Leihe looks at Xiaojin and Tengxiao who have gone out to fight. He grabs Yinzhu's hand and holds Yinzhu in his arms. Yinzhu is about to leave the world soon. As for Baiji, they say that Yinzhu will take the blood from there, but this is not so easy in Leihe's opinion, so it's better to take this opportunity to get along with Yinzhu.

Although Yin Zhu is sure to come back, how can he come back? Moreover, there are relatives in Yinzhu's side. Since Yinzhu has gone back, he has to arrange all the relatives there, otherwise he won't come back.

If Tengxiao and Xiaojin want to fight, fight. He and Yinzhu are more suitable.

"Yin Zhu, I love you very much." Leihe holds Yinzhu in his arms. He thought he would never find a partner in his life. However, he just fell down and couldn't get up any more. He can only say that the fate between people is really predestined.

"Well, I love you, too." Yin Zhu says gently in Leihe's arms. Among the partners, Yin Zhu thinks that Leihe is the one who owes the most. She refuses Leihe, but Leihe keeps helping her. Besides Jono, Leihe is the one who has the purest feelings for her. Bai Kun and Tengxiao can't say they don't love each other, but there are other things in between.

"RACH, does your wound hurt? Or I'll go to Baiji and ask for something good. Anyway, that old thing owes me. " Yin Zhu said very impolitely.

When Leihe heard this, he touched Yinzhu's head. It's true that baiji is willing to respond to Yinzhu's request, but he wants more and returns more. So Leihe shook his head and said, "no, Yinzhu, you don't have to worry. At most, I just spend more time. I don't want you to be unhappy because of my grievance."

"Lenny, you've all been so nice to me, you know? Fortunately, I have a good temper, otherwise I will be spoiled by you. " Yin Zhu said with a smile.

"Well, Yin Zhu is the best." Leihe said with a smile.

"You're putting gold on my face. My Rehe is the best. He's not only handsome but also powerful. I tell you, if you come to our time, you will definitely be fascinated by thousands of girls. Many of our girls like you." Yin Zhu then reached out and pinched Leihe's cheek.

"What do they like to do? I only like Yin Zhu." Leihe said rudely.

"That's not necessarily. When I compare with those people, they will be nothing. They will be more beautiful and capable than me, and they will love you more than I do. They won't be half hearted." When it comes to the last one, Yin Zhu's voice is consciously low, and he is not strong enough to say it.

Leihe fell in love with herself because of her temperament. She didn't discriminate against Leihe as a Orc and give him respect. Many such girls can be found on the earth.

Leihe sees Yinzhu like this and rubs his head with a smile. His Yinzhu is kind-hearted. There are many partners in the mainland. Who will feel guilty for this, that's what Yinzhu will do. As for what Yinzhu says in her world, so what, in his world, there is only one Yinzhu like this, and only Yinzhu is His only one.

"You're too soft tempered. You don't know. It's good to meet me. If you meet this black hearted male, you don't know when he will be eaten." Lei he nodded Yin Zhu '.

"Mm-hmm, I'm not soft hearted. You're so good that I never want to let go, and I'm reluctant to let go." Yin Zhu holds Leihe's hand tightly.

Leihe knows that Yinzhu has promised him that Yinzhu will not let them go. It's good.

"I believe you." Leihe hugs Yinzhu tightly.

"Leihe, when baikun arrives, my family will go around the nightmare world. How about coming to the nightmare world after all? How about taking a trip to the mountains and waters of the nightmare world Yin Zhu suggests that when they are all together, they can't really meet each other. It's just that Bai Kun is coming, but Teng an is missing.

But now teng'an is in the orc continent, there is no way. By the way, teng'an also has that bullshit contract. I don't know if the white sacrifice will bring teng'an here.

"Well, do you have any idea where you're going now?" Leihe thought that this should be the last carnival. What Yin Zhu thought, he naturally wanted to help Yin Zhu achieve it.

"I don't know yet. When I got to the nightmare world, I was busy all the time. I finally got to rest." Yin Zhu said that he had been nervous before, and it would be very comfortable to have a rest.

"Well, let's think about where to play in the future. By the way, let's find out where to play." Said Reich.

"By the way, Yin Zhu, are you going back with that white swallow? Yin Zhu, if you like, you can accept people. I don't care. " Leihe rubbed Yinzhu's head with a smile. In fact, what he cared about was that he thought that Yinzhu might never come back when he went back, so he didn't want Yinzhu to have regrets. If Yinzhu really liked it, let Yinzhu take it away.Before that, they had been guarding against Bai Yangui and isolated people. Yin Zhu's eyes were still in their hearts. Lei he was very satisfied with them, but he didn't dare to ask about the relationship between Yin Zhu and Bai Yangui, just in case Yin Zhu said he liked him?

