Yin Zhu thinks that this nightmare world is very strange and abnormal. She thought that even if there are so-called gods in her world, it's just common intrigues. Then Yin Zhu now thinks that his brain is not enough, and this turns into a mysterious wind. Yin Zhu says that she can't resist some moves.

Yin Zhu also knew that it would be very dangerous to enter the forest, but the danger of wild animals could be seen. The strange statue in the main hall seemed more frightening. After all, the unknown things were terrible.

Fortunately, those wild animals seemed to be scared. They didn't pay any attention to Yin Zhu, but ran like crazy, so Yin Zhu was safe.

Yin Zhu ran for more than half an hour, then turned her head to look behind her. She patted her chest carefully. Fortunately, she finally escaped. She just stood in the forest of Maosen. Yin Zhu couldn't help crying. At this moment, she really didn't know the southeast and northwest.

Yin Zhu decided to find a place to have a rest first. Now at night, when the wild animals in the forest really come out for activities, she is still lucky today. She didn't meet the wild animals. It seems that she is lucky.

Yin Zhu plans to go around to see if there is a cave or a big tree cave. After walking around, Yin Zhu always feels strange, as if someone is following her. However, she turns her head and looks behind her. There is nothing empty behind her.

But the same feeling of being followed and monitored by others followed Yin Zhu all the time. Yin Zhu believed in his intuition. Thinking of this, Yin Zhu could not help but feel cold in his heart, and then began to run faster.

However, Yin Zhu ran a whole circle, and the feeling always followed her, but she didn't see anyone. The unknown panic would drive Yin Zhu crazy. Yin Zhu was panting for breath at this time. At this time, she stood still and cried out, "who, come out, Wuji, come out." Yin Zhu thinks that it's very likely that he is tracking his own Wuji.

It's a pity that it's quiet all around. No one answers or shows up at all. It's a bit strange around. Yin Zhu realized later that he had been running for such a long time, but he didn't encounter any wild animals. This is not normal at all.

What's the problem here? Yin Zhu's heart was a little flustered, but she didn't even have a consultant around her.

Yin Zhu sits on the ground feebly and sighs. In this damned nightmare world, Yin Zhu smashes his fist on the ground beside him. Then Yin Zhu feels as if his hand has touched something. Yin Zhu turns his head, and her pupils can't help shrinking. She sees a little doll like thing. The reason why this thing scares Yin Zhu is that it's completely the same thing A miniature of the statue.

Obviously, she always felt that someone was following her. It was the statue that was following her. At this time, Yin Zhu quickly drew back his hand, and then got a twig from the side, ready to insert the statue away. The statue was so weird that Yin Zhu did not dare to touch it directly.

However, Yin Zhu found that the statue was so heavy that there was no way for the twigs to open it.

At this time, Yin Zhu can't help but raise her feet to go. Yin Zhu finds that when she goes, the statue will follow her. When she stops, the statue will also stop. After a little test, Yin Zhu finally comes to a conclusion that the statue will only follow her and will not hurt her.

Although there is no problem with safety for the time being, Yin Zhu is still not happy to be followed by such a strange thing. She has to find a way to dump it.

I really don't know who made the statue. It's so weird. What's more, the statue has no head, which makes people more uneasy.

However, it's not a bad thing to have this statue with you. At least with this statue, Yin Zhu's safety in this forest can be guaranteed and he can walk horizontally. Yin Zhu finds that as long as there is a statue, the surrounding wild animals will consciously avoid it.

It's been a long night. Yin Zhu is tired. She's going to sleep for a while. Of course, Yin Zhu's heart is not so big. She dares to sleep directly. She wants to pretend to sleep and see if the statue will do anything to herself when she's asleep.

But Yin Zhu was doomed to be disappointed, because nothing happened until dawn, and nothing happened to the statue.

However, when the sun came out at dawn, Yin Zhu found that when the sun was shining on the statue, the statue trembled, and then the thing jumped into Yin Zhu's arms and hid under the animal skin.

When this accident happened, Yin Zhu was all stupid and stiff. Yin Zhu felt that the bulge on his chest was the statue. This, this thing actually ran to her, ran to her.

This result has been wandering in Yin Zhu's mind. After a long time, Yin Zhu thought that he was stimulated and jumped up in a scream. Then he reached for the statue like crazy. Then he found that he could not understand the thing. It seemed that he was growing up with Yin Zhu.

