Ziji and baikun run quickly and avoid some guardians. Baikun doesn't know how far he has run. It seems that he has been making a detour all the time. Then he goes to a huge palace. It's only at this meeting that he stands at the gate of the palace and shivers all over with cold.

"It's cold." Normally, orcs are very cold resistant. This temperature should be almost the same as that in winter when it's freezing and snowing.

"Why is it so cold?" Bai Kun asked.

Ziji takes a look at baikun, and then slowly pushes open the gate of the palace. As the gate of the palace opens, baikun feels a cold wind blowing, and baikun feels that he is going to turn into an ice sculpture.

Ziji could see that baikun could not bear it, so he said, "keep your zhenhun stone in front of you."

Bai Kun quickly takes out the soul stone. At this meeting, Bai Kun can't feel the cold immediately. He takes a deep breath and finally comes to life.

"Why can zhenhun stone resist the cold?" This totem stone has such a function, which has not been found before, Bai Kun thought curiously.

"Zhenhun stone can't resist the cold. Zhenhun stone can only suppress the soul. What you will feel is not the cold, but the cold brought by Mengji's soul. So zhenhun stone can resist. Let's go." Ziji takes the lead to enter the main hall, and baikun quickly follows.

After entering the main hall, Bai Kun was shocked by the scene in front of him, because there was nothing in the main hall except a frozen double faced man.

The man frozen over there is very tall. He should be several meters tall sometimes. Of course, what surprised Bai Kun most was that he had two faces. Yes, he was a two-sided man. One face was normal, driving out the holy light, while the other side was black, and his whole body was wrapped with an unknown black air. The smell alone made people feel terrible.

"This, this is Mengji?" Bai Kun asked in shock. Ziji said that he would take him to see Mengji. Now there is only this double faced man in the hall. Although he already knows about it, Bai Kun can't help asking again.

"Yes, this is Mengji, the first goddess in the world." Ziji looks at Mengji sleeping in front of her.

"What do you want to do when you bring me here?" At this time, Bai Kun looked up at Ziji. Ziji first accepted his disciples, and now he brought himself here again. It's impossible for no reason.

"Bring you to kill her." Ziji said word by word.

When Bai Kun heard this, he felt a little suspicious of his ears. Did he hear it right? Although Mengji seems to be sitting here unconscious now, Bai Kun doesn't think that such experts will be unconscious, but now they are still standing here because they didn't have any hostility to Mengji before. Once they have the intention to kill, they are afraid that they don't know how to die.

"Are you sure you're still normal?" Bai Kun didn't ask.

"I'm sure you can take the zhenhun stone to rush in. Zhenhun stone can suppress Mengji's soul, and then I can take the opportunity to kill her." Ziji said definitely.

"You're kidding." Rush to Mengji's soul, can he still live? This purple sacrifice is for him to die.

"Bai Kun, you can not do it, but I tell you, this is your only chance. If you miss it, you will regret it too late. Bai Kun, do you know that your partner will be here in the dark abyss? Baiji has already taken your partner to prepare for the practice. If I guess correctly, Baiji should want to save Mengji. If you don't do it, then it's your partner who will sacrifice. Baiji thinks that only by saving Mengji can the world make more progress and develop faster. However, I don't think so. The reason why the world has become like this is that Because of Mengji, because she has the dark abyss now, I know that because of the incompleteness of the way of heaven on our side, I admit that, but I believe that as long as we slowly go on, the way of heaven will gradually become complete, but because of Mengji's existence, the whole world is deformed, deformed, you know? But Bai Ji thought that he could be saved. Those who can't be saved have to be destroyed before they can be reborn. " Ziji said with emotion.

When Bai Kun heard this, he was silent for a while. "Sorry, I don't believe any of your words. As for killing Mengji, I won't do that for the time being. I still want to live well. As for Yinzhu, I will go to find Yinzhu. Thank you for bringing me here."

Bai Kun then slowly retreats. He is worried that he will wake up Mengji, and he is even more afraid that Ziji will make a sudden move.

