Zhu's words made the two people who were still bickering stop.

Wuji took a serious look at Yin Zhu at this time and said, "don't worry. I always want to tell you everything from beginning to end. It's also an account for me."

When Yin Zhu heard this, she wanted to say that she didn't want to explain things like that, but she always wanted to know how things happened. Only in that way could she think about how to escape from the current crisis.

"For me, it's very simple, Yin Zhu. In fact, I'm very different from Wu. I didn't want your life, really." At this time, QingHan said with a smile.

"I became a disciple of Shifu when I was very young. Shifu was the guardian here at that time. As for the so-called gods and nightmares in this continent, they are just things submerged by history. No one remembers. I followed Shifu since I was a child, and I have been living in the Sun Temple all the time. When I was 15 years old, I accidentally entered the nightmares world, you know You know, the seal of the nightmare world is only for the people in the nightmare world, and it's very easy for the people in the orc continent to get in. " Cold light said.

"You know, the nightmare clan in the legend is a very terrible devil who will devour the people around him. Right, it's not. The nightmare clan's people are not so bad. On the contrary, they will restrain themselves very much. If they know that they will lose control and hurt others, they will seal themselves before they lose control." Said the memory of the past, cold face with a faint smile, looks very comfortable.

"When I first came to the nightmare world, I was scared to death. I thought I would definitely become those people. I would do something, but I didn't, you know? I met the most beloved person in my life. His name is Zichen. He is the royal family of the Yan Clan. The lives of the Yan Clan are named according to their strength. They are red, orange, yellow, green, blue and purple. As for those who are not in the class, they are all surnamed Bai. " When QingHan said this, he couldn't help glancing at baikun. Obviously, he didn't like baikun very much.

Bai Kun can't help but frown when he hears this. He is not in the class of Yan Clan. How powerful the Yan Clan is. His current strength is not comparable to Tengxiao and Leihe, but he is still ranked in the Daze tribe. As a result, there is no comparability between them at all?

"Zichen is very good. He treats me very well. During that time, he took me all over the nightmare world, and I watched with my own eyes how the people in nightmare world survive. Although there are evil nightmare people, most of them are kind. They are very good, never harm people, and live in that world peacefully. They never want to break the seal and come to the orc continent. It's you, it's you It's all your fault. " QingHan is a little sad when he talks about these voices.

"Fart, you are dazed by a male. You are fooled so much that you want to open the seal. You are killing the whole Orc continent." Wuji exclaimed angrily.

"Shifu, I'm much better than you. At least I dare. I didn't want to go back to the orc world. I wanted to accompany Zichen well in the nightmare world. But Zichen didn't want me to suffer. He took a lot of effort to send me back." Think of lovers, cold face can't help but full of tenderness.

"He sent you back to destroy the array. You really think he is sincere to you. What a fool, fool." Wuji sees this time, this cold still says Zichen's good words, angry to break out to scold.

"Use me?" When QingHan heard this, he could not help but shed tears, "do you know what price he paid to send me back? He gave up his noble position, gave up his eternal life, eternal death disappeared, he is gone, how can he use me? Master, do you know how destiny came into being? Destiny is Zichen's destiny. It's destiny to interfere and change destiny with the powerful power of Zichen's spiritual framework. " When QingHan talks about the dead lover, his face is very painful.

"At the beginning, I came back from the nightmare world alive. I thought that I would die in the past. Only when I died, I would not suffer. But I thought that my life was only for Zichen, and he had been with me all the time, so I wanted to live well. Then, because of the destiny, my strength improved greatly, very fast, and even surpassed you. That was the time, I didn't even think about opening the seal of the two realms, but master, after you know that I'm powerful, you want to seize my power, and you also secretly divine. Then you are influenced by the evil power in your own heart, and you want to deprive me of my power. So you don't know where to find the ancient Dharma and devour me. I never thought that my master, who raised me, would be right I have such evil ideas. " QingHan said it was very uncomfortable at this time.

Yin Zhu just listened quietly at this time. Of course, whether what he said is true or not depends on Yin Zhu's own judgment. It's hard to guarantee whether these two people will play a play together for her.

