The man standing there didn't catch Yin Zhu as he did in the mirror. Instead, he stood there like a statue. Yin Zhu cried and wiped away his tears.

There's no way out behind her. She can only move forward because of the transmission hole in front of her. Moreover, Wuji will soon catch up with her. Yin Zhu doesn't know whether Tengxiao and Leihe have escaped. She can only hope Wuji's attention is on her and doesn't kill them.

Looking at the black hole in front of her, Yin Zhuxin was a little flustered. The nightmare world was a brand new world and a dangerous world. However, she had to face all this by herself, and no one was with her. However, she entered the door with Bai Kun. Although she did not enter the nightmare world with Bai Kun, Bai Kun must enter the nightmare world. She and Bai Kun will meet in the nightmare world.

Yin Zhu, you have to be strong. Maybe Tengxiao and Leihe have nothing to do. They are now in the hands of Wuji, waiting for their own rescue. Yin Zhu, you have to come on.

Yin Zhu cheers himself up and looks at the expressionless man in black. Her Jono is also guarding there. Guardian, this is a very special person. For the time being, Yin Zhu doesn't know how to become like that. It's estimated that this doubt can be found in the nightmare world.

Without hesitation, Yin Zhu stepped into the dark hole. Through the hole, Yin Zhu felt a little dizzy. When he opened his eyes, the surrounding environment had changed.

Yin Zhu found that he was in a dilapidated palace. The palace was very dilapidated, and there were some strange runes on it. Anyway, Yin Zhu could not understand what it was written. There was only a broken statue without a head. There was thick dust on the floor and spider silk on the wall. It was obvious that no one came to this place for a long time It's been a long time.

Yin Zhu first looked around the palace. It was a very small palace. The side hall had collapsed, leaving only the stone foundation. The main hall she had just appeared was well preserved, but there was nothing in it. Next to the palace was a dense forest, and the whole palace was covered under the trees. If you look from a distance, you can't find this place at all.

Yin Zhu also checked, this palace should be only one-way transmission, there is no way to go back, the way back should have asked her to find another, also don't know how QingHan went back, QingHan said she went back is Zichen paid a great price, and she didn't know where the way back is.

Thinking of this, Yin Zhu can't help shaking her head. She has no idea how to live now, and she wants to do something so far away.

Yin Zhu has a headache. He can't see the edge of the surrounding forest at a glance and doesn't know where there are people. Yin Zhu has no information about this place, and he doesn't know where he is or how to get to the southeast, northwest and North.

As for the food, Yin Zhu is OK. There is still a lot of food in her backpack, but Bai Kun has fallen into the nightmare world. He has to make his own food and drink.

Yin Zhu turns around outside and goes back to the palace. There is no information around. Yin Zhu thinks that the Palace should be safe for the time being, because Yin Zhu has seen it very carefully. There are no footprints of wild animals around. Even the only footprints on the main hall are from her. So she'd better clean the main hall first, have a rest at night, and play well Check out the information here and think about what to do next.

After thinking about it clearly, Yin Zhu cleaned it up quickly. The main hall was not very big, but it was quickly cleaned up. Yin Zhu went to the outside of the palace to find some hay, ready to go to bed at night.

Yin Zhu found that there is no difference between the nightmare world and the orc continent. At least some of the environment and vegetation seem to be the same. The only difference is people. However, Yin Zhu has not met the people in the nightmare world, and can't say anything for the time being.

After eating something, Yin Zhu lay down and had a rest. He was alone. Yin Zhu felt very uncomfortable. Yin Zhu also knew that he was spoiled by those men. In recent years, even though he was running outside, Yin Zhu never went out alone. Every time Tengxiao arranged everything well. Now it's a surprise Personally, Yin Zhu is not used to it.

Qiao Nuo Bai kuntengxiao Leihe thinks that she is a partner. Yin Zhu feels that her heart is beginning to ache. She can't imagine what she will do if some of them have an accident. Now she can only keep comforting herself. They are all OK and waiting for her to save them. She has to be strong and find the secret hidden by the endless cold, so that she can save them.

Night soon comes. At this time, Yin Zhu finds that there is a difference between the nightmare world and the orc continent. The moon in the night's nightmare world is bloody. Yin Zhu is shocked to see the bloody moon. According to Wuji, the nightmare world and the orc continent are still in the same world, but how can the moon in a world be different.

