Tengxiao puts up with the pain and cleans himself up. When Xiaojin comes out from the bath, he finds that Yinzhu is getting along with Leihe.

Tengxiao can't help but glare at Xiaojin, "idiot, do you think you can make Yin Zhu like you if you win me? It turned out to be a bargain for Reich. "

Xiaojin was a little unhappy, but he was even more unhappy when he heard Tengxiao say that, "I was too kind before. It seems that you still have energy. Let's go out and practice again. Let's loosen our muscles and bones, so as not to be useless when something happens."

Teng Xiao shakes his head when he hears this. He has to rest for at least one day now. If the repair goes on, he is really useless.

When Xiao Jin saw Tengxiao shrink back, he gave a cold hum, "I tell you, I don't like you. Leihe doesn't want to take advantage of you, hum."

When Tengxiao heard this, he couldn't help vomiting blood, "Xiao Jin, are you going to die? Where did I offend you? "

"You've offended me a lot. Before, I didn't stop Yin Zhu and me. Now I'm just paying you back." Xiao Jin said that he was very vindictive.

Tengxiao couldn't help touching his forehead when he heard this, "Xiao Jin, would you please be reasonable? At that time, you were still from the temple. Can I help you? Who knows if you will hurt Yin Zhu. "

"If you think I'm you, I'll hurt Yin Zhu all the time. I've never hurt Yin Zhu. You're the worst of Yin Zhu's friends. You've hurt Yin Zhu." Xiao Jin and Qiao Nuo are of one mind. Many of Qiao Nuo's memories can be shared with Xiao Jin as long as he is willing to. Therefore, Tengxiao dislikes Yin Zhu at first, and Xiao Jin knows it.

Tengxiao heard this very helpless said, "I was not young and ignorant at that time? It's not regret. I'm not very kind to Yin Zhu now. "

"Are you sure you are good to Yin Zhu, not because of the children?" Xiao Jin, hum.

Tengxiao heard this and said: "Xiao Jin, you say this again. I'm angry. No one can doubt my heart to Yin Zhu."

Xiao Jin hummed when he heard this. He wanted to say that he was very suspicious, but he just stabbed Tengxiao before, and then stabbed Tengxiao again. Of course, Xiao Jin would not consider Tengxiao, but Yin Zhu.

Looking at Xiaojin's angry face, Tengxiao grabs his hair. He can't really ask Xiaojin to take aim at it, or he won't have any meat to eat in the future. What's more, he's afraid that Yinzhu will worry about it. Xiaojin doesn't know how to deal with it. These elder brothers will teach him.

"Kim, do you know why you can't match Jono? Maybe you two share the same weight in Yin Zhu's heart, but they are different in our eyes. Of course, you can say that you never need the approval of me and Lei hebaikun. But you feel your conscience and ask, "if we don't agree with you, are you a family with us?" Tengxiao looks at Xiaojin with his head tilted at this time.

"What do you mean?" Xiao Jin hesitated for a moment and said.

Tengxiao knows what Xiaojin cares about when he hears this. As long as he cares about Yinzhu, he won't say that he doesn't care about their identification. After all, they will live together for a long time. Even if it's useless for Jono to identify with Xiaojin, Jono and Xiaojin can't appear at the same time. If other people don't agree with Xiaojin, Xiaojin will be sent out.

Of course, this kind of thing is impossible, even for Yin Zhu's sake. Xiaojin is quite aggressive, but at the same time, he is very straightforward. No one can be cheated by such words, but Tengxiao cheated Xiaojin.

"Xiao Jin, you feel your conscience and say, how does Jono compare with you?" Tengxiao asked with a smile.

Looking at the silent Xiao Jin, Tengxiao said with a smile, "you can tell from your conscience that jonobi is much better than you."

"Xiaojin, don't you want to be a husband? You have to take out the bearing of a husband, and you don't mean to be a cheap outsider when you target me like this, but have you ever thought about whether Yin Zhu will be sad because of this matter, and you are willing to make Yin Zhu sad just to take a breath at me? " Tengxiao asked again.

"Yin Zhu is not angry." Xiaojin is very sure to say, his heart is also a few, did not see he just beat Tengxiao, and did not kill, right?

"Yin Zhu is not angry this time, but what about next time? Once or twice, Yin Zhu adjusted the relationship between us at the beginning. If you deliberately targeted me like that every day, are you sure Yin Zhu won't be angry? " Tengxiao asked.

Xia Jing hears this words silence, then fiercely stare Tengxiao, "anyway I don't like you." Then he turned and left.

