"At the beginning of creation, the world was divided into yin and Yang. Yang was the orc continent, while Yin was the nightmare kingdom. In the orc continent, male orcs were in the majority, while female orcs were few. Orcs had strong physique and strength, and their physique was large. In the nightmare Kingdom, there were more females and less males. Moreover, the orcs in the nightmare kingdom were basically weak, small and weak, but their mental strength was very strong, so they could be divided into two groups At the beginning of enslaving beasts, people on both sides did not invade each other, got along well with each other and exchanged what they needed. It can be said that the days were quite good. The kings on both sides were good friends for many years. It can be said that that time was the most prosperous time in the orc continent, when people lived happily and contentedly. " In fact, he has never seen the world, but this is the life she yearns for most.

After talking about the characteristics of the people in the nightmare world, Bai Kun can't help thinking about their Meizu. All the characteristics of the Meizu are similar to those of the people in the nightmare world. If it has nothing to do with the nightmare world, Bai Kun doesn't believe it.

Baikun's strange appearance was seen by Wuji. He said with a faint smile: "yes, baikun, you are right. The Meizu is the descendant of the people in the nightmare world. As for why only you will stay here all the time and not return to the nightmare world, because it's very simple. You are the abandoned people."

Abandoned, these three words are deeply imprinted in Bai Kun's heart. He has a lot of questions in his heart. Why was his family abandoned? Did their ancestors do too much?

Bai Kun wants to ask clearly, but he can't hold his tongue. Yin Zhu's question is more important. Besides, the beast God has a lot to say next, and he should be able to find the answer.

However, from the perspective of the beast God, Bai Kun knows that this matter is not something that can be done by a Wuji. Wuji does not say for no reason that it should be related to this at the beginning.

From the beginning of Wuji, several people present were very quiet, even in the cold. Obviously, there are many unknown secrets.

"Originally, orcs and people in the nightmare world have been living in peace all the time. One day, a genius named Mengji appeared in the nightmare world. She practiced her spiritual power to the extreme. Then she created a skill called reincarnation shenjue and became the first God in the world." Wuji can't help shivering when he talks about God.

When Yin Zhu saw the appearance of Wuji, it was obvious that there was something wrong with this God, otherwise Wuji would not be like this. Yin Zhu thought it ironic that ordinary people in the orc continent believed in God, while Wuji, who was believed in by others, was afraid of God.

"What is this so-called God?" Leihe asked curiously at this time.

Wuji laughed when he heard this, "God, I don't know whether they can be called God or not, because they are immortal. At that time, when this thing was pushed out, all people were crazy and practiced crazily. After all, everyone wanted to live forever, didn't they? Who doesn't want to be immortal and immortality? Not to mention the people in the nightmare world, there are many people in the orc continent who are crazy. "

Yin Zhu can only imagine what kind of scene it is, just as many people in ancient times were crazy about seeking elixir of immortality. No matter who is calm about death, everyone wants to live forever.

Obviously, there must be something wrong with this reincarnation formula, otherwise Wuji would not be the present expression, but QingHan wanted to open the door of the nightmare world.

"At the beginning, no one found that there was a problem with the reincarnation formula. Then one day, the problem suddenly erupted like a volcano. The speed was too fast, even too late to control and prevent. Those who practiced the reincarnation formula actually became very bloodthirsty, and then they would devour the people around them, and the people who practiced the reincarnation formula were very busy Good identification, that is her animal Dan is blood red No extremely light said.

When Yin Zhu heard this, she immediately thought of the animal pill she got in the solitude valley. She quickly took out the jade box where she put the animal pill. Fortunately, the seal on it was still there.

Wu Ji looked at Yin Zhu with a sigh of relief and shook his head directly, "open the box and have a look."

Yin Zhu saw Wuji's expression and knew that something in her hand had gone wrong. She carefully tore the seal and found that the animal pill was missing.

Yin Zhu took a cool breath when he saw this. He didn't expect that she took things with her and used so many means. As a result, the other party slipped away quietly. What if the other party's means were to deal with her?

