Baiji heard tengxi's words and sighed, "experiment, tengxi, you know what we have to pay to open the door, you know? Wuji in the orc continent wants to send his injured and sleeping soul to your mother's world. He sacrificed tens of thousands of blood to succeed. This time, although your mother's soul leads the way, I guess it will take a lot of people, you know. "

Teng Xi was silent when he heard this. It was obvious that it was impossible to experiment. The people of Xi nationality could not support such an experiment.

"Teng Xi Teng Cheng, if there is a way, I will not be like this." Bai Ji gave a sad smile.

"I know." In fact, when they follow Baiji, Baiji tells them about the situation of the nightmare world and the world. Baiji takes them through many places of the nightmare world to show them the broken world. Even they have been to the dark abyss before, including Mengji. So they know very well that what their master said is true, and what he wants to say But I don't know how to say it.

"In fact, I'm mean. I'll take you to the nightmare world and let you stand on my side. Even if you don't stand in line, your mother will consider your feelings for me. I'm sorry for that, you two." Bai Ji rubbed the heads of the two children.

"Don't blame your master." Tengxi was silent for a while, and then said, "master, if it's OK, we'll go back."

Bai Ji saw the two silent children, waved his hand and said, "let's go, let's go."

Tengxi and Tengcheng walked out slowly. Tengxi frowned and said, "second, do you think mother can go back well?"

Teng Cheng nodded his head and said: "it's certainly OK. You should know that a-mu is the hope of the world. If you don't have a 100% success rate, the master won't send her back."

Tengxi sighed and nodded: "you are more mature than me. Yes, my mother is the hope of all of us. Shifu will not let the hope die, even if he pays his own life."

"So you can rest assured." Teng Cheng's mouth comforts tengxi, but he has no bottom in his heart. Apart from God, ordinary people can't cross the world, but his mother is not ordinary people.

"Come on, let's go back." Tengxi took his brother's hand, and Cheng still has time to get along with his mother and father.

When the two brothers went back, they saw his mother and several father sitting there chatting. The atmosphere was pretty good.

"Out to play? Is it fun? " Tengxiao asked with a smile.

"It's very good. I went to the master's side for a walk." Tengxi was silent for a while, but he still spoke obediently.

"Well, he is your master. If you want to go, go. No one will stop you." Yin Zhu looks at tengxi as if he is in a dilemma, so he smiles and comforts the two children.

For the two children, Yin Zhu doesn't force them to control or order them to do anything. Instead, he talks with them and tells them the truth. Yin Zhu doesn't know much about how to educate the children. In addition, she doesn't teach the two children, and then she grows up. So when facing the two children, Yin Zhu stands by them as much as possible Talk to them on an equal footing instead of treating them as children.

"I know. Thank you, mother." As for his master, his mother is still cautious. In fact, that's right. Even tengxi won't let his mother go back, because he doesn't know whether these are right or wrong, so it's better to let his mother choose.

"Mother, I just talked with the master. The master said that he can't guarantee that he will send you 100% to that world. That world won't repel mother's soul, but I don't know if the body will repel her." Tengxi said that he had asked a question before. Although he felt sorry for his master, the man in front of him was his mother, who gave birth to him.

Yin Zhu was stunned when he heard this. Then he went to the two children's side very gently, reached out his hand and gently touched the two children's heads. "Thank you two. My mother will think about it carefully. You don't have to worry about it. You can play if you want and eat if you want. The children are happy every day. My mother likes to see you happy."

These two children are worrying about her. Thinking of this, Yin Zhu feels warm in his heart.

However, this child has suffered enough since he was a child. He is not loved by his parents. Now he is worried about his parents' affairs, and it is hard to be caught between his master and his parents. It's really hard work.

"Yes." Teng Xi and Teng Cheng answered softly.

"You are good children." Yin Zhu sat down with his children and looked at them tenderly. Teng Xi and Teng Cheng were embarrassed by Yin Zhu and bowed their heads.

Tengxiao will also be very pleased to look at the two children. Xiaojin can't help but curl his lips when he sees it. What's so proud? If you want to say good, it's also Yin Zhu's good.

