Bai Kun wants to get some information, but there is no one here except some patrolling guardians. There are many people in the stone house, but none of them can speak. It's a headache to think about it.

Before Ziji said that Yinzhu was in the dark abyss. This should be true, but where is Yinzhu and is he locked up? Those people are still luring Yin Zhu to do something. After all, Yin Zhu's identity is so special and precious. If he wants to find Yin Zhu, many things can only be done by finding Yin Zhu. It's a pity that it's hard for him to go out now. There are all those guardians outside.

Bai Kun would tilt his head and look at the people in front of him. Have these people really lost themselves and forgotten everything? If so, it's better to die. Is this the end of people who have practiced reincarnation? It's scary to think about it.

But Bai Kun thought something was wrong. When he saw the rune on the iron rope, he thought something was wrong, but he couldn't tell what was wrong.

Now I can't get out, what should I do? Or do you want to study this Rune here?

Bai Kun slowly reaches out his hand and touches the chain. Then Bai Kun can see the rune clearly, but he can't. He sees the rune go through his fingers into the body of the bound ORC.

That's strange. Bai Kun holds his chin. Why can this Rune devour the vitality of the people in front of him, but he doesn't want it. According to reason, he has also practiced the formula of reincarnation. Why is his Rune useless? Bai Kun will see the front chest of the person in front of him, which is pierced by the iron rope. Is it because of the blood?

Thinking of this, Bai Kun stepped back two steps, a little far away from the iron rope. Then he directly scratched his hand with his claws, and then threw some drops of blood towards the rune. Sure enough, when the rune touched the blood, he swallowed it in three or two strokes.

That rune is actually engulfing the blood, and it's strange that the people of Xi nationality have a big hole in their chest, but the blood doesn't seem to flow completely. If you think about it, you can't die.

But this iron rope absorbs the blood. What do you do? Is it really like Ziji's saying that it's used to maintain the moonshine that Hanhai wants to disperse every day?

If only these lost people could wake up and speak. Bai Kun thought, these people are from a long time ago.

Let these people wake up and speak, so that they can probably understand most of the secrets buried by history. But what can we do to make this person wake up?

Bai Kun suddenly thought of the zhenhun stone, which is integrated into Yi Jin Jing and himself. The reason why the people of Xi nationality become like this is that their souls are lost. Can the zhenhun stone suppress their souls?

When you think of what Ziji asked you to do before, zhenhunshi can even influence Mengji, so it should be very easy to suppress this person in front of you?

Thinking of this, Bai Kun can't help but have an impulse to rush into this person's body immediately. Bai Kun tries to suppress his impulse, and then slowly extracts the zhenhun stone from his body. Then he looks at the person in front of him and throws the zhenhun stone away.

Bai Kun stares at it. He sees that the zhenhun stone is shining brightly, and then falls into the body of the person in front of him. Then for a moment, Bai Kun sees that the person opposite smiles at him, and then the whole stone room begins to shake violently. Bai Kun sees that something is wrong with this situation. He wants to take back the zhenhun stone, and then leaves quickly. However, this is not the case At that time, Bai Kun found that he had no way to take back the zhenhun stone.

At this meeting, the person who integrated the zhenhun stone has already sent out a brilliant light. The light directly penetrates the stone house. Bai Kun sees that the situation is beyond his control. He has to bite his teeth and give up the zhenhun stone first. If he doesn't go, he's afraid he can't go away.

The town soul stone doesn't know what happened. It's unfortunate that he didn't listen to his command. If you find out, you should think about it first. When you decide how to do it, it will make so much noise. I'm afraid that everyone will know that there is a situation. Next, it will be more difficult to mix up in the dark abyss.

Of course, chaos is not bad. When chaos happens, maybe he can see Yin Zhu. If Yin Zhu is under house arrest, he will find a way to escape at such an opportunity, and maybe he can also get out. But after all this chaos, I'm afraid it will be more strict, and it won't be so easy to do something.

Bai Kun found a corner to hide first. Fortunately, those patrols didn't have the heart to pay attention to the corners. They all went to the stone house where the accident happened.

Yin Zhu naturally felt such a big movement. She rushed over with Tengxiao.

