"Well, I don't know where Jono has gone?" Yin Zhu sighs, she is ready to go to the beast God Wuji showdown, this meeting Qiao Nuo unexpectedly does not appear, that in case he lost, that is not even Qiao Nuo last side did not see?

When Jono wanted to leave, she didn't stop her. It was because she was very confident that Jono would not really leave herself. She would always come back. But Yin Zhu felt that she was overconfident because Jono didn't show up all the time. She would really miss Jono.

"Does Yin Zhu Miss Qiao Nuo? Does Yin Zhu miss me? Is it hard not to miss seeing it every day? " Leihe quickly changed the topic and put his handsome face in front of Yinzhu.

Yes, Jono is Yin Zhu's husband. At this time, Yin Zhu is in need of Jono. Where has Jono gone? Leihe complains that Jono can't do anything. In order to know whether there is a crisis, he just leaves Yinzhu and doesn't care about anything. It's really irresponsible and unqualified.

But Leihe didn't say any of these words. Leihe knew very well that Yin Zhu had a special and different feeling for Jono. Yin Zhu didn't want to say Jono himself, so his criticism was not very good.

"Where I don't miss you, you are in my eyes every day, but Jono doesn't know where he is. Naturally, I'm worried, and I don't know if he is in danger. Can he have enough food and clothing?" Yin Zhu murmured, with the step by step toward the temple of the sun, Yin Zhu's heart will be more and more tense.

"Yin Zhu, you can rest assured that Jono is smart, he does things well, so he won't be so embarrassed. You have to believe that he will stand in front of you with the most perfect posture." Bai Kun squeezed Yin Zhu's hand at this time.

Bai Kun thinks that although Qiao Nuo hasn't appeared all the time, Qiao Nuo certainly knows what happened to Yin Zhu. Qiao Nuo won't leave Yin Zhu alone. He doesn't appear now. It's probably because he's caught by something.

Originally some irritable Yin Zhu heard Bai Kun's words and nodded for sure, "well, I believe it, too."

Yin Zhu's heart is not very quiet. In fact, she just needs someone to affirm her.

"The temple of the sun, the legendary place where gods live, I think that place must be super beautiful." Bai Kun said with emotion and changed the topic by the way.

"Well." What about the temple? Thinking of the fairyland in the TV that he watched in the 21st century, Yin Zhu also said with a smile, "it must be super beautiful, such as the clouds floating, the sun shining, the cranes flocking..." I'm very satisfied when I think about it. God, if anyone told her about immortals before, she would turn around and leave. Now Yin Zhu believes that, and she will go to the place where God once lived.

"Well, let's go back to the Sun Temple and have a good look at the scenery." Bai Kun's tone was very relaxed, as if they were traveling.

Yin Zhu's temperament was also adjusted by Bai Kun, and he was very happy to discuss those problems with Bai Kun.

"Yin Zhu, when I go to the temple of the sun, I'll take the lead. After Lei he is cut off, Bai Kun will stand beside Yin Zhu." Tengxiao began to nag, this is too thoughtful, personality partner, is this is not good, will not say 100% rely on them, this is very good, but in this kind of dangerous time is not very good.

Although he said that his partner could help him regardless of everything and make him very moved, Tengxiao would rather get hurt than lose a hair.

Bai Kun can't help but caress his head when he hears this. He finally makes Yin Zhu forget the troubles and feel happy. As a result, Tengxiao's words are all back to their original form. But Bai Kun won't blame Tengxiao, because Tengxiao's temperament is just like this. This guy can be described in two words.

Of course, this security issue is really important, and Yin Zhu is not the kind of person who will hide and wait for their rescue.

"Well, I've heard your words many times, from Mount jimie to Haishen island. Now, how many times have you said it? I won't make trouble. I cherish my life. Don't treat me as a child, will you?" Yin Zhu finds out how Tengxiao has become nagging recently. Do men also have menopause? In particular, she has repeatedly stressed that she should be safe and not take risks. She is not the kind of person who is willful and playful, and she is not ignorant. There is no need for people to constantly explain. She feels that Tengxiao is ready to brainwash her, and then she will be obedient.

Of course, Yin Zhu also knows that Tengxiao will be like this because he cares too much. He is worried that the next road will be dangerous, so he will be like this.

Yin Zhu said that she would depend on the situation. If Tengxiao didn't watch her risk, could she watch them risk for her?

"I didn't treat you as a child because I knew you had too many ideas and were afraid that you would not be afraid of danger. So I said it several times and you can keep it in mind." Tengxiao gently touched Yin Zhu's hair.

