"It's OK to let you go, but I'm afraid you're not very obedient. I'll be alone, but I can't deal with a large group of your subordinates." Yin Zhu said lightly.

Qin ran can't help but have a bad premonition when he hears this. As the leader of the Qinglong Gang, he knows some means to control others. Once a person is controlled, don't escape. Naturally, he doesn't want to be controlled and become a dog.

"I advise you to be obedient. Originally, I didn't intend to find you, but you bumped into me. Don't worry, I don't intend to do anything to you. As long as you help me do what I want, you are still Qin ran." Yin Zhu said calmly.

With a wave of Yin Zhu's hand, a spell fell on Qin ran. Qin ran just felt that there was something more on his body, but he felt that there was nothing more.

"What do you want me to do?" Qin ran couldn't help thinking at this time. Of course, he wanted to procrastinate more. When his subordinates found that he was wrong, he would come to save him.

Seeing Qin ran struggling, Yin Zhu couldn't help laughing, "are you looking for a chance to escape? Ha ha, you are so naive. Ask the old horses if they can escape? "

Qin ran was stunned at this.

Yin Zhu continued, "yes, just as you think, those people who want to do evil things to me, and then I clean them up. Then I just let them do some small things for me. As a result, you send them to my door again. You see, every time I need someone to help me, someone will send them to my door. God is on my side."

Qin ran couldn't help cursing when he heard this. He always said this sentence. As a result, it would be reversed. This feeling of being pressed is really uncomfortable.

Qin ran can't help but scold several of his subordinates to death. Seeing that he has been home for such a long time, and the house is still dark, doesn't he react that something has happened? It's stupid.

From tomorrow on, he must train these idiots well. Each of them has a very stable life and has no sense of danger.

"It's been such a long time. Your men haven't come to save you. It seems that you are destined to help me." Yin Zhu laughs and feels very happy.

Qin ran struggled for so long, but there was no way. He was a little desperate this time. Of course, he thought more about who this woman was? It's a pity that he was controlled without finding out who he was.

"Well, I won't play with you any more. I'll let Lao Ma contact you for what I want you to do. That's all." Yin Zhu said with a smile, Qin Ran's men finally found something wrong.

"By the way, remember to be obedient, or you will be punished." Yin Zhu smiles softly and then turns to leave.

Qin ran immediately felt his body moving. At this time, footsteps came from the door, and even the light of the room was on. His crows looked at Qin ran anxiously and asked, "boss, are you ok?"

Qin ran this meeting facial expression is very bad of call up, "find a person for me, until the person finds for me."

It's the first time that he has been threatened and calculated like this. He has to get that man out and have a cramp.

As for Qin ran, Yin Zhu's spell is still the same, but Yin Zhu knows that Qin Ran's willpower is much stronger than that of the old horse. So the spell given by Yin Zhu to Qin Ran is different from that of the old horse, and Yin Zhu starts the spell as soon as he leaves. Qin Ran is obviously not good. He always wants to be good, isn't he?

Qin Rangang asked someone to search Yin Zhu. Then he felt a sharp pain in his chest. Then he began to twitch. The veins of his body burst up one by one, as if there were some monsters in his body to climb out. It looked very terrible.

This meeting crow they all surround Qin ran one by one, sent Qin ran to the first aid, where still tube Yin Zhu.

Yin Zhu quickly returned to the old horse's room. Looking at the people who were sitting there without a rest, Yin Zhu glanced at them. It was good, very good.

"Elder sister, are you back?" The old horse called gallantly.

"It's hard work. We've prepared a midnight snack. Do you have a big meal?" Xiaobei asked with a kebab in his hand. Because Yin Zhu went to Qin ran, they were worried that they couldn't sleep. Of course, they were not worried about Yin Zhu, they were worried about themselves. They would spend a long time here having a snack.

"I had a good time as a child. It's more nourishing than me." Yin Zhu Zizi said, it's not true. She went out to do business in the middle of the night. It's good to have a snack here.

Maybe the meaning of envy in Yin Zhu's words was too strong, which surprised the old horses. They stood up immediately, like a primary school student.

"Elder sister, what do you want to eat? We'll buy it for you." The mosquito swallowed and asked carefully.

