Ziji looks at Baiji, and then sits down in front of Baiji. "You just know I'm here. You can count that I'll show up. What can you do with me? If you don't have the ability, you still have the qualification to compare with me."

Bai Ji just gave a faint smile when he heard this, and then said, "ziji, I know what you want. I can satisfy everything you want. You don't have to stand on the opposite side of me. You think I don't know the little apprentice you brought. I'm afraid this meeting is already in front of Yin Zhu. I'm in charge of everything. Ziji, look at you, You're not my opponent at all. Your apprentice wants to deal with me, but for me, what you do is to help me. "

Purple sacrifice heard this angry directly bah a white sacrifice, "said how powerful, not nothing can be done, as for what I want, I will go to get, said as if you are very powerful, charity, why are you superior." He hates Baiji most. It seems that everything in the world is his, and everything depends on him.

"Ah, Ziji, I know you always want to win me. With this obsession, you want to fight against me. You know you have chosen the wrong way. Why Bai Ji sighed deeply, more like helplessness, as if purple Ji was taking it unreasonably.

Ziji's face turned blue when he saw Baiji's gesture. He tried hard to take a deep breath, and then said, "Baiji, you don't have to do this. I'm not worse than you. You don't have to look like a saint. What's wrong with my way? You're right? Your way, hum, even the goddess Mengji has gone the wrong way and become what she is now. What's more, you are the one who makes the world a mess with you and still want to persuade me? " Purple sacrifice this meeting cold hum, sneer at white sacrifice.

"Baiji, now I can only pretend to be in front of me. Look at the world. This is what you did with Mengji. You made the Xi people recognize ghosts or not. By the way, you also harmed the orc mainland. You said that the orc mainland people were innocent. Originally they lived well. As a result, how many people died in the orc mainland because of Mengji, and then Wuji killed the orc mainland because of you So many people, Baiji, do you think the way of heaven can pass you by? " Ziji sneers. As an old opponent, he naturally knows how to better stab the man in front of him.

"Hum, although the satis and the orc continent are two ethnic groups, when the world was born, they were complementary. They were dependent on each other for happiness and misfortune. If something happened to the satis, they would naturally follow. Even without Mengji and my tricks, the direction of the orc continent is still the same. These lessons can't blame me, they can only be said to be the direction of history." Bai Ji said faintly, dead people. Over the past few thousand years, he has seen too many dead people. Those who have been obliterated by history are just dust for him. As long as his great cause can succeed, then everything is worth it.

"Why don't you quibble? Do you think you can achieve what you want to do by borrowing the process of changing the world from other people? If you try to change the world, you are not afraid of being punished. " Purple sacrifice disgusted said.

"Damnation? Haven't we been damned now? The darkness is long gone, and the light is soon to come Baiji opens his hands and looks up at the sky.

"You're not afraid that I'll tell you your plan, and you'll get nothing you want." Ziji asked in a calm voice.

Bai Ji shook his head and said, "you won't do that, because you also want to see if I can change the world. I've arranged for such a long time, and the harvest is coming. Aren't you waiting for this opportunity? How can you destroy it? "

"What's more, do you think I have such a plan? Even if they know the truth, I can start the second plan at any time. This matter has come to such a point that it will not stop, nor can it stop. " Bai Ji looks at Zi Ji with a smile.

"Ziji, you see, I said that I can help you with what you want." Bai Ji said with a smile.

"No, I'll take what I want. Although I didn't have any good intentions when I accepted my apprentice, it's better than you. At least I won't take advantage of my apprentice and take his life. I pity Zichen. He worked hard for you and paid so much. If I know his own ending, I don't know whether Zichen will come back Regret? " Ziji shook his head with a sigh.

White sacrifice heard purple sacrifice said his apprentice Zichen, can't help but face black, fingers hard to grasp the body under the wooden pier, green veins a burst.

"Purple sacrifice." Bai Ji said with gnashing teeth.

