"It should be very soon. After all, so many things are on our side. I don't feel at ease." Huang Mao said carefully.

Lao Ma worried and said: "do you think elder sister will not trust us? As long as we dare to swallow her things, we will die miserably. Do you believe it?"

The supernatural means alone are not what they can resist.

"Who do you think the elder sister is? What are the legendary means Xiaobei will be very curious.

"Maybe it's the legendary hermit family. I'm excited to think about the cultivation of truth and power." Xiaobei muttered excitedly, looking at his appearance is no less reading some novels, otherwise how imagination is so rich.

"No matter what identity, in short, we can't know. If you want to do so much, you'd better work well." The old horse said weakly.

"Lao Ma, do you think that if the elder sister knows what we have done, she will erase our card?" The mosquito put its hand around its neck.

"I don't think so, because we have no way to deal with so many things. We have a way. Why should we go to Qin ran?" The old horse said with a sad face, he had no way to do this, just with a few of them, there was no way to eat that batch of animal skin, OK?

"I sent a message to my elder sister. I don't know when she will see it." Lao Ma sighs. He sighs more these days than in his whole life. Thinking about how dashing he was before, he would turn into a bad old man who only sighs.

"Don't be like that, Ma. Don't you know that emotions are contagious? We clearly want to relax, but as a result, you are nervous and almost not crazy. Please do me a favor and let me go. " Qi pleaded, and recently he was about to have a nervous breakdown.

"Fart, you don't want to hear me sigh. If you leave and go back to your own room, I can follow you to your ears and sigh. I'm in a bad mood. Don't leave the black pot to me. I won't carry it." The old horse said angrily.

"OK, OK, it's already like this. Now the only thing we have is to wait for the result. Those who don't want to wait for the result will go to rest, or if they want to go, it may be the last time in their lives, the last supper." The mosquito said in a vicious voice.

Hearing this, Xiao Qi can't say anything. What if he makes trouble? Instead, he will offend several friends. It's better to go out and have a good time, just like the mosquito said, so as not to get angry here.

"Old horse, you should have a rest too. Don't be in a bad mood when you really have to work." Mosquito said to the old horse seriously.

The old horse nodded and said, "OK." As for whether we can have a rest or not, it depends on ourselves.

Yin Zhu sleeps comfortably in his new home. When he wakes up, it's more than nine o'clock. Yin Zhu feels that when he comes back here, he's lazy and decadent.

"Come on, Bai Yan GUI, you can't lie in the room all the time. You've become lazy. Go out and bask in the sun." Yin Zhu smiles at Bai Yangui, who is lying under his bed, and then prepares to drive the people to the yard.

As a result, Bai Yangui just turned over lazily and continued to sleep.

Yin Zhu couldn't help rolling her eyes when she saw this. She had checked with her mental strength. Bai Yangui's body was a little frail with internal injuries, but even walking would not be absolutely impossible. As a result, for such a long time, this guy basically stayed in the room and didn't move, except when it was necessary, such as when he wanted to eat, and when it was convenient .

Yin Zhu said that Bai Yangui, whom he knew, should be a beautiful young man. Where did the lazy guy come from now?

Normally, even if you forget everything, many habits will subconsciously exist. Is it true that Bai Yangui used to be like this?

Let alone, in the past, Bai Yan returned all day. I found out in his aunt's room that when he was free, he would lie down and look for all kinds of messy books. Anyway, as long as he was interested, he would read them. As for friends, he was very few. The main reason was that he was not in good health and was far from others, which was equivalent to a disabled person in a normal place In my village, the disabled must have few friends.

Bai Yangui is a hardworking person in Yin Zhu's impression. That's because Bai Yangui keeps helping Yin Zhu to find information and plan the way to travel. It's not positive. Even if he can't take care of Yin Zhu because of his health, he will do everything he can along the way. It can't be seen that Bai Yangui is like this.

Yin Zhu holds his chin and looks at Bai Yangui on the ground. Bai Yangui, when you wake up and know what you're doing, won't you regret it?

Looking at Bai Yangui lying motionless, Yin Zhu sighed and picked up the whole wolf directly, sent it to the ground of the yard, and then put it down.

