When Yin Zhu arrived at Lao Ma's residence, he saw five people who were paralyzed on the ground and could not move. He said faintly, "is it fun to play with me?"

In the orc world for several years of intrigue, Yin Zhu's temperament has changed a lot, at least not blindly ask himself to be kind.

"I'm sorry, big sister. It's our fault. We can't handle these things well. I'm sorry." The old horse apologized in a hurry. His clothes were all wet. It was obvious that Yin Zhu's punishment was too painful.

"If you can't do it, you can tell me you can't, but you have to play tricks on me." Yin Zhu hummed coldly, his fists in his hands clapping.

Looking at Yin Zhu's fists, Lao Ma couldn't help being afraid. If the fists were smashed down, people would be killed.

"How dare we play tricks on our elder sister? We don't think so carefully and overestimate ourselves too much. However, we only take out half of the animal skin, and we have hidden the other half." Mosquitoes will quibble that they can't admit it even if they are playing tricks. If they admit it, they may die. If they don't admit it, they still have a way to live.

"What's going on over there? That Qin ran wants to eat my food? " Yin Zhu is very cold. She goes to Qin ran to settle the accounts at night. Yin Zhu doesn't plan to fight with others. She's on her own. It's better to fight secretly.

"No, we told you about elder sister. It's a temporary scare. Then we said we would invite you to talk about it." Old horse efforts to smile, but this smile that is full of sweat on the face is very funny.

"Hum, that is to say, you didn't do anything and poked me out." Yin Zhu felt that he might have taken the life of his men, otherwise how could he have met these wastes?

Think about Tengxiao baikun. They will arrange many things for her. There is no one around. I really miss them.

Especially now when people are in need of help, it's a pity that they can't come.

"Elder sister, I know it's our fault. Please give us another chance." The old horse looked at Yin Zhu with a serious look and couldn't help pleading.

"Since they have already sent out half of their skins, why haven't they sent out the other half?" Yin Zhu hummed coldly and then stood up.

The old horse didn't know how to answer when he heard this. Didn't he want to leave something for atonement?

Sure enough, the female devil is not easy to wait on. Just think about it, Yin Zhu punished them for an hour. It can be said that old ma has no other idea. Just ask Yin Zhu not to punish him.

"Elder sister, when do you want to get in touch with them?" The old horse asked carefully.

"You go and get me all the information about Qin ran. I want to do a good research. This kind of thing should be able to do well. If this kind of thing can't be done well, then you don't have to keep it, because it's useless." Yin Zhu said coldly.

The old horse nodded hastily, "this is sure to be done well. Let's go now."

What Lao Ma was most afraid of was that Yin Zhu said that he would not let them go. Fortunately, Yin Zhu said that he would not pursue their problems as long as they managed this matter well.

Looking at the old horses crawling away, Yin Zhu directly uses his mental energy to look at the surrounding environment. Then he soon finds that some people are paying attention to this place. Old horses are stupid, and they don't know if they are being watched.

Yin Zhu looked at the location of the watchman, laughed and went out.

Yin Zhu quickly found the place where the watchman was. Then he used his mental strength to monitor what the other party was doing, and then he knew what the other party was doing. He directly hinted that the other party would open the door with his spirit. Yin Zhu found that his mental strength had a great influence on the people in the world, and he always felt that he was very powerful.

Looking at the person hypnotized by herself, Yin Zhu said that she was a good person. She was really a good person and didn't want to do bad things.

Yin Zhu doesn't want to do anything to this person. She just doesn't want to expose herself and let Qin ran find herself. Yin Zhu doesn't think she has a system and some skills are invincible. She doesn't think she will win against Qin ran. It's because she has no absolute assurance that Yin Zhu wants to sneak in and plot against each other.

Yin Zhu looks at the person who is hypnotized by himself and gives him some techniques to make him sleep more deeply. In addition, she gives a mental hint to make him not remember this memory and then leaves. As long as tonight is over, she should be able to accept Qin ran.

Qin Ran is also a big man in a city. Some of his information is easy to inquire about. As for the secret, besides his confidants, there are also close relatives. I don't think anyone knows. Those are not what the old horse can find out.

The old horses soon came back. Yin Zhu looked at the information in his hand and found that he was cruel and powerful. Otherwise, the young man would not be the leader of Qinglong gang. Yin Zhu felt that if he faced him directly, he might not win.

