Yin zhubaikun looks at Ziji standing in front of him. Is this man unable to bear the nagging? Otherwise, he will appear.

"Master." Bai Kun called softly.

"Yes, they are? Don't you welcome me? " Ziji glanced at several people present.

"Why, master, please sit down." Bai Kun hurried to welcome people in. He wanted to find Ziji before. Ziji would come to them by himself. Does that mean they are useful to Ziji?

Useful is the best. They are weak for Baiji and Ziji. If the weak want to live and jump out of the chessboard, they have to find opportunities.

Ziji sits down with a smile, and then looks at Yinzhu seriously. Yinzhu will stand with some restraint. For Ziji and Baiji, Yinzhu can't let go. After all, these two people can pick people clean, and don't want to leave a secret.

"Yin Zhu? I'm here to see you Purple sacrifice very simply said.

"Well, I'm looking forward to meeting you, too." Yin Zhu sat down in front of Ziji with a smile, and then waited for Ziji to talk. Since Ziji came to find himself, he naturally asked them. For such things as negotiation, Yin Zhu knew that whoever spoke first would lose.

Ziji looks at Yin Zhu sitting in front of him calmly. The female looks very weak and has no attack power, but these are appearances, but now she can sit in front of him so calmly, which is very admirable.

It's no wonder that they will become the people they choose. It seems that even if the people in front of them are weak, they are not white rabbits, which is very interesting. They are also weak. The female is a weak person who can't do anything. She can only rely on the haul of men and can't bear so much pressure. She may have collapsed long ago.

"What do you think of the nightmare world? Are you used to living? "Since Yin Zhu doesn't speak, Ziji doesn't say that. He just smiles and asks about some things in life. If Ziji can't compare with a little female, he has to laugh to death.

Besides, he is only interested in Yin Zhu, and does not want to cooperate with him.

”It's very good. People in nightmare world are very enthusiastic. " Generally speaking, there are more kind-hearted people in this world for such a long time. It can be said that most of the common people are kind and enthusiastic.

"How does it compare to the world you live in?" Ziji asked with a smile. In fact, he was curious about how people in another world lived.

"The world I live in." When Yin Zhu heard this, he sighed with emotion. Speaking of her earth, Yin Zhu still missed it very much, but this time he felt that the world was far away from him.

"I live in a world where industrial technology is quite good. There are steel like houses, cars made of iron shells that can run on the ground, and airplanes that can fly in the sky like big birds. People have to go to a place very quickly, only a few hours is enough. If there are airplanes in this world, then the nightmare world can only go to the orc continent There are only a few hours in a day, people are far away from each other, but as long as a mobile phone can see and speak, all kinds of electronic products are very rich, life is much richer than here, there are a lot of food, paid and so on, and all kinds of the same kind of cloth, very gorgeous and comfortable, these things can't be explained clearly only by dictation, more comfortable Most of them have to see for themselves to know the prosperity and greatness of that world. Of course, thousands of years ago, our world was similar to that of this world, and we also lived by hunting and collecting. Then after thousands of years of development, we have the prosperity now. " Yin Zhu said with emotion.

"You say that your world has become what it is now after only a few thousand years of development, only a few thousand years of development, so fast?" Purple sacrifice this meeting some absentminded of ask.

"Yes." It's only a few thousand years since BC.

"Ha ha." Ziji can't help sneering. Baiji has always said that he is right. If you look at another world, you can become very rich in just a few thousand years. No matter in the nightmare world or in the orc continent, people can't eat well and dress well. "Yin Zhu, can I ask you something?"

"You said Yin Zhu thought that Ziji finally put forward her own request, so that she could discuss how to cooperate with Ziji.

"When you come back to your world, give me a copy of the history of your world." Purple sacrifice very simply said.

"The historical development of our world?" Yin Zhu has some doubts. What does Ziji want this thing for?

"Well, that's what I want." He wants to compare the development of the two worlds and see whether he is right or baiji is right?

However, from the words of Ziji, we can know that she can come back to modern times. Does this mean that Baiji did not set a trap?

"Are you interested in the progress of our world?" Yin Zhu some doubts asked, is to borrow the earth's development history to confirm the development process of the world? Otherwise, Yin Zhu is curious, what does Ziji want the development history of the earth to do? Normally speaking, shouldn't we need all kinds of advanced technology?"Yes, I want to prove something." Purple sacrifice light said.

