Yin Zhu's mother felt very funny when she saw this scene. She gently touched Bai Yangui's head and said, "well, I've wronged you, but Yin Zhu is also for your own good. If you go out like that, you will be arrested."

Yin Zhuma often gives food to Bai Yangui, so Bai Yangui's attitude towards Yin Zhuma is quite good. As for Yin zhupa, Bai Yangui knows him, but he doesn't have a good face on weekdays. He always keeps a straight face.

Bai Yangui would be aggrieved. She rubbed Yin Zhuma's hand with her head. It seems that she was really aggrieved.

Yin Zhu can't help but hold his chin when he looks at Bai Yangui. He is very smart when he looks at Bai Yangui. He thinks that Bai Yangui doesn't really have no soul. According to Ziji, the way of heaven in this world repels people from other worlds. But he thinks that Beina's soul hasn't crossed over at the beginning. Although it's a seriously injured soul, Beina's on this side of the earth hasn't changed Dare to head straight down, they take her back to the orc continent.

Yin Zhu thinks that Bai Yangui is probably the same as the original Beina, who is on the verge of death. Otherwise, Bai Yangui will still be alive. He just doesn't know what the way of heaven will do when Bai Yangui's soul is fully awakened?

Of course, Ziji says that he has completely wiped out Bai Yangui's soul, which Yin Zhu doubts. As long as a person doesn't die, his soul can't be completely wiped out. After all, even some habits of body movements are subconsciously still there, so does this kind of thing like body memory belong to a part of the soul?

Moreover, Yin Zhu thinks that even though Bai Yangui doesn't have any memory, even when she first saw her, Bai Yangui is still human. She is very smart. At least she only needs to teach a few times to understand a lot of things. Besides, the emotion of this meeting is not what an animal should have.

Yin Zhu thinks that Ziji has thrown this kind of Bai Yangui away. He's afraid that more people want to try to see if Bai Yangui can survive in this event, and if the way of heaven in this world will kill Bai Yangui, an outsider, when Bai Yangui's soul wakes up.

I have to say that Yin Zhu really guessed the idea of Ziji.

Yin Zhu really doesn't know whether Bai Yangui's soul can live or not when it wakes up. However, she will try her best to help Bai Yangui. As long as there are conditions, she won't watch Bai Yan die.

Yin Zhu's mother gently touched Bai Yangui's hair, comforted Bai Yangui, and looked at Yin Zhu plaintively, "Yin Zhu, do you really want to move out?"

"Don't be like that, old lady. Yin Zhu will be upset if you are like this." Yin Zhu's father looked at his old woman and stopped her in a hurry.

Yin Zhuma nodded when she heard this, "I know, I didn't want to stop her, just because I didn't feel good."

Yin Zhu looked at her mother covering her chest and felt uncomfortable. She couldn't help feeling guilty and went to her feet. Then she knelt down at her feet and held her feet. "Mom, I'm sorry."

Yin Zhu's mother was very sad. When Yin Zhu did this, she raised her foot and gave it to Yin Zhu, "OK, OK, what's the strength of affectation? Roll, roll, don't worry if you don't see it."

"I'm sorry, mom." Yin Zhu's mother was so light that she couldn't kick him away. Yin Zhu was still holding her mother's feet.

"Come on, come on, you don't want to provoke me, do you?" Yin Zhu's mother asked angrily.

"Come on, get up. It's not like holding your mother's feet like this." Yin Zhu's father laughed and scolded.

"I see." Yin Zhu just patted his ass and stood up, "I don't want to do that either. Mom didn't come first, Ma. Shall we come to see you off?"

"I've just moved to the suburbs. It's not like I'll never see you again." Yin Zhu's father was annoyed by his daughter's funny appearance.

"Yes, I'll leave tonight." It's only Yin Zhu who has to move in the evening.

Fortunately, with a backpack, she doesn't have to worry about her own salute. She's been shopping a lot these days.

Of course, Yin Zhu didn't plan to walk to the suburbs. She collected a motorcycle in her backpack before and could ride it when she left the city.

Yin Zhu left at ten o'clock in the evening, quietly, no one knows, just as she came quietly.

Yin Zhu is directly holding Bai Yangui away, Yin Zhu touched Bai Yangui's hair, sighed, "Bai Yangui, when do you say you can become a person?"

If Bai Yan turns into an adult, it's more convenient to go out. Even if he doesn't have any sense, he's better than a wolf. Although his hair is now painted as dog's trash, his body doesn't look like a local dog.

