple standing high in front of him. In fact, the Sun Temple is not a temple, but a small city. There are many mansions in it, one by one, each of which represents a God.

But these mansions are basically empty, no one, nothing, only the thick dust shows the ancient city.

The temple of the sun is the place where the legendary gods lived. There are too many miracles left in this place. Jono has to find the inheritance left by the legendary gods here, which is no worse than Yin Zhu's inheritance. Only in that way can he have enough strength to fight against Wuji.

It's just that the present world is too far away from the ancient times. Even Jono only knows the existence of the beast God Wuji. Jono doesn't have any information about how the other gods are, how their temperament is, and how to become their descendants.

Moreover, after so many years, why no one has become a descendant of these gods is also a doubtful point. Of course, it is also possible that no one can enter the temple of the sun.

Jono simply walked around the city, carefully studied some murals on the city wall, and tried to find some useful information for himself, but the information was too long, Jono could understand very little. What surprised Jono was that he tried to open the gates of those mansions, but found that there was a wall on the gate, no matter what he did I couldn't even push the door open.

Jono tried other doors at this time. As a result, no door was opened for Jono. There were only empty streets. Jono could only walk upstream in the empty streets.

However, there is nothing on the street, even the wind is still.

Jono is sitting on the ground a little lost at this time. Is it hard to realize that he really wants to accomplish nothing and nothing? If he drags on, he is afraid that Yin Zhu will find the temple of the sun.

No, no, there must be other ways. There can't be no way. If there is no way, why QingHan sent himself here must be something he didn't think of. Since QingHan asks for him, it means QingHan thinks that he will get something here, and then he can help her later, right? If their own strength is still like this, then such a place of their own is worth the cold.

No, there must be something I didn't think of.

Jono can't help but ponder at this time. If he can't figure it out by himself, he pulls on Xiaojin. But Xiaojin's strength is very weak now. He can't actively communicate with the outside world, and the outside world knows nothing. Only Jono takes the initiative to tell Xiaojin what's going on outside.

There is also where the beast God Wuji is. Since Wuji is going to deal with Yin Zhu, he will definitely leave a backhand here. Or he is hiding somewhere at this time. He will wait for Yin Zhu to appear and devour Yin Zhu. At this time, the beast God Wuji should have devoured almost everything that should be devoured.

Then he will find Wuji's backhand and destroy his plan before Yin Zhu arrives.

Just where? Where is the backhand left by Wuji, or the road left by the cold, but where are those things?

At this time, Jono walked around the city again, and then he was very careful. Over and over again, Jono slowly came up with a rule. For example, there seems to be a family in the north, the power of their protection and the architectural model of the house. The murals carved outside are very similar, not a group, but also a master.

However, the houses in the south are not as good as those in the north. The houses in the south look a little worse than those in the East and the West. It seems that they are in a series.

After knowing all this, Jono took a closer look and found that the murals of this generation in the south are closest to the beast God Wuji, and the things there are also the places he understands most. Thinking of this, Jono carefully studied the things in the south. As for other things, Jono didn't study them. Only by attacking his own strong points can he gain something, which Jono would never force himself.

According to his own conjecture, Jono ranked the palace in the south from high to low. Then Jono found that according to the same rule, he found a dilapidated pre site in the southernmost place, which should have a mansion, but he didn't know why it was abandoned.

It's strange that the house where God lives should be abandoned. Who dares to destroy the house here?

Jono finds that he can't get into those good mansions, but he can get into this dilapidated site. The room is so small that it can only be regarded as a small house. If he doesn't follow that rule, Jono can't find this place at all.

Jono slowly found it on the ruins, and then he saw a God's throne on the ruins. It is said that after the God ascended to the kingdom of God, there will be a ranking with divine power, called the God's throne. The people below can communicate with the God's throne, and the God will descend through the God's throne.Jono opened his eyes hard at this time, and then saw the two words "beast God" written on the God's throne. The second half of the God's throne was destroyed by people, and he couldn't see the words behind it. This should be the last God in the orc continent. He didn't know whether this God was QingHan or Wuji. Unfortunately, his name was not written here, so Jono couldn't know what they were Who became the last beast God.

Now Yin Zhu seems to face the biggest enemy is Wuji, but also, they are not credible.

Even Jono doesn't believe it. QingHan is constantly laying out here. Seeing him or something, QingHan can't be indifferent. As for what she said, she just wanted to take back her own things, Jono doesn't believe it.

Jono looked at the divinity in front of him, and then slowly extended his hand. Anything with divinity is good. Besides, he has been looking for it for so long, and this is the only thing he can find and get.

Fortunately, the divinity did not exclude Jono's hand. Jono took this thing steadily.

Jono looks at the divine power of the throne and gives out a golden light, then slowly covers his whole body along his hand. Jono feels as if he is soaking in a hot spring, very comfortable.

After a while, Jono found that he was full of energy and his fatigue had disappeared. At this time, he clenched the things in his hand. The magic power was really a good thing. Of course, it was just useless in his hand. If it was put in Yin Zhu's hand, it would be more useful.

Jono is ready to leave with the shrine. At this time, he finds that the originally closed gate on the street has opened automatically.

At this time, Jono looked at the divinity in his hand. Did he want to walk into those mansions with divine power?

Has the cold been counted for a long time? Jono thought for a moment, still clenched the divinity in his hand, and then walked into the nearest mansion. He didn't know what was in it.

This intact mansion is not like the dilapidated place Jono entered before. As soon as Jono entered, he found that his place had changed, as if it were a different world. He found that he would appear in a dilapidated world. The dark red land emitted a burst of black smoke that made people feel very uncomfortable. Jono was sure that if he had no divine power If you come across the black smoke, you will be poisoned by it.

Where is this place? At a glance, it's all so dilapidated, nothing can be seen, everything is like this.

Jono secretly settled down, maybe this is God to his postgraduate entrance examination, go down, see what things.

Jono firmly stepped out of his own pace, step by step, about a period of time, Jono found himself in front of a shadow, more important is that the man looks like himself.

It's just that he is bigger than himself and looks more fierce. What's the matter? Or is it a test?

At this time, the man opposite rushed to Jono, and Jono was ready to fight. At this time, his divine power rolled, and then the figure on the opposite disappeared, and turned into a red animal Dan. Yes, animal Dan. Jono was sure that this thing was animal Dan, just red and bright, just like bleeding animal Dan. I remember this in the legend The beast pill is, the beast pill that the ORC was dug out alive is like this, but he should have killed the orc, how can the beast pill be like this?

Jono remembers Yin Zhu and they made a sealed animal pill. That's it. It's said that the animal pill is cold? At this time, Jono shook his head fiercely, and then carefully put the beast Dan away.

This may not be a test. Even this animal Dan should be related to the animal Dan that Yin Zhu put away. At this time, Jono just wants to quit as soon as possible, and then find Yin Zhu to compare the two animal Dan to see if they are the same. However, at this time, Jono turns his head and finds that there is no road behind him, or even no road behind him It's just a black fog. All he can do is move forward.

Jono frowned, then slowly raised his foot and stepped out. Then he looked back. Sure enough, he raised his foot and the land under his feet disappeared. It seemed that someone forced him to move forward.

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