Bai Ji arrived naturally. Far away, Bai Kun felt the light of the sky. He had already prevented the incident. He had been waiting for Ziji to come. He thought Ziji would go to Mengji, but he didn't expect to find one at random. Although there was an accident, he could still control it, but that was the one he didn't expect The child behind him has grown up, at least he can't guess his mind. Bai Ji didn't know that it was just a whim of Bai Kun.Ziji naturally feels what's happening here. Ziji can't help but scold him secretly. He has been waiting for baikun to beg him. Who knows that baikun turned his head and used the zhenhun stone like this? He's really angry.

But the zhenhun stone has already been used. It's worth using. He can't wait here. It's useless to have zhenhun stone without his help. "Damn Bai Kun." Purple sacrifice this meeting also very slow fire, this variable.

When Yin Zhu walks near the stone house, Bai Kun feels Yin Zhu's arrival. His partner's contract makes Bai Kun see Yin Zhu for the first time. He sees Yin Zhu standing in the light. It seems that Yin Zhu has not been intimidated. It seems that he is doing well. Tengxiao and Leihe are all present, which is very good. Of course, Leihe and Tengxiao are not in good condition.

At this meeting, Bai Kun didn't go to find Yin Zhu immediately. The main reason is that it's too obvious. If he has bad influence on Yin Zhu, he might as well hide here now and follow him secretly. As long as he knows where Yin Zhu lives, he will be able to get together with Yin Zhu. Then he will ask what's going on, and then he will know his attitude towards Bai People.

"What's the matter?" Yin Zhu looks at Bai Ji with doubts.

"Nothing, but a soul is dying." Bai Ji said lightly, but the action in his hand was constant.

Yin Zhu knows that the people of the Xi nationality will die in the end. If he saw those people detained here like a patient in a mental hospital before, it would be so brilliant that they would die. It's really strange for those who have practiced the formula of reincarnation.

Bai Ji saw that Yin Zhu didn't ask any more questions. He couldn't help but feel satisfied. However, when he was smiling, a figure appeared in front of the lonely man. "Bai Ji, I haven't seen you for many years. I saw you cheating there. Sure enough, even if you lost your strength, you can't change your habit of cheating."

"Ziji, you've been fooling around for so many years, haven't you enough?" White sacrifice light looking at Purple sacrifice, but also some helpless, want to see a wayward child.

A purple sacrifice, a white sacrifice, two of the most powerful priests are here. Yin Zhu will just find a clean place to sit down, and then drag his chin to look at the two people in front of him. Whether it's the real extinction of the soul or not, at least now Yin Zhu doesn't intend to intervene. She hopes these two people can reveal more things to her.

Tengxiao looks at Yinzhu and stands in front of him. The gesture of protecting Yinzhu is very obvious. Xiaojin puts out a hand to twist Tengxiao back. Then he stands in the position before Tengxiao. "It's useless, and he likes to show off in front of him. He doesn't have any self-knowledge."

Tengxiao clenches his fists when he hears this. He wants to get along with Xiaojin. The damned Xiaojin comes to provoke him again. But he thinks Xiaojin is telling the truth. It's better for Xiaojin to stand in front of him to protect Yinzhu.

Leihe saw that he patted Tengxiao's shoulder to let him down, then he shook his head helplessly and looked at Xiaojin.

Tengxi and Tengcheng, standing behind them, see their father being bullied. They have no choice but to turn their heads. They have no face to see. When they encounter such things as this, they really don't know how to help them. It's better to treat them as if they haven't seen them.

Yin Zhu patted Xiao Jin's ass at the meeting. "If you want to be a guardian, you should stand up and do something strange, and don't bully Tengxiao."

Tengxiao heard this, the original aggrieved expression immediately disappeared, but also proud to make a face with Xiaojin.

Xiaojin would turn his head and look at Yinzhu very wrongly, "Yinzhu, how can I bully him? Besides, don't I tell the truth? Even the truth can't be told. Yin Zhu doesn't like me anymore. "

When Yin Zhu saw this, he gave Xiao Jin's ass a second look, "don't make trouble, look at it." Yin Zhu looked at her hand and felt very good. She finally realized why the man in the romance novel always likes to spank the woman when he sees that she is not good.

Xiaojin can only helplessly stand upright, do their own things, "know." But Tengxiao was very proud just now? After this, I'll talk to Tengxiao to see if he is still proud.

It's obvious that there's something wrong with it. Xiaojin also wants to get some favorable information from it. After all, they know too little, so Xiaojin doesn't make any more nonsense.

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