The temple of the sun is said to be in the extreme East, but no one knows where the extreme East is. Like Jono, Yin Zhu has been walking for a long time, but he can't find the place in the legend. Even if he inquires, no one has ever been to the temple of the sun. Now there are few people in the world who have heard of the temple of the sun.

Yin Zhu began to ponder at this time. No one has ever been to this place. How can he find it? Run around like a headless fly? This can't be done. Even if you don't find the temple of the sun, you don't have to face the beast God Wuji. It's just that procrastination is not the way.

"Where do you think the temple of the sun will be? We don't have to go all the way, do we?" Yin Zhu, who has had modern knowledge, knows that this planet is archetypal. Even if she goes eastward forever, it will never end. She will only return to the origin one day.

"Let me see." Bai Kun thought, holding his chin.

"Yin Zhu, try to use the divine power. I think the Sun Temple is the place where the gods live. It should be related to the divine power. Those gods who want to go in and out of the great sun god will not go far away. I think there should be something to communicate with the sun temple." Bai Kun thought for a while and said.

When Yin Zhu heard this, he nodded, and there was only one magic power in her.

Soon, when Yin Zhu was communicating with each other, a gray space appeared in the sky. With Yin Zhu's persistence, the scene inside became more and more obvious, and then an ancient city appeared.

"This is the temple of the sun? It's so big. " Tengxiao said in surprise.

"It's normal. It's said that there were so many gods in ancient times that they couldn't live together, so it's normal for a city." Bai Kun said with a smile.

Yin Zhu nodded and said, "let's go."

When Tengxiao heard this, he immediately went in, followed by Yin Zhu.

Four people just walked into the temple of the sun, an old female voice sounded in several people's ears, "you shouldn't come, but what should come is coming. I've escaped for 5000 years, but you still come."

As soon as the words fell, Yin Zhu saw a huge Hydra appeared in front of him. The reason why he said it was a hydra was that the faces on the snake's head were very clear. What's more, the faces were still struggling with pain. With the sound of painful moans, it made people feel a little creepy.

And the faces above are familiar to Yin Zhu, Sophie Morrison Only the last snakehead is an ordinary snakehead. Yin Zhu knows that the position is for himself.

Tengxiao Leihe quickly blocks Yin Zhu behind him and looks at the Hydra in front of him with great vigilance.

Hydra see Tengxiao Leihe two people's action, can't help laughing.

"The beast is limitless?" Reich asked in a calm voice.

In response, the Hydra monster was headed by an old woman's face, which looked very kind and friendly. Yin Zhu could not help shaking his head at this time. What a fierce beast God, what a terrible means. He clearly knew that the other party was his own enemy, but Yin Zhu could not raise hostility to this person in his heart. The beast God deserved to be Called God, that face is too confusing.

"My name is Wuji, but I'm not a beast God." The Hydra spoke slowly.

When Yin Zhu heard this, he was stunned. If it's not the beast God, who is the beast God? Isn't the beast God Wuji?

"You are not the beast God, then who is the beast God?" Yin Zhu couldn't help asking at this time.

"Besides me, who else do you think might be the beast God?" Wujileng snorted, and then seriously said to Yin Zhu: "in fact, I really didn't want to devour you, because you have compassion and compassion for people in this world, you are also kind, and even constantly improve the material life of people in this world, I am also soft hearted, want to let you go, as a result, you just come to this place, you shouldn't come."

"No one can open the door of the nightmare world, no one can, so you should all die." Wuji's ferocious appearance twisted the whole face and made it look frightening.

"Nightmare world, what is that? I never said I wanted to open the nightmare world. " Yin Zhu said suspiciously, there must be a lot of things that he didn't know.

"No matter whether you think about it or not, as long as you can do it, I won't let you live in this world, so you must die. I clearly want to let you go. I said to myself, as long as you don't come to live in daze tribe, I will spare you. As a result, you come. It can be seen that God agrees that I will kill you." Wuji said and laughed. It sounds like goose bumps.

"You "You" Yin Zhu originally wanted to ask what's the matter, but he didn't expect that this is extremely strange, and said what the bullshit principle is, crazy.

Tengxiao and Leihe watch Wuji warily. Wuji is hostile to them, and Wuji wants Yin Zhu to die, which they can't tolerate.

"You want to kill me so soon, just you? You haven't fully recovered your soul now, have you? So you still want to devour me, do you really think I will obediently stand here to devour you? Wuji, even if I'm going to die, I'll try my best to tear off a piece of your flesh. " Yin Zhu doesn't think that she can be bypassed by others by soft words.After listening to Yin Zhu's words, Wuji just smiles lightly, and then says, "no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no

"QingHan, you damned villain, don't you come out yet? Yes? If you want to be a yellow Finch, it depends on whether I agree or not. " Wuji said coldly.