"To test me, or to be true?" Yin Zhu stares at Lei he.

Leihe reached out and rubbed Yinzhu's long hair. "Yinzhu, I never test you, and I don't need to test you."

Yin Zhu's heart is sweet when he hears this. Leihe just didn't peel his heart to her.

"Bai Yangui and I are just friends. He did take care of me a lot before. I'm very grateful for that, but we'll go on the road together. He will also have a purpose. He's not in good health and can't live to be 18 years old, so he wants to find a way to change his body, so he comes with me." Yin Zhu explained.

Yin Zhu really has no other idea about Bai Yangui, and she is also very indifferent to Bai Yangui. Except for today's special talk, he didn't say anything more or disturb Yin Zhu.

Yin Zhu thinks that Bai Yangui won't find herself in the future, unless she can come back from the earth and find a way to cure him, otherwise Bai Yangui won't disturb her.

"That's good." Reich was very happy to hear that.

"He also said that those who supported me were very concerned. I could smell the sour smell in the air." Yin Zhu can't help making fun of Lei he.

"I care, of course I care, but being jealous doesn't mean I won't support you. As long as Yin Zhu wants, I will try my best to satisfy you." Reich said with great certainty.

When Yin Zhu heard this, he hugged Leihe with his backhand, "big fool, Leihe is a big fool."

Seeing Yin Zhu's excited appearance, Leihe reaches out his hand to Yin Zhushun and says, "I think it's not just my idea, little Jinqiao Nuo Tengxiao and Bai Kun. They are all the same as me." Those people's feelings for Yin Zhu are no less than their own.

"You are all idiots." Yin Zhu angrily scolds, but tears can't help falling down. How can she get the love of these men.

"Well, well, you look like this. When Xiao Jin and Tengxiao come back, they think I've bullied you." Leihe patted Yinzhu on the back and coaxed him.

"You bully me, huh." This is clearly a curse, but it has become a soft coquetry.

On the other hand, after three hundred rounds of battle between Xiaojin and Tengxiao, Tengxiao was crushed on the ground and rubbed because of his serious injury. The beating was real. However, Xiaojin's beating was very proper. It was all skin injuries. It would be good to keep it for a day or two, but it was probably because Tengxiao's face was very unpleasant. Xiaojin couldn't see Tengxiao's face. Xiaojin can remember that, Jono said Yes, Yin Zhu used to like Tengxiao's face. What's the most beautiful woman in the tribe? Hum, now he's the most ugly person in the tribe. Xiaojin will never admit that he's jealous.

Xiao Jin beat Tengxiao to lie on the ground and gasped. Then he took the man back on his shoulder. As soon as he entered the room, he saw that Leihe, a treacherous man, had gone out by the two of them. He would be sweet with Yin Zhu.

Seeing this, Xiao Jin threw Tengxiao to the ground directly, and then went to complain in front of Yin Zhu, "Yin Zhu, you see Tengxiao's hands are so black, you see he has beaten my arms black."

Tengxiao lying on the ground means he looks worse, OK? It's shameless that Xiao Jin has the face to complain.

"You're not afraid of Yin Zhu's disgust for being dirty. You'd better wash up and I'll see Tengxiao." Leihe said Tengxiao was badly repaired. Xiaojin was very good at this time. He still didn't send it to someone to repair it.

As soon as Xiaojin hears Yinzhu's dislike, he runs away to take a bath. He knows that Yinzhu loves to be clean more than anyone else.

Yin Zhu turns his head and looks at Tengxiao, who has been beaten so hard that he can't see his face. He thinks that Xiaojin's hand is really heavy and his resentment is very heavy. He thought that just two people were playing, so he won't really have any problems. Come on.

"Tengxiao, are you ok?" Yin Zhu said with some worry.

Tengxiao sees Yin Zhu's concern and wants to pretend to be poor. However, Leihe doesn't give him a chance at all. He checks it and says to Yin Zhu calmly: "Tengxiao is OK. It's just a little skin injury. For the orcs, it's just a day or two. Yin Zhu doesn't have to worry about it."

Tengxiao looks at Leihe's two or three words and takes Yinzhu away. He can't help but vomit blood in his heart. He fights with Xiaojin to death, but it's cheaper than Leihe. Leihe is no brother.

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