Tengxiao touched his head when he heard this. He knew that little gold needle had done something to him. Little gold was quite awkward. He said with a smile and followed up.

Although Yinzhu said that she was chatting with Leihe, her mind was still on Xiaojin and Tengxiao. She would watch Xiaojin and Tengxiao come in laughing. Leihe would reach out and pat Yinzhu on the back. "I just said that the two would be OK. Would they be the same as good brothers?"

Leihe doesn't know Xiaojin very well, but Leihe knows very well that as long as he really likes Yinzhu, he won't want Yinzhu to be embarrassed. They don't have any grudges. What can't be resolved."Well, I'm just worried about Xiaojin. After all, Xiaojin has a straight temper. Besides, isn't he absorbing Yuehua now?" Although Xiaojin now says that it's OK for him to absorb those Yuehua, Yin Zhu is still worried, because that Yuehua doesn't seem to be a good thing. Those Yuehua are all the violent soul breath extracted by those crazy orcs, which is not a good thing.

"I know. I'll look at him." Leihe gently stroked Yinzhu's head.

"Yinzhu, what are you whispering with Leihe here? After talking for so long, you have ignored me." Xiaojin will look at Yinzhu wrongly.

"Who said I ignored you? I can ignore other people, how can I ignore Xiaojin? We Xiaojin are so good. I don't know how I like it. How can I ignore you? " Yin Zhu looks at Xiaojin and Tengxiao coming, but he has no good intention. He is sitting in Leihe's arms, and Leihe is also doing a good job.

"Well, I like Yin Zhu best, too." Xiao Jin said with a smile.

"Yin Zhu, what would you like to eat later? I'll get it for you. " Kim, this will be very happy to show.

"Yes, barbecue and bring some fruit." Yin Zhu also impolitely ordered, this will be Xiaojin's highest strength, let Xiaojin do these most appropriate.

"Well, I'm going." Xiaojin happily went to work, and when he left, he did not forget to take a look at Tengxiao.

Leihe will look at Tengxiao, and touch Tengxiao's arm with his hand, "I'm not at a loss."

Tengxiao shook his head, "no, I can have anything, he is a child." Tengxiao said that he was ok, he could not be compared by a child.

"By the way, tengxi and Tengcheng don't know where they have gone." Yin Zhu said with a frown.

"I think I went out to play." Teng Xiao said that the strength of the two children is pretty good. This dark abyss is a completely strange place, and they are wandering around. Fortunately, there are people who have lost their mind. They are all chained up, so there is no danger. So Yin Zhu will not hold the two children. If he wants to go out, he will go out for a walk.

Where will tengxi and Tengcheng be? The two children were at home to see that a mother and a few a fathers had nothing to do with each other, so they were in love there. They were embarrassed to see them. Moreover, a mother and a few a fathers rarely get along with each other and cherish their time together. They were embarrassed to plug in, so they didn't like to go out for a walk.

Tengxi and Tengcheng respect and love Baiji. To put it bluntly, tengxi and Tengcheng have no less or more feelings for Baiji than Yin Zhu and Tengxiao.

But their brother finally had a mother and a father, and they didn't want their father and mother to have an accident.

Bai Ji looked at the boy standing in front of his room, but there was no movement. He waited in the room for a long time, but the two children still didn't enter the door. He couldn't help coming out directly, "why don't you come in? Afraid of me? "

Teng Xi and Teng Cheng shook his head when he heard this, and then followed Bai Ji into his room.

"Master..." Tengxi hesitated for a while, but he didn't know what to ask.

"Ask whatever you want. It's not like you, tanche." Bai Ji said sternly.

"Master, my mother will be fine when she comes back to the world she is sitting in, right? Then she will come back, right?" Teng Xi was silent for a long time.

Bai Ji looked at the child and looked at himself expectantly. Bai Ji slowly stood up and touched tengxi's hair. "To be honest, I don't know. The way of heaven over there repels us very much. Anyway, the whole people on our side can't be successful in the past. Even the powerful soul can't be confused. But your mother is different. She has different soul before It's safe to go back. I don't know what it will be like to go all over. After all, she's a beast. I don't know if she will repel her. But I think it's very likely not. After all, she's a child of that world. "

Bai Ji's words are very clear. Even he can't guarantee Yin Zhu's 100% safety. The so-called safety possibility is only a theoretical thing.

"Master, can't we experiment first? Will the world exclude our body, if it is a living body without soul? " Tengxi asked, this is similar to the living dead. They can't cry or laugh, but they are still alive. This kind of person can still be found in the world.

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