Ziji watched as baikun prepared to run away. He couldn't help sighing: "baikun, you don't have to be so wary of me, because if you don't like it, it's useless for me to throw you into Mengji's soul. The reason why you only have this chance is that when I help you grab the zhenhun stone, Bai Ji should have guessed that I will come here. The zhenhun stone should belong to your tribe, and then you and Zichen have a share. Normally, you are controlled by Zichen, even if you have a share, you can't get the zhenhun stone. If it wasn't for me, I would have taken it I've got it. "

"Since you don't want to forget it, there's no chance to regret it in life, Bai Kun." After Ziji finished, he didn't care about baikun any more. Instead, he flashed directly, and then baikun couldn't see Ziji.Bai Kun couldn't help frowning at this time. He didn't expect that Ziji was so simple, so he gave up, gave up, and left him here alone.

Normally speaking, Ziji needs himself and zhenhunshi very much, but Ziji gives up so simply, which means he is not so important. Thinking of this, Bai Kun can't help being black faced.

What should I do next? Waiting here, I'd better go out to find Yin Zhu. It's just that if I go out, the road is not easy. Although he has marked the road as much as possible, his strength is too low, and he doesn't have all kinds of skills of the purple sacrifice society. If I want to go out, I'm afraid that I will be caught by those guardians soon, and I'm afraid that it will bring trouble to Yin Zhu.

It's not right to stay here. Even if he can't eat or drink in a short time, it's impossible that no one will visit this place for a long time. Of course, it's not bad to stay here. At least we can have a good look at Mengji's soul. It's just that Mengji's soul is too strong. Bai Kun doesn't think he can research anything, What worries Bai Kun even more is that Ziji didn't leave at all. Maybe he will stay here and wait for him.

So the best way is to leave this place as soon as possible. As for Mengji, it's better to understand the dark abyss first.

Bai Kun quit the hall without hesitation, and then slowly find the way out.

What Bai Kun doesn't know is that not long after he left, Ziji's figure slowly showed up in the hall. Looking at Bai Kun who walked away, Ziji's face was black. He didn't expect that Bai Kun was so straightforward.

Do you want to get Bai Kun back? After thinking about it, Ziji finally put up with it. The other party must be willing to do it. If the other party is not willing to do it, they will make trouble. Once they make trouble, they will find it out. At that time, they will be defeated.

For Baiji, Ziji is always afraid, just like baiji is afraid of him. They are the highest people in the world. Although Baiji has no strength, his wisdom is not to be underestimated.

Now Baiji should have guessed that he would come, but it's useless to guess. Baiji can come in well, no matter how you guard against him, but now he lacks a person to help himself.

Ziji will be a little fidgety. He is going to wait. After spending some time with baikun, Ziji also knows that baikun is very confident. He only believes in his own judgment. What others say will not be believed. So it's better for baikun to investigate those things by himself. Maybe he will come back to him if he finds out.

On the other side, Bai Kun walked carefully along the way he came in before. Step by step, he didn't know where he was going, and he didn't know how to inquire about Yin Zhu. However, he didn't feel the chill, and he thought he was far away from Mengji's palace.

It's just that Bai Kun of this meeting is faced with a choice. He is hiding in a corner. There are already patrolling guardians coming not far in front of him. What should he do? This place out of those stone houses, there is no shelter, he needs a place to rest, to think about the next road.

It seems that Bai Kun couldn't find a better way. Thinking of this, he gritted his teeth, opened a retracted door, then hid in the stone house and closed the door carefully.

Fortunately, the patrolling guardians didn't notice this. Seeing the guardians go far away, Bai Kun was relieved.

He would have time to look at the people in the stone house. Bai Kun saw a male Orc shrank on the wall with a rope. There were runes flashing on the rope. What's more, he saw that those runes seemed to devour the vitality of the ORC.

Of course, what surprised Bai Kun even more was that he found that the flashing Rune was a rune that was different from the orc mainland altar. This Rune was strange. This was Bai Kun's first feeling.

"Brother, brother?" Bai Kun called in a low voice, trying to talk to the man and chat with him. But the man couldn't answer Bai Kun at all.

I have known that all the people here have lost their senses for a long time, but seeing that there will be nothing left, only the orcs who are suffering physically here, Bai Kun is still very lost.

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