"But she didn't know that although I was not as strong as her at that time, my mental power was much stronger than Zichen's mental power. She finally found that she had no way to control me. On the contrary, the control of her body was slowly controlled by me. Because of the out of control of the entity, Wuji searched through the ancient books to find a way to drive me out of the body by splitting the soul, so she spent a long time to split her own soul, but she did not expect that she not only split me, but also split the other nine heads. " Said this thing, cold giggle with a smile, obviously see Wuji eat shriveled she is very proud."It's that simple. Is there any other problem?" Yin Zhu asked curiously.

"Of course, it can't be so simple, because the master has changed, and people can't swallow it casually. The master who has swallowed the same people has changed, and she has gradually been affected. She has the characteristics of the nightmare people, and she has the psychology of swallowing people again. This is also the reason why she really split her soul." QingHan said with a smile.

"She wanted to solve her own problems thoroughly. She thought of a lot of ways. She was really smart. Then she thought of a way to pass on all the bad forces in her body. She was worried that the ordinary orcs could not bear it. So she asked her subordinates to try it. She was worried that the orcs could not bear it. She passed on a little by herself, so she had a chance As for the existence of orcs, don't you find that if orcs fight with all animals, they will be a little out of control? " Cold slowly said.

"How do orcs come here?" Leihe was stunned. It turned out that they were not so-called cursed, but influenced by the dark power of the nightmare clan.

"The soul was split, and the strength of Wuji declined sharply, so she tried her best to find her own part, and wanted to find each other back by swallowing them. Unfortunately, the split souls all grew up into independent people one by one. How could they be so easy to swallow? Look, how miserable and painful each of them is, how hard they are to swallow themselves You are the only one who looks like that. " QingHan looked at several struggling faces beside him with a smile.

"And you? You should be able to escape completely. Why occupy one of the heads of infinity Yin Zhu is very strange. Why doesn't QingHan do it alone? He wants to share a body with Wuji.

"What about the great catastrophe five thousand years ago?" Since QingHan said that she didn't want to open the seal at the beginning, why did she change her mind and want to open the seal now? What happened is something that should have something to do with 5000 years ago.

"You said that originally a person was complete, then split into nine, what do you think that person would do?" QingHan looks at Yinzhu with a smile.

When Yin Zhu heard this, he subconsciously replied, "crazy." Yin Zhu couldn't think of anything but madness.

"Five thousand years ago, it was very simple. Wuji was crazy." QingHan said faintly, and did not say in detail, but the catastrophe five thousand years ago was related to her. Her affairs started from the catastrophe five thousand years ago, but QingHan didn't say in detail at this time. Obviously, there must be something about her. If QingHan didn't explain in detail, she just didn't want Yin Zhu to know.

A crazy person can arrange so many things behind. Yin Zhu doesn't treat her as a madman. Yin Zhu turns his head to look at Wuji at this time, but Wuji shakes his head at this time. Obviously, Wuji won't say anything next.

Seeing this, Yin Zhu knew that he would never want to know the next thing.

"Don't worry, Yin Zhu. As long as you become the ninth leader, you will know what you should know." QingHan said with a smile.

"Yin Zhu, I've been waiting for this day for a long time. It's almost time for you to come back." QingHan spoke very gently, as if inviting Yin Zhu.

"The last question, why do you want to send tengxi Tengcheng to the nightmare world?" Yin Zhu looks at QingHan and Wuji, who have the intention to attack themselves, and asks questions in a hurry.

When QingHan heard this question, he said with a smile, "there's nothing that can't be said, because tengxi Tengcheng has the boundless blood of the beast God. This thing even loves her child. She's worried that if she does it to you, it will embarrass the child. After all, no one knows whether the child will recognize you or her, and those two people have the power of the nightmare clan, so that she won't be hurt in the future Kill a son, simply throw those two into the nightmare world, whether they die or live depends on their own life. "

"Well, all that has to be said, should you come back?" Has been silent Wuji, this time can't help opening, a pair of cold eyes fixed on Yin Zhu.

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