"Well, I don't want to eat your cancer prone junk food. You can eat more yourself." What kind of kebabs did Yin Zhu take a look at? What kind of natural barbecues can these things compare with those in the orc mainland? She's tired of all those wild and natural barbecues. Will she still eat these things?After listening to Yin Zhu's words, several people who thought the barbecue was delicious would become tasteless. They wanted to throw away the kebab they were still holding.

"Elder sister, what instructions do you have?" The old horse looked at several brothers. They all looked like dying flowers. Their heads were all hanging down to their waist. He could only stand up and ask in a low voice, who told him to die? Now he has to go down on his knees.

"Well, I've straightened out Qin Ran's side. When you go back, you can send the rest of the animal skins. Then you can just stare at Qin ran and ask him to build a laboratory for me." Yin Zhu believes that Qin ran will be obedient tomorrow after today's experience, unless he doesn't want to live.

"Smooth? How do you smooth it out? " The old horse asked curiously.

Yin Zhu saw the curious look of the old horse and laughed. He raised his hand directly to several people present and said with a smile, "like this?"

The old horse almost didn't kneel down when he saw this. He looked at Yin Zhu with a mournful face and said, "elder sister, what punishment is this

Yin Zhu laughs when he hears this. The spell is very simple. Lao Ma's mind is very clear about Yin Zhu's appearance, but he can't draw it out, let alone speak it out. Today, Yin Zhu thinks about it clearly. Qin ran doesn't see her from the beginning to the end. Yin Zhu can borrow Lao Ma and hide behind the scenes, so she will be more safe. As for Lao Ma, Qin ran knew that Lao Ma was controlled by himself, and he would not do anything to Lao Ma, because he had no way to threaten her with them.

The more you think about it, the more you think it's a good way. You're just too smart. After praising yourself, Yin Zhu announced happily, "just as you think, I've threatened Qin ran. Later, you're a grasshopper on the line. Qin ran hasn't seen me, so I'll tell him anything through you."

As for why he didn't meet Qin ran directly, it was because Yin Zhu felt that Qin ran was ruthless, and his mental strength was much higher than that of ordinary people. Yin Zhu was afraid that this person would rather die than be threatened. He didn't want to gamble on this.

"You, you say you control Qin ran, just like us?" Lao Ma can't help but say something excitedly. As for why he is excited, it's probably because Qin Ran's identity is different from theirs. As a result, he ends up with them. It seems that he is not the most unlucky.

"Well, there are some differences in incantation. You minions also use simple incantation. Qin Ran is an enhanced version. His mental power and willpower are much stronger than yours." Yin Zhu said with emotion.

Lao Ma can't help shrinking his neck when he hears this. It doesn't mean that Qin Ran has been hurt more seriously. The so-called willpower is not that the higher the better. Lao Ma can't help but order wax for Qin ran in his heart. Hapless Qin ran.

Of course, all this is also because Qin ran didn't do good things. At the beginning, Qin ran had a good deal with him, so nothing happened. Sure enough, people can't do bad things.

After Yin Zhu explained these things, she patted her ass and left. She had better go back to make up for her sleep. She is not young either. It's honest to stay up late and hurt her body.

Qin ran was sent to the hospital by his staff because of his unbearable physical pain. However, after he went to the hospital, no matter how the doctor examined him, he said that Qin ran was very healthy and didn't get sick at all. Then he changed to another hospital, and the result was the same. Qin ran wanted to smash the hospital. What is he not sick when he pretended to be sick Well.

The doctors were also surprised. Qin ran didn't seem to be pretending to be sick. The pain was also true. Is this a new virus? So all kinds of tests came, and nothing happened.

Qin ran had been in pain for a whole night. At dawn, he found that he was better. Inexplicably, he began to feel pain, but inexplicably, he did not. Qin ran would think of what the mysterious woman said when she left. If she was not good, she would be punished. Qin ran was very sure that she had been schemed, but he did not know when she was schemed.

The hospital can't check out the result, Qin ran can only secretly hate, that mysterious woman doesn't say that the old horse is also controlled by her? So he went directly to ask some of the old horses to see if they were the same as himself. He casually inquired about the woman's background. He had not suffered a loss before. In the end, he paid back thousands of times. As a result, no one would dare to let him suffer a loss again. As a result, this time, he was careless and thoroughly planted.

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