Yin Zhu can't help feeling disgusted when he hears QingHan's saying that Wuji loves his children. If this person really loves his children, he won't count on them. If the so-called destiny of the three children doesn't have Wuji's hands and feet, Yin Zhu doesn't believe anything.

"Don't tell me that she loves her children. My children have nothing to do with him." Teng Xiao said angrily at this time. Now when he thought about what he had done, Teng Xiao felt disgusted. Even if he was limitless, he was also disgusted.

Wuji's face is very rare at this time. Looking at Tengxiao, the expression on Tengxiao's face is too obvious, "what qualifications do you have to dislike me?" Wuji doesn't like Tengxiao. As for what she did, it doesn't affect her. It's just that she was always present, and she was suddenly despised by a male who she didn't like. She was a little angry in her heart, even though the things she split up from the soul were very embarrassing.

"Yes, because I was stupid and calculated, it brought so much harm to Yin Zhu. I feel sick to see people like you." Tengxiao said angrily.

Wuji's face was very bad, but after a while she laughed again, "I tell you what to do, but it's just a dead man."

At this time, Bai Kun is already looking at the surrounding environment and preparing for the future. Now he knows that they are not limitless opponents. He can't watch Yin Zhu being swallowed up, and he always has to find a way to live for Yin Zhu.

The time of their rise is too short, although Yin Zhu has been practicing hard before.

What's more, Wuji and QingHan seem to have said a lot, but they haven't said a lot. At least they haven't said the purpose of their calculation in the past five thousand years. Even according to QingHan's theory, she didn't want to open the nightmare world. What happened to QingHan that made him change his mind? Unfortunately, no matter QingHan or Wuji, these two people have no idea about this If we don't mention anything, we can see what's important about it.

It's a pity that it's about this time. These two people haven't revealed anything. Their way back depends on Yin Zhu's magic power to open the gap. For now, Yin Zhu has to hold on for at least ten minutes. Bai Kun is very clear that Yin Zhu can't hold on for that long. What's more, what can he do when he returns to the orc mainland.

Since all things exist because of the nightmare world, they just go to the nightmare world to have a break. Moreover, no matter what problems he has and Leihe's Orc problem, they have to go to the nightmare world to understand. Now only by rushing into the nightmare world can Yin Zhu have a chance to live. Of course, Bai Kun is not sure whether these two people will follow him into the nightmare world.

However, at least Yin Zhu's life will be much better than that of returning to the orc mainland. In a short period of time, Bai Kun has analyzed the advantages and disadvantages and decided to sit down.

"Bai Kun." Leihe shouts out loud at this time. Baikun hears Leihe's cry and directly pulls Yinzhu to run to the street of the Sun Temple.

"Bai Kun." Yin Zhu wants to shake off Bai Kun's hand. She looks at Bai Kun with tears in her eyes. Tengxiao and Leihe in the distance rushed towards the Hydra regardless of the explanation.

"Yin Zhu, go, if you want to let their hard work be wasted, do you think they will do their best for you? Don't hesitate, don't waste your time." At this time, Bai Kun ran with Yin Zhu in his arms, and said as he ran.

After hearing Bai Kun's words, Yin Zhu's tears blurred her eyes. She didn't say that she wanted to go back again, because her strength could not win for them. Even if there was a two or three point chance, Yin Zhu would rush back to work hard without hesitation, but now there was no one percent chance.

"Tengxiao, Leihe, to live, to live." Yin Zhu echoed in the space of the Sun Temple with a crying voice.

QingHan is very appreciative at this time. Looking at Tengxiao and Leihe who are rushing towards him, "well, they are good friends, but they have nothing to do with you."

"Morrison Qingling Bena, if you want to live, help us. This is your only chance. If we die, you have no chance." Leihe yelled at this time. Of course, Leihe didn't know whether what he said was useful or not, but at least he had to shout. It would be better if those who were swallowed could wake up.

It's really said that Morrison's shout sobered them up a little. It would be clear and clear. Shirley Morrison started to resist. Wuji couldn't help it at this time. She thought of this situation when she came here. The resistance of these people would bring her some influence, but there was no big problem. The biggest problem was that she didn't think of it Yes.

And when Wuji didn't think of it, QingHan also made trouble with it.