Bai Kun's brain has been turning wildly. It is obvious that his conjecture has a big deviation from the actual fact. What's more, he has no idea of the existence of the nightmare world, which should be the contradiction between QingHan and Wuji.

And a more important message is that the beast God is not Wuji, but QingHan, so the so-called beast God Wuji devoured QingHan's stem is false, but QingHan's face is still hanging on the second head of Wuji, so can a God be devoured by an ordinary person? The biggest possibility is that for some reasons, QingHan calculated his master Wuji, and made Wuji bear the charge of killing an apprentice.

Thinking of this, Bai Kun thinks that Wuji is not so terrible. The most terrible thing is QingHan. QingHan is very harmless from beginning to end. If Wuji didn't say that she is not a beast God, who would have thought that QingHan is known as Wuji in the whole Orc continent.

"QingHan, you've designed so much, can't you come out yet?" At this time, Yin Zhu shouts loudly. Anyway, Yin Zhu doesn't want to fight with Wuji foolishly, and then let QingHan pick up a bargain. Moreover, although Wuji has always said that he wants to kill himself, doesn't he? This cold has not shown anything, but Yin Zhu does not think this person will have good intentions for himself.

"Ha ha, master, since you miss me so much, I'll come out and meet you." At this time, the second head of Wuji nine, the cold face, began to giggle.

"Damn, shut up?" Wuji can't help but say angrily, and then Yin Zhu sees that she doesn't hesitate to put out a fierce technique to her second hair. However, the second cold face just looks at Wuji sarcastically, and then gently waves her hand, and the technique is so easily understood by her.

"Master, you are so cruel. You are not afraid. If I don't stop you, aren't you going to kill yourself? At that time, it is estimated that it will be the most likely suicide in the whole Orc continent. " It is obvious that QingHan is more comfortable in the face of Wuji because his own strength is higher than Wuji's, so it doesn't matter.

Wuji looks at QingHan with a very bad face at this time, "you, when did you leave behind? Why didn't I find anything?"

Seeing this, Yin Zhu shook his head. It was obvious that this cold war won.

"It's not so easy for you to swallow me, beast God." Yin Zhu smiles faintly at this time. It seems that Wuji and QingHan are not together. In this way, she has a lot of room to operate.

It's only six years from the beginning to the end in this world. Yin Zhu's strength is still very weak. At least in the face of infinity, Yin Zhu seems very weak.

"Yinzhu, do you want to know where your partner Jono has gone? Do you know where your two children tengxi and Tengcheng have gone? I can tell you the answer QingHan is very happy with his smile.

When Yin Zhu hears this, she subconsciously refuses. Yin Zhu doesn't think that QingHan will help herself so well. It's very likely that it's conspiracy. Yin Zhu says that she can't believe QingHan and Wuji.

QingHan didn't give Yin Zhu the chance to refuse. She waved her hand directly. At this time, a small picture suddenly appeared in the sky. Yin Zhu could see that jonobi himself first came to the temple of the sun, and then entered one of the temples relying on the divine power of the throne. Finally, she became the guardian of the channel, which could not be moved. Then, as soon as the picture turned, tengxi Tengcheng was the first The two clubs are in a strange world, where people are constantly bullying them, "Jono, tengxi, Tengcheng." Yin Zhu couldn't help shouting.

"Don't be impulsive, Yin Zhu. Think about us." Bai Kun is holding Yin Zhu's hand.

"What's the matter?" Yin Zhu gritted her teeth and tried to calm down. Before, she thought that Jono had no conscience and didn't show up when she was most dangerous, but she didn't expect that Jono had been in danger for a long time.

"Yin Zhu, I tell you that your partner and children are all in the nightmare world. Only when you rush into the nightmare world can you save your partner's children and the two partners around you. If they want to solve their problems, they have to go to the nightmare world." QingHan said with a smile, and then looked at Yin Zhu's choice.

"You are calculating me." Yin Zhu looks at QingHan and says word by word, Wuji is to prevent her from entering the nightmare world, but QingHan constantly encourages her to go, why?

"Don't say that. I didn't cause your partner to be like this. It's all caused by Wuji. Your two children are sent to the nightmare world by Wuji, so don't look for me." QingHan says with a smile, obviously knowing that Yinzhu has her relatives in mind, she doesn't have to worry about Yinzhu.

"Shut up, shut up." Wuji jumped in anger, but there was no way to take the second head.

Yin Zhu will see clearly. Now it is obvious that Wuji and QingHan are opposite. Yin Zhu doesn't want to help anyone, but he doesn't want to become someone's accomplice."What's the matter? Let's talk about it. I'll listen to the decision of whoever can convince me, whether to go to the nightmare world or not. " Yin Zhu said word by word.

After thinking for a long time, Wu Ji nodded and said, "you really have the right to know this."

QingHan didn't stop Wuji from talking at this time. She was always in the mood. Obviously, she had the chance to win. She didn't have to worry that Wuji would affect her plan later.

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