Tengxiao saw the grimace made by Xiaojin and couldn't help leaning up, "are you jealous? It seems that you can't do it. Come on. "

When Xiao Jin heard this, he stepped on Tengxiao's feet and grinded, "you're just lucky. What's so proud of you?"Tengxiao is not angry, but laughs. Look, what happened when Xiaojin won. As long as he has these two children, he will always stand on the balance of victory.

Xiao Jin thinks it's necessary for him to hurry up and get a few cubs out, otherwise he will be angry to death.

Leihe looks at the two people fighting each other funny. To tell the truth, Yin Zhu's partners can fight with Xiaojin and Tengxiao, but the others can't. Bai Kun and Qiao Nuo are very rational people, and they are not childish at all. As for him, Yin Zhu is the first in everything, and he won't fight with them at all, but it's interesting to see them both .

Maybe it's better than Tengxiao. Xiaojin flows directly to Leihe and pokes Leihe with his finger. "On weekdays, work harder and let Yinzhu have more cubs, so that the Tengxiao family won't be the only one."

Reich laughed at this, and then said, "how hard do you have to work, I already have children." Leihe didn't want to have children. The orc's children carry too much. He doesn't want his children to be the same as himself. Besides, he has tengan's, and tengan is his child.

When Xiao Jin hears this, he looks at Leihe. He thinks he can find an alliance, but he finds that the other party doesn't accept the move at all.

Xiaojin also knows that Leihe doesn't want children because of his Orc relationship, but he has no way to understand. Doesn't he say that if he likes someone, he will let her have a baby for him? Anyway, he is very looking forward to his son with Yin Zhu. It's better for Leihe not to have a son, but to compete with him alone.

"Ah, I don't know if Bai Kun has come to the dark abyss now." Leihe can't help sighing. They are waiting for Bai Kun to come here to be a military commander.

Without baikun and Jono, Leihe is not used to it. Although Leihe also has experience as a manager, the management of the orcs is basically military repression. Going out to work is also military repression. There is no need for any intrigue. Therefore, Leihe has the ability to manage, but he is not very good at some crooked things.

Xiaojin is not good at it now. Tengxiao is not good at it. You'd better hurry up, baikun. We've been waiting for you to give us some advice.

Bai Kun followed Ziji to the dark abyss. Looking at the huge sea, Bai Kun showed that there was a huge vortex and kept spinning.

"Is this the dark abyss?" Bai Kun said in shock.

"Let's go." Ziji glances at baikun, then waves to baikun, and the two step into the vortex.

With a dizziness, Bai Kun felt as if someone was pulling him. Then when he opened his eyes, he found that he was pulling him desperately.

"Where are we going?" Bai Kun asked anxiously.

"Follow me. Be careful. Many guardians here can't die if they are found, but you'll find that it's better to die directly." Purple sacrifice light said.

"Your position in this world should be very different, can't you still enter the dark abyss with you?" Bai Kun asked curiously, knowing that Qingrong had great respect for Ziji at the beginning. When they passed by, in other tribes, those people also had great respect for Ziji.

Ziji glanced at baikun faintly, and then said: "there are guardians here. Only the Xi people who are going to be crazy can go in. Normal people can't go out when they come in. I used to be able to come. After Baiji's strength has fallen, I can't come here."

Bai Kun was stunned when he heard this. It was still related to the sudden disappearance of Bai Ji's strength. But for so many years, did Ziji not make a clear investigation?

Ziji had already taken baikun for several turns, and there were many stone houses in the middle. The cry of ghosts and wolves came from every room. Anyway, it was very miserable.

"The people in these rooms?" Bai Kun asked hesitantly.

"Those are the Xi people after the mad devil. They lock themselves up with iron chains, then roast themselves on the fire, and constantly punish themselves. That's about it. Let's go. Hurry up. These people don't look good. They are all in a series." Ziji explained impatiently.

Bai Kun nodded and hurriedly followed. There were many such stone houses in the distance. Thinking of this, Bai Kun could not help shivering, that is to say, all the people who could not die were locked in.

Ziji took baikun around for a long time. Then baikun felt that he was getting colder and colder. "Where are we going? Why do I think it's wrong?"

"It's cold, isn't it? There's nothing wrong. After meeting Mengji, you will feel even colder. Hurry up. " Purple sacrifice urged.

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