It's very wrong here. Jono frowned. Of course, as a descendant of the body, it's possible to be more strict. Of course, it's more likely that it's a trap. I don't know whether it's arranged by the cold or by the martial arts of the beast God.

Of course, it's a trap. If you encounter a trap, it's better than if Yin Zhu encounters a trap. Isn't it for Yin Zhu's purpose of removing obstacles? Now it's OK to be worth it.

Since he can't retreat, he should move forward. He wants to see what is waiting for him in front of him.

Jono walked forward again at this time. However, before long, the huge strange man like himself appeared again. Although that kind of thing can be defeated without his effort, Jono felt that it was very wrong and made him hate it.

Looking at the blood red beast Dan condensed again, Jono's eyebrows are about to knot. This thing is not beast Dan. Beast Dan is the crystallization of orcs after death. Only beasts can have it. Ordinary beasts don't have this kind of thing. Is the monster who is very similar to himself human?

Is it because I came to this place and what changes have taken place here that this strange person appears?

Jono looked at the blood red animal Dan and picked it up. But when he was ready to put it together with the animal Dan he had picked up before, Jono felt all his pockets and couldn't find the former animal Dan. The skin of the former animal Dan was good.

Where did that beast Dan go before? Jono this time quickly found up, the result is nothing, before that beast Dan disappeared, when disappeared? Is this in your hand going to disappear?

At this time, Jono can't help looking at the beast Dan in front of him with red eyes. He wants to see how the beast Dan is missing. Jono doesn't go on. He sits down cross legged and stares at the beast Dan.

After a cup of tea, the originally motionless animal Dan slowly emitted a dark red smoke. If you don't pay attention, you can't see it, because the color is very similar to the surrounding environment.

In less than a quarter of an hour, the animal Dan in Jono's hand has disappeared. Jono will have understood that the monster should be the energy of the animal Dan. As for why it grows very similar to him, it should be the animal Dan who imitates him.

It's just that what is this beast pill? What's more, it's the endless environment here. It doesn't change at all. Is it an array? That array is about to break. There is nothing special about Jono. The most special thing is the beast Dan.

Jono decided to wait for the next time when the monster appeared to take down Dan, and then see if there was any way to seal Dan. Otherwise, the monster would be in trouble if he could not fight and kill endlessly. Although he was very simple, it would be a headache if there was such a thing all the time, Maybe that's the key.

It's just that Qiao Nuo knows very little about the method of seal. He learned a little from Yin Zhucai, but he doesn't know if it's useful.

It wasn't long before the strange man appeared again, and Jono still cleaned up the other party quickly, but Jono didn't seal the strange beast Dan with all the seal methods he knew, and soon it dissipated in the air again.

Jono can't help thinking at this time. It's impossible that he can't clean it up. It must be his own way.

This thing will dissipate as soon as it meets the divine power. Although it has never dealt with this strange man directly, it can be seen from the momentum of this strange man that the strength of this thing should not be weak. It is only because of the existence of divine power that he can be so relaxed, otherwise he will be consumed by this thing.

It seems that the divine power should be the killer of this thing. As soon as the divine power touches this thing, it will directly become the beast pill. Is it that as long as he wraps up the beast pill with the divine power, the beast pill will not be able to become the air and slip away.

Thinking of this, Jono is very excited. It seems that what he thinks should be right.

After another attempt, Jono put the beast Dan directly on the God's throne, and wrapped the strange beast Dan tightly with divine power.

When the animal Dan is completely covered by the divine power, Jono finds that the dark fog around him is slowly dispersing. After a while, Jono finds that the place where he stands has changed. He can see that he is standing in front of a dark hole, and there is a dark man standing there.

This will Jono found the other side turned, staring at himself, he clearly saw the opposite person's eyes empty, but Jono was sure that the other side was looking at himself.

"Kill, kill, kill." The person in front of him didn't open his mouth, but Jono's mind was filled with blood red. Someone was yelling and killing.

At this time, Jono held the divinity in his arms. At this time, Jono couldn't help beating. Jono grasped the divinity in his hands, but the blood killing spirit didn't change at all. He enveloped his whole body completely.