"Can you tell me what Baiji wants?" Ziji and Baiji seem to be antagonistic, but Yin Zhu can also feel that this person is not on his own side. Besides, Ziji and Baiji obviously know each other. Who knows if they have any special relationship? Yin Zhu thinks he can compare with each other.

"Even I don't know what Baiji wants, to make God? Or is saving people by fire and water? However, it should not be dangerous for you to let you go back to your world. Your identity is so special, and there are many uses. Generally speaking, Baiji will not kill you. You can rest assured about that. " Purple sacrifice very straightforward said.

Yin Zhu can't help but curl his mouth when he hears this. It's right to say that, but it's obvious that Bai Ji wants not only what she can do now, but also something else. Unfortunately, Zi Ji doesn't intend to tell her that it's not dangerous to go back to earth because he wants to bring something for him.

"Will the world be destroyed?" Did Yin Zhu ask a question?

Ziji couldn't help laughing when he heard this, "Yinzhu, the knowledge of your world should be much more advanced than that of our world. As far as your world is concerned, which world is intact and exists forever? No, every world is like that, one by one, the beginning of reincarnation. Isn't that predestined? People may be able to change, but most of the time they just change the process, but they can't change the ending. However, sometimes the ending is too far for us. For example, there are many rumors that the world will be destroyed in a few hundred years. But in a few hundred years, if we don't practice the reincarnation formula, who can see the world in a few hundred years? "

"It seems to me that all the world will be destroyed sooner or later. In that case, we might as well simply live well. Change sometimes may not be good, hope sometimes may not be all hope, do you know? Many years ago, Baiji and I saw that the future of the world was darkness and destruction. But Baiji was not reconciled. He tried to change, but I chose to conform to nature. " Purple sacrifice light said.

When Yin Zhu heard this, he gasped. It's so simple. One change can explain everything. Also, this purple sacrifice sounds good and conforms to nature. If he really conforms to nature, will he sit in front of himself? Who believes that purple sacrifice has no idea.

It's also a purple sacrifice and a white sacrifice. Two equally excellent people want to do something for the white sacrifice. Is the purple sacrifice willing to die in the long river of history?

"Do you think Mengji is better alive or dead?" Yin Zhu asked a question curiously.

Ziji laughed at this, and then asked Yinzhu, "who do you think can kill Mengji now, who can?"

When Yin Zhu heard this, he laughed. Yes, now all people want Meng Ji to sleep deeply. They are afraid that Meng Ji on the dark side will wake up and the whole world will be destroyed. As for killing Meng Ji, who has the ability to kill her at once? Once she can't be killed, she will wake up. At that time, it will be a disaster.

"What do you think of my friends?" Yin Zhu turned to another question.

At this time, Ziji turned his head to look at the next few, and then said with a smile, "it's very good. I'm devoted to you and loyal to you. It's not OK for a female."

When Yin Zhu heard this, he wanted to say it. Do you want him to say it? She just wanted to know if her friends could be saved, but Ziji didn't say a word.

"By the way, I'm so curious. You should know that the reincarnation formula is defective, but why do you still practice it?" Is there any way for Ziji to remove the negative state of reincarnation?

But if there is a way, it's really just to provide nourishment for Mengji. So many people are so desperate that they don't care about anything and don't save them?

When Ziji heard this, he said with a smile, "because of the need, if you want to see what I want to see, if you want to obtain, you have to sacrifice, don't you? There is nothing to be gained without effort. "

Hearing this answer, Yin Zhu smiles and says nothing more. Bai Kun, who will stand aside, asks, "master, how can I go back to the orc world?"

Ziji looks at baikun and says, "do you want to go back?"

"Yes, I want some people to go back." Bai Kun said with certainty.

"It's easy. You go to Baiji for this matter. The array from the nightmare world to the orc world is in Baiji's hands. There's no other way." Ziji is very straightforward, and the meaning is very clear. They can't escape Yin Zhu. If they don't follow Baiji's requirements, they are afraid that they will always wander in the nightmare world. Of course, unless one day, some of them can surpass Baiji and defeat Baiji.

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