Wuji looks at QingHan with a bad face at this time. "QingHan, what do you mean by dragging my legs at this time? If you don't solve these two guys as soon as possible, the little girl will run away, and then there will be nothing you want."

Cold heard this, but the enigmatic smile, "don't worry, I want things will come back to my hands one day, but you, Wuji, nine soul separation, if you don't take back all the sub soul, you don't want to go back to the past." Obviously, QingHan doesn't want Wuji to return to the peak of the city.Wuji heard this is really a little angry, "QingHan, don't forget that we are one."

When QingHan heard this, he laughed and said: "wrong, you are one with me, but I am not one with you. As long as I want to, I can break free at any time, so you beg me."

Wuji heard QingHan's words, his face turned black, "you help me this time, next time I do something for you."

Hearing this, QingHan laughs, "I want to promise, but Shifu, your reputation is not worth money. If you talk about reputation, I believe in Yin Zhu more."

"Do you cooperate with Yin Zhu? No, no, no, it's impossible. " Wuji shakes his head fiercely at this time. QingHan has no foundation to cooperate with Yin Zhu.

"QingHan, if Yin Zhu escapes to the nightmare world, it will be difficult for you to get people back. Moreover, you are not afraid that Yin Zhu will lose his life and be swallowed up by others after he goes to the nightmare world, and what you want will be gone." Wuji exclaimed angrily.

Wuji also saw Bai Kun's purpose and fled directly to the depths of the temple of the sun. Wuji could not think of any other place to go except to the nightmare world. The meeting was still hesitating, but Tengxiao and Leihe's attack had arrived.

Tengxiao and Leihe both know that they are not rivals of Wuji and QingHan, so their only thing is to attack. If they can't hurt Wuji at the beginning, let alone later, Leihe is directly and completely brutalized, and let himself enter the crazy mode.

They all heard Yin Zhu's crying voice clearly, and they knew what they would be waiting for. They would not shrink back just for the sake of their beloved. This road was planned for them when they stepped into the temple of the sun.

"Cold." Wuji screams angrily. If QingHan drags her back like this, she's afraid that she really can't help them. What's more important is that Tengxiao and Leihe are totally reckless. As long as they can hurt Wuji, they don't care about their own harm, but Wuji is different.

Originally all calculated well, but because of the cold, I turned around and let Wuji get angry.

"QingHan, you also see Yin Zhu. She is very strong and powerful. She has grown up to the present level in the short period of six or seven years. If you let her escape to grow up, we will not be able to deal with it." Wuji gnaws his teeth and says.

She knows that QingHan doesn't deal with herself, but she also knows what QingHan wants to do. She thought QingHan would not help and stop herself, but the result is like this.

At this time, the other nine have the help of QingHan. At this time, all of them wake up, and then desperately pull with Wuji. They want to escape, and in turn, they want to devour Wuji.

"Well, these two are sincere. I'm the one who can't see people who have feelings and righteousness die in front of me." QingHan looks at Leihe and Tengxiao, who are covered with injuries. Between them, the destiny on her forehead sends out a burst of golden light. Then the naked eye can see that there is a dark hole in the city of the Sun Temple. Then QingHan directly throws two people into the black hole, and the black hole disappears.

"You, you sent them to the nightmare world." Looking at QingHan in consternation, she can't understand what QingHan sent those two people to the nightmare world to do.

"So what's the surprise? Isn't it the nightmare world?" QingHan looks at Wuji with a sneer.

At this time, Yin Zhu has been taken far away by Bai Kun. Yin Zhu has opened one of the palaces with divine power. When entering the palace, Yin Zhu finds that he is no longer with Bai Kun. Yin Zhu looks at a monster like himself appearing in the thick fog. Fortunately, she has seen Jono face this man before, and she directly envelops Dan with divine power, Completely solve this problem, and then Yin Zhu also saw a black hole and a guardian.

Yin Zhu had some expectations. Maybe he could see Qiao Nuo or Bai Kun when he came out of the dreamland. As a result, there was no one. Standing at the portal, there was a guardian in black, but it was not any of them.

I don't know how good Bai Kun and Tengxiao Leihe are. Thinking that they are friends, they all leave themselves for various reasons. They may even die for their own reasons. Now they have to go to a strange place alone. Yin Zhu can't help squatting on the ground and crying at this time.

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