"You, what are you, why are you following me?" Yin Zhu said that she was really fed up with this kind of inexplicable following her own things. Yin Zhu felt that it was absolutely not a good thing to paste them on her own initiative.It's a pity that no one answered Yin Zhu at all. This loneliness almost didn't make Yin Zhu crazy. Yin Zhu looked at the statue hidden under his clothes with disgust. What's the matter? The statue didn't move all night. How could it stick to himself after daybreak.

Why? What's the difference between dawn and darkness? Yin Zhu thought for a moment, then looked up at the sun in the sky. It turned out that this thing was afraid of the sun in the sky.

"Don't follow me, you son of a bitch. If you don't follow me, I'll find a piece of hide to wrap it up for you. If you have to follow me like this, I'll take off my clothes. Anyway, it's nothing for orcs to have bare arms." At this time, Yin Zhu directly threatened to see if the statue was afraid of the sun.

Then Yin Zhu obviously felt that the statue in his arms had moved. His eyes darkened and he could really understand people's words. At this time, Yin Zhu said, "since you can understand people's words, it's easy. I'll take it back and wrap you in animal skin. Don't fight back."

Yin Zhu took out a piece of skin for washing his face from his backpack, and then put his hand through the skin into his stomach. Sure enough, the statue didn't move. Yin Zhu wrapped it up and took the statue out of his body.

Yin Zhu's first thought was to throw the thing out. Yin Zhu did the same. However, Yin Zhu found that he could not throw the thing out. It was obvious that the thing was ready to stick to Yin Zhu. At this time, Yin Zhu subconsciously prepared to take away the animal skin on the thing. Then Yin Zhu found that the animal skin seemed to stick to it. How could he do it No.

This thing can't be lost. Yin Zhu frowned and looked at the things in his hand. Even though it was separated by a layer of animal skin, Yin Zhu still felt that it was infiltrating. After thinking about it, Yin Zhu put this thing in his backpack, but it didn't resist. He obediently entered the backpack.

After entering the back of the statue, Yin Zhu found that not long after the silence of the forest, there was sound and anger. Yin Zhu knew that without the statue, she would be careful of wild animals.

Yin Zhu identified the direction according to the appearance of the trees, and then began to walk towards the East. Yin Zhu believed that if he had been walking in a certain direction, he would definitely meet human beings.

Probably because he had been in the absolutely quiet environment before, Yin Zhu preferred the liveliness in the forest. There were small animals and insects around, which at least let Yin Zhu know that he was not the only one here.

Yin Zhu takes care of the surrounding environment as he walks. Naturally, he encounters wild animals on the way. If he is a little wild animal, he will kill it by himself. If he is a big wild animal, he will avoid it. If he has no way to avoid it, he will take out the statue, and then the animals will take the initiative to avoid her. Therefore, there is no danger for him.

Yin Zhu has been walking for several days without meeting anyone. He keeps cheering himself up. If he goes out and persists for a while, he may be able to meet someone. The damned forest is too big. Of course, it's his friends who support him more.

Until noon on the fifth day, Yin Zhu was very tired. She sat on the ground and was ready to rest. Then she found that there was the roar of wild animals and the cry of human beings in the distance. It was obvious that someone was hunting.

There are people. Thinking of this, Yin Zhu's eyes lit up and ran in that direction. It's great that she finally saw people.

After climbing a mountain, Yin Zhu saw that there were five people on the other side of the mountain who were directing his battle pet to hunt. Among them, four females and one male were hunting.

Although I have known for a long time that the nightmare world is dominated by females, they have high mental strength and basically have war favourites. It's a different thing to see with one's own eyes.

At this time, Yin Zhu hurried down the mountain with joy. After running almost the distance, Yin Zhu stopped. He was fighting there. It was very dangerous. It would be bad if he was injured by mistake.

There was a lot of movement about Yin Zhu. Naturally, those people saw him, but they didn't pay attention to him because he was fighting.

About a cup of tea time, the battle ended, Yin Zhu this time a gentle smile, said to the head of a young woman: "Hello, my name is Yin Zhu, I went out hunting, accidentally lost with the people of the tribe." Yin Zhu doesn't know whether his clumsy lie can deceive these people in front of him.

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