Yin Zhu never thinks highly of himself or others, so it's better to come to Yin.

When Lao Ma saw the information he had brought back, Yin Zhu was not dissatisfied, so he was relieved. If it was not good enough, he was worried that the female devil would kill them.It's sad to think that they were so smart a few years ago, because he was mentally disabled and wanted to attack the female devil, and then they were punished. Even now, they only dare to scold the female devil head in their heart. On the surface, they have to accompany the female devil head and call the elder sister with a smile.

"Elder sister, what are you going to do with Qin ran?" The old horse asked curiously.

Yin didn't lift his head, but asked coldly, "is it related to you?" How to deal with Qin ran, Yin Zhu naturally won't say, in order to avoid too many people spread out, and now Yin Zhu doesn't trust them.

Lao Ma's face froze when he heard this, and then he said that he was no longer the cheapest and talked too much.

Yin Zhu can't trust Lao ma. Although Lao Ma is controlled by himself, these people obviously won't work for her. Next, he obviously has better partners. Lao Ma is useless.

When he realized this, Yin Zhu's eyes were cold when he looked at the old horses.

The old horses could not help shivering.

"Do you think I need you when I have Qin ran?" Yin Zhu's quiet voice rang out.

The old horses froze when they heard this, and then fell on their knees one by one, "big sister, spare me, we are very obedient. We can do whatever you ask us to do. Although our ability is not strong, we are better than obedience." The old horse begged in a hurry and said he was clever.

"Be obedient?" Yin Zhu hummed two times.

"Elder sister, we promise to listen to you in the future. You are a person who does great things. You certainly don't have much time to spend with Qin ran. If you have anything to tell us to do, we promise to do it for you." The mosquito said hastily.

"Flattery is pretty good, it seems that there was no lack of training before." Yin zhuleng hum.

She checked the old horses and even wanted to take them. How could Yin Zhu not check them? When she took them, Yin Zhu hypnotized them directly and asked them what illegal things they had done one by one. Then she found that these guys had done a lot of bad things, but it's really true that they didn't lose their good deeds, so Yin Zhu kept them all the time Their reasons.

"Old horse, mosquito, I tell you that there are only two ways in front of you now. One is to live, the other is to die. It's over." Yin Zhu said maliciously.

Old ma several heard this immediately choose, "live, we certainly want to live, eldest sister is the kind of kind-hearted and Bodhisattva as kind-hearted good people, will certainly let us live."

If flattery can keep you alive, Ma is ready to go on.

"Forget it. I'll let you off this time. You don't have another one." Yin zhuleng hum, she knows that if they don't want to betray her, they just can't do it.

Forget it, you can fish before. If they are small fish, she is going to catch a big fish tonight.

Yin Zhi waited until it was late at night. Then he walked out slowly. Looking at Yin Zhu's big figure, he felt relieved. Fortunately, he finally left. Yin Zhu was here, and he didn't even dare to sleep.

Think of people like Yin Zhu, Qin ran will certainly suffer. Think of Qin ran, a high-ranking man, who is likely to become his own, and become Yin Zhu's subordinate, Lao Ma can't help but trust him. After all, he is unlucky, and it's fun to see others' misfortune. Why is he unlucky alone, and we are good friends together, right?

Yin Zhu has found Qin Ran's home directly. It's OK for him to sneak into a place.

As soon as Qin ran came home with him, he didn't even turn on the light. Then he felt that he couldn't move. His hair stood up. "Who?" He asked in a trembling voice, this is the most dangerous he has ever met.

"You don't want to swallow my hide, but also want to meet me. No, I'm coming to see you." Yin Zhu's voice has been tuned by a voice changer. Yes, Yin Zhu is not ready to meet Qin ran.

Qin Ran has been thinking about who the people in the dark are. He didn't expect that they would be the people behind the old horse. He would quickly apologize, "sorry, friend, I'll settle the money for the animal skin to you later."

That animal skin's money is more or less. At least for his assets, it's not much. He doesn't want to offend a strange person here. It's not good for her.

"Friend, can you let me go now?" Until now, he still can't move. Qin Ran's heart is very uneasy, and he doesn't know what means he uses to control himself. “”

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