Jono watched the black man come to his side and stretched out his hand, but he found that he couldn't move. At that moment, Jono was a little desperate, and he didn't even have the strength to resist. How powerful was the strength of the man in front of him, so how could Yin Zhu fight the beast God.The black hand was finally put on Yin Zhu's shoulder, and the divinity in Jono's hand was so dim that it lost its light. Then the black quickly spread to Jono's body. At this moment, Jono felt cold from beginning to end, which kind of cold entered into his soul. In his mind, there was only that merciless killing word.

"What's the matter with you, Jono?" With Jono soul link together, has been sleeping little gold, this will be forced to wake up.

"Kim, run away." Jono cried in a hurry. Of course, he didn't know if Xiaojin could escape. He hoped he could.

"Jono." Xiao Jin cried out, he also felt the cold from the soul.

but the cold as like as two peas of the cold, the seal left behind by the Qing Ling. Jono is hard to tell. Jono will be exactly the same as the black man. It looks like it is dyed.

"Jono, Jono, what's the matter with you?" Xiao Jin cried out anxiously.

"Jono, wake up to me. Think about Yin Zhu. If something happens to you, Yin Zhu will be sad. You useless thing, if you can't help Yin Zhu do something, you will only drag Yin Zhu back. Are you going to kill him like this?" Xiao Jin yelled angrily.

Probably the deepest obsession in his heart, Jono finally had a little consciousness, "Xiao, Xiao Jin, I, I'm so cold, so cold."

"You have to bear the cold. Don't you want to help Yin Zhu? You can help Yin Zhu with your promise. Bai Kun can live well when he looks like a ghost. How about you? Are you so bad that you can't compare with Bai Kun? " Xiao Jin knows that this will stimulate Jono. If Jono is finished, he will be finished. He wants to continue the front line with Yin Zhu, but he doesn't want to explain it here.

Jono was stimulated by Xiaojin's words, and immediately opened his eyes. Yes, he can't fall here. He doesn't want to eat beast Dan to make himself strong, and don't want to drag Yin Zhu's back? Although he is not strong enough now, his heart is strong. He can not be defeated, let alone become a burden to Yin Zhu.

Silent cry in Jono's heart again and again, he is not afraid of death, how can be defeated here, never, never.

At last, the murderous intention that filled my mind finally receded, but the change of Jono's body still existed. At this time, a voice sounded in Jono's mind, "since you have already rushed through my murderous intention, I'll spare your life, but it's hard to escape. You'll always be here to guard the entrance of this nightmare world."

Nightmare world? Where is that? Jono is confused. Which black hole does nightmare define?

"Master, master, what's the matter?" Jono asked aloud, but no one came back to Jono at all, and Jono's body automatically went to the man in black at the mouth of the cave and stood guard there like him.

The body is not controlled by itself at all. Jono finds that he can't get out of the hole, even if he walks around.

"Master, master, can you tell me what the nightmare world is?" Jono thought that if he understood what the nightmare world was, he should be able to know the big secret of the world.

It's a pity that there was no one to answer Jono after that. Jono asked many other questions, such as what is that strange animal Dan, and is it still the temple of the sun? However, no matter what kind of questions Jono asked, no one answered himself.

Jono nagged for a long time, but no one answered. In the end, Jono said that he was tired and no one took care of him. Jono would talk to Xiaojin about it. Fortunately, he could talk to Xiaojin about something, or he would drive himself crazy.

Yin Zhu has already seen Fuxiang, and he knows the changes in the temple. There is no temple, and the whole temple has been destroyed. Now that the place has become a place of divine punishment, Yin Zhu will die properly after staying in it for a long time.

Fuxiang said that all the people who should leave the temple had already left. As for Qingling, she was not very clear where they had gone. Fuxiang said something to Yin Zhu, and then she was ready to leave. She said that she planned to take these people under her command to establish a tribe, and then get rid of these right and wrong.

Yin Zhu nodded, but she didn't force Fu Xiang to stay. This is probably an accident, which makes Fu Xiang understand that the next struggle is just a little dangerous. Her subordinates are all people who have been with her for a long time, and she can't bear her own people to sacrifice for Yin Zhu, so she wants to leave. Yin Zhu also understands that Fu Xiang didn't treat herself badly when he took refuge in himself Yin Zhu is blessed with Xiang's departure.

She wanted to leave so clean and safe.

After Fuxiang's work, Yin Zhu and Tengxiao continue to walk toward the East, ready to find the last Sun Temple, ready to meet the beast God Wuji.

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