The next day after playing, Yin Zhu talks to Bai Kun about things, while Teng Xi and Teng Cheng have already been sent away.

"Bai Kun, you said before that those so-called people who lost themselves in the Xi clan were tied up. In fact, they provided Mengji with soul power, right?" Yin Zhu asked again.

"Well, that's right. The so-called reincarnation formula is a trap, a trap set by Mengji, which allows all people to practice reincarnation formula, and then provides her with enough soul power. But she probably didn't expect that she absorbed so much soul power, and at the same time absorbed the negative emotions in everyone's body. She couldn't show it at all More than that, it shows itself. This is what Baiji said about the great calamity. When Mengji dies, even she can't control those souls of the dark side. " Bai Kun said sarcastically.

"Maybe at the beginning, Mengji's purpose was to find out the place where the satin and orc world could be changed. Unfortunately, she overestimated her own strength. She couldn't do it, so she wanted to borrow other people's hands and thought that she could do it with enough soul power. But she didn't expect to bring the satin and orc world into the abyss. At the beginning, she had her own spirit So it was wrong in the beginning. " Bai Kun says with emotion that maybe Mengji was really for the people and the world at the beginning, but she used the wrong way to fill out the strength with other people's lives, or even cheat others. God is fair, so Mengji is almost out of control now.

When Yin Zhu heard this, he sighed. Yes, although at the beginning of the day, whether it's the Xi clan or the orc mainland, they have defects, but they are not a big problem. They can live well and inherit well. According to the process of history, human beings will continue to progress. To put it bluntly, if Mengji doesn't mess around, she may go on for thousands of years, These defects will be gradually improved, but Mengji's excessive ambition makes the satiety and orc world as chaotic as it is now.

"Bai Kun, we had thought about meeting Mengji before, but we haven't found out how to get there, so we haven't made any rash moves. Do you think we should take a look sometime, if we can have a good talk with Mengji?" Yin Zhu thinks that no matter a person is playing tricks or anything else, as long as he contacts, there will always be flaws, unless that person doesn't say or do anything from beginning to end.

"Well, there's something wrong with Mengji. In the bottom palace, Mengji's soul on the dark side is more powerful than that on the positive side. If the soul on the dark side really controls everything, I'm really afraid that no one in this world can stop her. As for Mengji, she is in a coma now, otherwise Ziji couldn't take baikun to see Mengji That's not true Bai Kun frowned and said that if Mengji could wake up, it would be better. At the beginning, Ziji asked him to throw the totem stone on Mengji. He wanted to stimulate Mengji to wake up. However, now that he has no totem stone, there is a statue of goddess on Yinzhu's side. I wonder if that can stimulate Mengji to wake up?

It's just that there's a great risk in waking Mengji up. The soul of the dark side is obviously stronger. If the dark side wakes up, they will really end up. The soul of the dark side is that it's very bad to be close to the light, let alone anything else.

"Anyway, we're going to have a look." Yin Zhu said that Mengji had to see her in person.

"Well, it must be, but before that, I'm going to see my master first." Bai Kun thinks that he still has some doubts. If he wants to find out about Ziji, he doesn't know whether Ziji is willing to answer any questions like before.

"Yes, I can. Let's make it clear first." The Ziji is obviously very powerful. If he can bring the other party together, it will be a good thing. Although it seems that he can't stand in the position of cooperation with the other party with their power, Yin Zhu is very happy as long as the other party is willing to disclose some information to himself.

"Well, I'll go back to my master." Bai Kun said with certainty. Of course, Bai Kun also hesitated, which Bai Ji should know that he would follow Ziji even if he didn't find him. As a result, no one came to him from yesterday to today, and no one even monitored him. At least Bai Kun has been checking around for several times, and no one has been found.

Zichen didn't tell him that Zichen was by Ziji's side, but Zichen hadn't robbed zhenhun stone by himself. Bai Ji knew that it was zhenhun stone that made it, but Bai Ji just put himself in contact with Yinzhu, and then passed on the information? What does Baiji want?