"I'm not very cooperative with you. You don't think it's OK to come all the way, do you?" Yin Zhu said he was very good.

"It should be repeated several times, so that Yin Zhu's memory will not be so good that he will forget it immediately." It's obvious that Yin Zhu didn't keep Tengxiao's words in mind. He was safe because nothing had happened before, but it's not necessarily the next thing. Next, especially when facing the boundless beast, Yin Zhu is the most dangerous.Reich nodded in praise. Seeing this, Yin Zhu couldn't help laughing bitterly, "when are you so good and so unified?"

"We've always had a good relationship." Leihe reached out and hugged Tengxiao.

"Well, we're like brothers." Tengxiao also hugs Leihe with his backhand. Although he says he hates the men who fight for Yinzhu with him, he will not show his care. They can fight each other in private, but there will be no big contradiction, because they are not willing to make Yinzhu difficult.

With Yin Zhu as a bond, they treat each other as their relatives. This will lead to their consensus on Yin Zhu's safety.

"Well, for the sake of the three of you begging me, I'll be in the middle later, and then you three will be shields." Yin Zhu said with a smile.

Let Tengxiao take care of the way. Otherwise, these three guys will be upset. Anyway, if they are in danger, she will never look on.

"Good boy." Bai Kun reaches out his finger and scrapes Yin Zhu's cheek. Looking at Yin Zhuhong's fluttering cheek, he puts his head close to it and kisses Yin Zhu's cheek.

Yin Zhu's face is even more red when she is given such a kiss. She gives Bai Kun a white look, and then looks at the other two carefully. She feels a little relieved when she sees that they don't seem to notice. "Don't make trouble." Yin Zhu stares at Bai Kun.

Although there are several partners, Yin Zhu can't make out with another person in front of his partner from the beginning to the end.

Bai Kun wants to say that his partner is really cute. In fact, the orcs are very relaxed about these things. But think about Yin Zhu's coming from another world. Her world is full of one-stop love. Now it's good for Yin Zhu to accept several of them at the same time.

Tengxiao and Leihe both see Bai Kun's action. They want to kiss Yin Zhu well, but they won't get close at this time. Yin Zhu will get angry when they get close at this time.

"I can't help it. My partner is so attractive." Bai Kun said with a smile.

He likes to see Yin Zhu shy, very charming, of course, now tease Yin Zhu, also want to let Yin Zhu relax.

"Glib." Yin Zhubai glances at Bai Kun, but her heart is very sweet. Being liked by her partner is her greatest achievement.

Bai Kun looked at Yin Zhu's duplicity and laughed, "well, you've tried to be clear."

Yin Zhu's face is so red that she will bleed when she is teased by Bai Kun. She will speed up her pace and walk to Tengxiao. Otherwise, if she is teased by Bai Kun again, she will have nosebleed.

When Bai Kun saw that Yin Zhu would run away, he felt his nose awkwardly. He knew that Yin Zhu was thin skinned. OK, now he scared people away.

Tengxiao looks at Yin Zhu who comes to him and looks at his shy appearance. He is itchy in his heart. However, he knows that if he teases Yin Zhu like Bai Kun, it is estimated that Yin Zhu will explode. He directly reaches out his hand and grabs Yin Zhu's hand. Then he doesn't speak, so he quietly leads Yin Zhu's hand forward.

Yin Zhu's heart was still beating wildly. When Tengxiao grabbed her, she immediately calmed down. Thinking that she and Tengxiao were walking hand in hand in front of each other, Bai Kun and Lei he didn't see each other. Yin Zhu immediately felt that her palms were full of sweat.

But Tengxiao is so close that Yin Zhu can't somehow shake off Tengxiao's hand, so Yin Zhu can only walk by Tengxiao, pretending that the two people behind can't see the two people holding hands tightly.

Where doesn't Yin Zhu know that her attitude of having no silver here can make the two people behind laugh. However, Yin Zhu's awkward appearance is really lovely.

At this time, Leihe put his hand around baikun's shoulder, and then whispered to baikun, "when we get to the Sun Temple, if Yinzhu is in danger, Tengxiao first, I second, you take Yinzhu."

Lei he said that after the break, Tengxiao is because Yin Zhu's guardian can replace Yin Zhu for the first time when Yin Zhu is injured, and he is the best person to stay behind to block the other party after the break. Although Bai Kun is not very powerful, he is the most resourceful. He should stay behind to give Yin Zhu advice. If Bai Kun has no way, he should change There will be no good way for him and Tengxiao.

"Well, I remember." Bai Kun nodded. These men said that such an important thing was like a very simple routine and settled it down.

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