What's more, what surprised Yin Zhu was that there were many wild animals in the forest she thought was extremely safe. The roars of the wild animals sounded in Yin Zhu's ears. Besides, the wild animals here had a pair of blood red eyes. Yin Zhu was scared to hide in the palace, but fortunately, those wild animals didn't know why, and there was no one If you dare to step into the palace, Yin Zhu is safe.The wild animals looked at Yin Zhu with red eyes. Yin Zhu saw greed and desire in their eyes. Fortunately, no one dared to step into the palace.

Because there were all wild animals outside the palace, Yin Zhu did not dare to sleep, so she had eyes until dawn.

It was only at dawn that the beasts slowly receded.

The beast was so strange that it was pushed away during the day. Yin Zhu thought, what's the reason? Is there something that they were afraid of during the day? But the only thing in the hall is the broken statue, and nothing else.

Yin Zhu looks at the vast forest and thinks about how to go out. Naturally, she can't stay here all the time. First of all, no one knows whether those wild animals will rush into the palace. Yin Zhu can't rely on those things that don't know what to do to ensure her own safety. Besides, she didn't sleep all night yesterday, so she can't stay in the palace all the time Don't sleep at night.

Besides, if she wants to know the people in the nightmare world, she always has to contact and dig to get what she wants.

It's just that the forest is not small. With the wild animals surrounding the palace yesterday, Yin Zhu doesn't think she can fight so many wild animals. Her witchcraft is OK, but she can't stand such a large group of wild animals. After thinking about it, she still needs to find something that can restrain the wild animals, so that she can leave the palace.

The only thing that can be found in the main hall is the broken statue. Yin Zhu tried and found that the statue can be taken away. Yin Zhu took the statue away and put it at the entrance of the palace. In the evening, he would see if there was any change in the range of the wild animals. He would see if it was the statue or the palace itself that the wild animals were afraid of. Yin Zhu also went to the collapsed side hall to look for it, Maybe there's something hidden under the soil.

Fortunately, Yin Zhu has witchcraft. It's easy to get rid of the mud. If he wants to pick it off with his hands, Yin Zhu will cry.

In the two side halls, Yin Zhuzhi found a carved broken hand, but there was nothing else. Unfortunately, the broken hand was only a small part of the palm. I don't know if it was the one on the body of the statue in the main hall, but it was something. Yin Zhu put it away for the time being.

During the day, Yin Zhu also spent time sleeping for a while. After all, he didn't sleep all night. There are still many things to do at night, so he should keep his spirit.

Soon at night, Yin Zhu looked at the blood red moon in the sky and said that he was still not used to it. The blood red thing gave people the feeling that it was evil. Yin Zhu felt that the thing in his heart that sent out the bright white moonlight had disappeared.

Yin Zhu stood in front of the hall and watched the wild animals move closer to the hall. However, he almost reached the entrance of the hall yesterday. This time, he stopped about ten meters away. Seeing Yin Zhu, he was almost sure that it was this statue that prevented the wild animals from entering the hall.

In order to make sure again, Yin Zhu moved the statue again and pushed it forward. At this time, he saw that the beasts were retreating slowly.

Seeing this, Yin Zhu couldn't help laughing and patting the statue beside him. Yes, it's very good. These wild animals are afraid of the statue. Can she walk out of the forest with this thing? Yin Zhu firmly believes that as long as she keeps walking in one direction, she can walk out of the forest.

What Yin Zhu didn't find is that the statue she pushed out shrank slowly in the moonlight, because it didn't shrink at one time, but slowly, little by little. With Yin Zhu's attention, it was all on those beasts. Yin Zhu didn't find that the statue had changed.

When the beasts saw the change of the statue, they could not help but quickly retreat. At this time, Yin Zhu turned around and found that the statue, which was one meter and five high, had shrunk to about one meter, and it was still shrinking at this time.

Yin Zhu's eyes shrank when he saw this, and then he quickly chased the beast's back like those wild animals.

Those wild animals obviously felt the danger before they left. So many wild animals were afraid of such a thing, and she was no match for it. Thinking that she was sleeping in the same hall with the statue yesterday, Yin Zhu could not help saying that she was really brave, but what the hell was that thing? This change was a bit frightening.

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