What Bai Kun has been wondering is why Bai Ji is so bold and fearless. Or he thinks that it doesn't matter if Yin Zhu knows the truth. It doesn't affect the final outcome.

"Bai Kun, what are you thinking? If you don't understand, let's think about it together. Although we are not as smart as you, it's better to have more people than to use your brain alone. Isn't there a saying in Yin Zhu that's not true. Three cobblers are better than one Zhuge Liang? " Tengxiao can't help talking.

"I'm master's disciple. Bai Ji must know that I've met you, but why didn't he come to me? Did he really let me go because of Yin Zhu's face? What's more, he explained the so-called final death of the soul to you before, and he didn't ask you to explain why he lied? " Everyone was asked a series of questions by Bai Kun.Yin Zhu is pressing her temple heavily. She only knows that there is no good for no reason in the world. Everything is equal in exchange. The more indulgence and forbearance the white sacrifice gives them, the more Yin Zhu has to pay.

Yin Zhu doesn't believe that because he is unique and so on. Even if he is as safe as Bai Ji, he has to bear a lot of dedication to send Yin Zhu back. Yin Zhu may not come back with them.

"Come on, Yin Zhu, don't have a headache, just your cerebellar pouch. Don't think it hurts." When Bai Kun saw Yin Zhu frowning, he could not help rubbing Yin Zhu's head and said with a smile.

"Don't have a headache. Maybe after I see the master, I can guess something." Bai Kun wants to find Ziji first and then Baiji. Yes, even if Baiji doesn't find himself, Bai Kun also wants to find Baiji. He always wants to meet the legendary figure. Most of the time, when there is no way, he just plays around. As long as he can disturb the other party's plan, even if he delays for a while, he may be able to find new clues.

Bai Kun is not born with absolute intelligence. He can think of everything and understand it. But when he can't think of it, he will use other ways to speculate. If Bai Ji doesn't see himself, he really wants to meet this person and chat with him by the way.

"Good." What can Yin Zhu say besides this? We all expect Bai Kun to make new progress.

On the other side, Bai Ji is sitting in his room with a smile. In front of him, there are several guardians wearing black cloaks. However, the cloaks on these people are a little different from those ordinary guardians. The animal patterns on these cloaks are more unique and precious. It seems that they are the top guardians.

"Baiji, it's been thousands of years. We'll do everything as you say. Are you sure you will succeed? If I lose, I'll eat you. " The first person from the left hand said perineal.

Bai Ji just smiles when he hears this, "elder, when can I do something I'm not sure about? You can rest assured that this matter is well arranged and there will be no other problems. "

"Of course, if you don't, you will be the sinner of the world. All the sins will be borne by you. I don't think you can afford it either." The third man snorted a few times.

"Well, well, what we need to do now is not to let the next thing go wrong. We must do it well. We must not fail at the last moment after thousands of years of efforts. If that happens, it will be a joke, so we must do the next thing well." This person is obviously speaking from the standpoint of Baiji, and it should be Baiji.

There will be disputes where there are people, but Baiji doesn't care about these things.

"By the way, what will purple sacrifice make? He didn't want to participate in it before. He left by himself. What will he come back to make? Do you have anything to say about purple sacrifice and white sacrifice?" Some elders are worried about Ziji.

Bai Ji said with a smile, "don't worry, I know what Ziji wants and what he wants. I'll give it back to him. I promise he won't make trouble. Is it feasible?"

Although several elders are still worried, Bai Ji has never guaranteed that he will do it.

"All right, let's go." Bai Ji waved and drove away all the people in the room. Then he said to the air in front of him: "why don't you come out? I'll give you what you want. I'll give it to you with both hands. I just want you to let me finish what I want to do. How about that? "

At this time, the air was distorted. Slowly, a figure appeared in the scene. Ziji was black and looked at Baiji, "how did you find me?"

White sacrifice heard this smile, "Purple sacrifice, I didn't find you, no strength I really didn't find where you are, but I know you, you will come, around, I just say, you can hear."

Purple sacrifice heard this face more black, almost can drip ink, obviously white sacrifice to seize the weakness of his character.

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