As long as Bai Yangui doesn't run out and lie in the yard like this, people will only think it's a big wolf dog, but they won't think it's a wolf. As for going out or something, Yin Zhu doesn't plan to make friends with the people around him. When the time comes, those people who nod their heads can still stare at her dog all the time.

"You are so lazy, you are not afraid to die of laziness." Yin Zhu shook his head and went into the kitchen to cook.Bai Yangui just glanced at Yin Zhu lazily, then tilted his head and squinted, and lay comfortably.

Ah, at the same time, the orcs come from mainland China. Why can you wait for food and drink, and then lie down and run for her life.

Yin Zhu cooked a simple breakfast. After eating enough, he took out Lao Ma's mobile phone. But as soon as the mobile phone was taken out, he received a message from Lao Ma, saying that Qin ran had seized the animal skin with the help of Qinglong Gang, which would wait for Yin Zhu to get it back.

Looking at the words of praise attached to the text message, Yin Zhu said that the old Ma was playing with her and wanted her to deal with Qin ran.

It's a good method, but it's a pity that this man is calculating himself now. Yin Zhu feels that he is very angry in his heart.

Sure enough, she's not a conspirator. Forget it, what's the trouble? She just suppresses those people. Sometimes her martial arts are really good.

Yin Zhu has already experimented. The strength and agility of her body are quite incredible for ordinary people. As long as she is willing, she can handle most of the people in a city.

Yin Zhu directly returned a message to Lao Ma, "I know about this. When I go down, I'll go to your house to find you. You wait for me."

Qin ran and Yin Zhu also know that the things they want to do are not reliable. The old horse's strength is too low. If you think about it, you might as well find a stronger backer and share the benefits together.

Yin Zhu doesn't think that this experiment is closely for the orc world. At the same time, Yin Zhu also wants to see if the powerful ability of the orc world can be used on people on this planet. In that case, how important it is for a person's physical fitness, and even can increase his life span. There are many benefits in it. Of course, he is really worried about this. Yin Zhu is afraid that he will be killed I want to set up a laboratory by myself.

However, his own things are not so easy to grab. Yin Zhu wants to see whether the wolf or boar who was drawn out by the old horse with a big radish is a remnant wolf or a wild boar.

But those are not in the right mind, normal old horse they will not know where to receive what things, what kind of quantity will not be black eat black? As a result, you don't have any. It's obvious that these bad minds are ready to calculate her.

Thinking of this, Yin Zhu did not hesitate to launch the technique, which made the old horse ache one by one. Yin Zhu had been preparing for ten minutes before. It was obvious that the ten minutes of pain was too short for them to fear. So Yin Zhu did not hesitate to do it for an hour, and the old horse would roll and howl at home one by one.

Want to betray her, must pay the price, even if it is with the people, also can not tolerate betrayal.

When Lao Ma received Yin Zhu's message, he was filled with joy and uneasiness. Joy was Yin Zhu's coming. He could let go of the trouble. Uneasiness was simple. He was afraid that Yin Zhu would know what he had done, and they were all finished.

When the familiar pain came, Ma Gao's heart couldn't help but let go. There was a punishment, which showed that Yin Zhu had seen their means, so he was angry and punished them. However, the punishment also meant that the matter was exposed like this. If Yin Zhu didn't say a word, he would have no opinion. I'm afraid that at that time, it would be their miserable day.

Yin Zhu has been thinking about how to tame the people of the Qinglong gang. Yin Zhu has realized that it is far from enough to find a few gangsters for what he wants to do, because they have no strength or power, and the leader of the Qinglong Gang is different. Qin Ran has that power and ability.

Yin Zhu will watch Bai Yangui, who is so comfortable that she begins to snore after eating in the sun. Her trouble will come soon. Sure enough, she can't be compared with others. Look, she is born with a hard life.

"Bai Yangui, you have to protect me to go out smoothly, that way, I will have the opportunity to find a way to treat you, otherwise." Yin Zhu sighed. "I went out. You're good at home. I'll be back soon. I can only move in the yard. I can't go out, you know?"

Bai Yangui looks up at Yin Zhu, and Yin Zhu goes out at ease.

Yin Zhu, the leader of the Qinglong Gang, says that this is the first time he has met such people. Will he directly suppress them by force or discuss with others later?

I don't know if those people will bully themselves because they are women?

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