Normally speaking, Bai Yangui only hurt her brain, but she didn't hurt her body. Bai Yangui should be able to become a human being. However, I don't know if it's because she has no memory. She even forgot how to become an adult. These days, Yin Zhu has been trying to find a way and even ordered Bai Yangui to become an adult, but it's useless. Anyway, Bai Yangui is still a wolf from beginning to end.

"Why are you so stupid? Ziji takes you as an experiment, and you promise that you are not afraid of your own death? I'll tell you, Bai Yan, you'd better live well. If you die, I'll stew you and eat you. " Yin Zhu can't help but start to talk about it. Of course, there is a person walking on the road, which is boring.When Yin Zhu didn't notice, he said that when he stewed Bai Yangui and ate it, Bai Yangui was very angry.

Yin Zhu took Bai Yan back to hide for more than half an hour before he came to a remote place. Then Yin Zhu took out his motorcycle. Her father went to the black market to buy it, because it had been refitted. Its functions were very good. Of course, the load was also very heavy.

With a motorcycle, the rest of the journey is very fast. It took Yin Zhu more than half an hour to take Bai Yan back to the house he rented. The house is rented on the east side of the village. The nearest one to her home is more than 100 meters away, which is very suitable.

Yin Zhu took Bai Yangui into the house and said to him with a smile, "Bai Yangui, from today on, this is our home. You can visit your site." Then he sent a message to the old men and women at home, telling them to arrive safely. Otherwise, the old men and women would have been worried and couldn't sleep.

Because of the urgency at that time, Yin Zhu didn't come to see the house himself. He just looked at the photos. He would find that the house was OK. It was simple to install, but it had basic furniture. The agency also cleaned the room, which would be very clean.

In the middle of the night, Yin Zhu didn't bother to toss. She simply wiped the bed, and then put all the furniture she had brought with her and had a comfortable sleep.

Yin Zhu sleeps comfortably here, but he doesn't know that the old horses on the other side are dying of anxiety.

On Ma's side, they said they wanted to test Qin ran of the Qinglong Gang, but they were afraid of Yin Zhuxin. So they decided to hide half of his fur first, and only prepared to trade with Qin ran with half of his fur. The reason for this was that they were worried that in case they fell, Yin Zhu really had nothing left, no matter what they did?

These mouths said that they wanted to calculate Yin Zhu, but they were uneasy in their hearts, so they became like this.

Lao Ma, who was willing to spend money, really caught up with one of Qin Ran's confidants, the crow. Lao Ma took one of the animal skins and gave it to the crow, saying that he wanted to do business with Qin ran.

Although they are in the business of gangs, Qin ran also does some other businesses. The quality of the skins they used to take is very good. Qin ran can see at a glance that of course, many of the skins are illegal, and others dare not do them, but they don't care.

Qin ran immediately invited the old horse and said that he was willing to eat the skins. Even the price was agreed. When the two sides just talked about it, they were still very harmonious. When they saw the skins, Qin ran turned their faces. If it was just a little thing, Qin ran would really give money. Hundreds of thousands of millions of them were not much for him, but the skins of the old horse were not a little bit .

Qin Ran is not a good man. Some of the gangsters will do business obediently. Facing this old horse, they naturally have ways to deal with it. "Boss Qin, we have said before that these things are not ours. We just do business with boss Qin on behalf of others. Boss Qin wants to know who we were before. We can get this What a good hide? It's very easy for boss Qin to deal with us, but I'm not afraid to say that the one behind us is not an ordinary person. He knows that we trade with boss Qin. Boss Qin wants to eat these things, but do you have a clear idea? "

Qin ran frowned when he heard this, and then looked at the old horses carefully for several times, which made the old horses hairy. Facing Qin ran, they were under great pressure.

"I believe what you said. You really can't bring out so many good animal skins, but if you want to do business with Qin ran, who didn't come by yourself? I don't like people who hide behind their backs. I'll take it. Go away. If you want money, tell the person behind you that he will come and take it in person, and I'll give it to you. " Qin Ran's meaning is also very clear, that is, he wants to see what kind of person Lao Ma's master is. If he can eat each other, then don't want the money. If he really has a big influence on Lai, then he will give the money obediently.

Lao Ma thought that everything was the same as he had imagined. After leaving the Qinglong Gang, several people were finally relieved. Then they began to contact Yin Zhu and wanted to tell Yin Zhu what happened here. However, at this time, they found that they couldn't get through to Yin Zhu.

Old ma can't help but have a headache. "When do you think big sister will contact us? If it's ten days and a half, we're just afraid it's over. "

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