"I can't stand it if I just say a few words. If I want to do something, I have to bear it. To tell the truth, I can't compare with your ruthlessness and blackness. I can't kill my apprentice who I've worked so hard to raise." Ziji can't help shaking his head when he talks about this. At the beginning, he knew that he didn't have any fate with baikun, so he tried to keep in touch with him as little as possible, so that he would not have any feelings, and he didn't need baikun to pay for himself.

Zichen can be different, Zichen can be said to be raised by Baiji, and then Zichen doesn't know his final outcome. Baiji relies on Zichen's 100% trust in him, and then sends people into the abyss. Fortunately, he doesn't follow Baiji from beginning to end, otherwise he doesn't know how to die. Baiji has such ability, always Ask the people around you to die for him."Ziji, if you think I have nothing to do with you, get out of here. I don't want to see you, otherwise don't blame me for being rude to you." Bai Ji's face was twisted and he said angrily.

"Baiji, what can you do with me?" Bai Ji was obviously stabbed into the heart and lung tube by himself, otherwise he would not be so angry and even threatened him. Why should he threaten himself?

White sacrifice looking at Purple sacrifice a pair of indifferent appearance, white sacrifice light said, "Purple sacrifice, you think you won, don't you? I tell you, if I want to, I can break what you want at any time. I'll let you beat the chickens with eggs. "

Ziji was stunned when he heard this, and then he looked at Baiji seriously, "you are ruthless. As expected, compared with ruthlessness, I'm not your opponent. As expected, you are the one who does great things. I'll go."

Bai Ji watched Ziji disappear from his eyes. After a long time, the man who was still full of momentum immediately became a decadent old man. He covered his face powerlessly, and then sobbed. He had done so much and calculated so much that he never regretted it. But for his disciple Zichen, he was guilty and regretful, It's a pity that he didn't turn back. He couldn't change it. Yes, he cheated Zichen. He didn't dare to tell him the truth.

Zichen is a child who is not inferior to Mengji's talent. He took Zichen as a disciple when he was very young. Then he raised Zichen like a son and educated him well. He watched Zichen grow up step by step and become famous in the nightmare world. He was happier than anyone else. For the most important part of his plan, he seduced QingHan and calculated the whole Orc continent. This plan is too important, He wants to find a person who has strength, stratagem and 100% confidence in himself. Then Zichen is sent out by himself. The child has 100% confidence in him, but he deceives him.

He personally destroyed his children, and even he did not know how Zichen would treat himself in the end.

Bai Ji was sad for a long time, and then he stood up wobbly. Bai Ji, things have come to this point, and he can't turn back. But he can't shake his heart just because of Ziji's words. No one can shake his will.

Ziji came out slowly and swam in the dark abyss. Looking at the stone houses with groans, he sat down helplessly and looked at the sky above him.

When he refuted Baiji before, he said it very well, but Ziji knew that he didn't really want to destroy the plan. He was just a little at a loss. If he could, if Baiji's plan was really feasible, all the evil would disappear, and the world would usher in a new life. But if he failed, he would really disappear in the long river of history noodles.

Ziji and Baiji are the most powerful priests in the world. They can communicate with the world, and their strength is not much lower than Baiji. Ziji always knows that he wants to help and even change the world, but he never wants to be as crazy as Baiji.

It shouldn't be like this, but the world has been black and blue. What's more, Yin Zhu is not a person of this world. It's ridiculous that the hope of one world should be put in the hands of people of another world? Why does Bai Ji feel that he can make Yin Zhu desperate for the world? What's more, Bai Ji can't give Yin Zhu any reward at all. Think about this, will it be more chaotic or crazy then?

Ziji was thinking about what he would do if Baiji failed. If Baiji failed, he would be the only guide in the world. What would he do?

So far, he hasn't seen the female named Yin Zhu. In addition, people in the world have heard Bai Kun say something about Yin Zhu before, but he hasn't seen her. Moreover, Bai Kun is very cautious about his partner's affairs and says very little. He really should meet the female, a very special and mysterious female, isn't he?

Ziji thought of this and stood up. He had left a mark on baikun. It seemed that he was in that place. Ziji looked at a certain direction and then walked in that direction.

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