"At that time, the nightmare world was in chaos because of this, and the orc world was a little better, because the cultivation of reincarnation formula requires a high spiritual power. Generally speaking, the spiritual power of the orcs is relatively low, so the impact is not big. At that time, because of her strong strength, Mengji didn't have an accident. On the contrary, she can stand up and preside over the overall situation."

"Because the people who have practiced the reincarnation formula are immortal, and their most important thing is spirit. At that time, even Mengji could not kill those people, so they could only confine those who were already crazy in a certain range, and then seal them. No one can enter that place, and no one inside can come out. Then, no one is allowed to practice the reincarnation formula, Mengji began to shut up and try to solve the problem of reincarnation"In this way, it seems that a crisis has been solved, but I don't know that this time it has brought a great crisis to the whole world."

"However, what nobody thought was that the people who were imprisoned together, for no reason, devoured each other until the most powerful and powerful Wang Yueji was formed inside, and she led her people to rush out of the seal."

"Yueji is very powerful. Mengji is defeated by Yueji after hearing the news, and then begins a feast for Yueji. Yueji is not satisfied with a nightmare world. She also wants to rule the whole world. In order to defeat Yueji, Mengji joins hands with the remaining eight or ten Orc masters to defeat Yueji. However, Yueji does not die out, but melts In the space of the whole nightmare world, and then the whole nightmare world becomes a place full of strange dark red forces, and those forces will affect people's mind. There is no certain spiritual force in it, so we can't resist, let alone stock. And Mengji says that she can feel that Yueji is not dead, but is accumulating strength. "

"The next time she shows up, it will be the end of the world. Mengji said that everything was done by her, and she wanted to go back to clean up the mess. At that time, the people of the nightmare clan were not willing to leave their hometown like this. They had to face with Mengji, and Mengji could not guarantee that she could solve it completely. For the sake of the peace of the mainland, she blocked the passage between the nightmare world and the orc continent, and the so-called beast God in this world is actually the guardian of the passage. "

"What's the matter with us when we say we are abandoned?" Bai Kun couldn't help asking questions.

"Because of Yueji, only those with strong strength can stay awake, while those with weak strength will be confused, so those with low strength will be left in the orc continent and renamed Meizu. Of course, the reason for this is to worry that if the nightmare clan is really in case, then the nightmare clan at least has blood, although they are some of the weakest chickens. "

"So the seal has never been opened again?" Yin Zhu asked.

"No, although the channel was sealed at that time, Mengji said that if it was solved, it would send us a message. However, it has not been solved until 10000 years ago, the guardian suddenly received a message from Mengji, saying that no one can ever open the channel, otherwise the whole world will be destroyed. At that time, the guardian wanted to ask what happened, but Yes, but there is no more news

"What's the cold like?" Yin Zhu is very curious.

"Do you know what that fatalistic label on your head stands for?" Wuji changed a topic at this time.

"What does it stand for?" Asked Yin Zhu.

"Destiny has never been before. It's the first time for QingHan to have it, and the legend about it was only then. Destiny, what bullshit destiny, is there any divine power in the cultivation of destiny? In fact, the so-called divine power is reincarnation divine formula. If you practice reincarnation divine formula, it will be like this. If you want to be strong, you will devour human evolution. Ordinary people are useless. Only those with strong spiritual power can be useful to her. You are just the ration chosen by QingHan. " Wuji finished and looked at Yinzhu coldly.

"Fart, what's my ration? It's as if you can't swallow Yin Zhu yourself. You can pretend to be a good man." QingHan, who had been listening to Wuji in silence, couldn't help cursing at this time.

"No, I'm different from you, QingHan. You are for your own desires, and I'm for all the people in this continent." Wuji means that he is different from QingHan.

"It's better than singing. The ending is not the same. It's just that you want to find a reason for your height. Master, you are so hypocritical. I'm much more real than you." QingHan looks at Wuji sarcastically at this time.

Yin Zhu looked at these two people unscrupulously in front of their own face said to devour themselves, it turned out that these two people are the same to themselves, these two are not funny.

What's more, the reason why they are so calm is that they think she is too weak to escape? That's why we have no fear.

"Can you two stop fighting? I have another doubt. It's said that one of you swallowed the other, but which of you swallowed the other? Or are you one? " Yin Zhu interrupted them directly.

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