When she finally gets rid of Yang Wantong, a little fan, Yin Zhu wipes her non-existent sweat, saying that she has controlled several people with her technique, and the others are all frightened. Only Yang Wantong, a big hearted girl, thinks that nothing has happened and wants to pester her to learn the technique.

Yin Zhu would like to say that he is a heavyweight. He is not a harmless person. How can Yang Wantong entangle herself?

She looks so talkative. Forget it, a little girl, and she's very cute. Yang Wantong, who is in her early twenties, is not a little girl in her eyes now?

Yin Zhu would stick out his finger and poke Bai Yangui, who was lying on the stall sleeping, "you are a trouble, big trouble."

At the beginning, when Bai Yangui came back with her, she felt that there was a conspiracy and a problem. Now, it's true that she's a good person. At least she's still a human. As long as she doesn't bleed and change, at least no one will doubt her non-human identity, but Bai Yangui is different.

Bai Yangui, who has been anesthetized, will fall asleep and ignore Yin Zhu.

Yin Zhu looks at Bai Yangui and locks the door of the room. Bai Yangui is going to have a good meeting with Doctor Li.

At this time, Doctor Li is also inquiring about Yin Zhu and their news. He is sure to get the snow wolf, because his discovery is too amazing.

However, the relative Doctor Li still asked people to inquire about the information, and he had not been able to find out the information of Yin Zhu. In the middle of the night, Yin Zhu had directly found Doctor Li's home along with his mental strength.

Yin Zhu looked at doctor Li, who was going to sleep well. She couldn't help holding her chin. This man's heart was so big that she could sleep so well. She was too anxious to wait for a moment.

But doctor Li has a family. He will live with his family. Yin Zhu wants to teach Doctor Li a lesson, but the environment is obviously not suitable.

After thinking about it, Yin Zhu sighed. Forget it, for the sake of everyone, she spared the veterinarian's life. Yin Zhu gave a hint to Doctor Li directly. However, he didn't want to think about yesterday's events, but he also gave a spell. As for this spell, as long as he didn't start it, he would never hurt this person. Of course, Yin Zhu hoped that the other party would never hurt him Don't think about yesterday.

After quietly doing what she wants to do, Yin Zhu quietly leaves. Yin Zhu says that she is not the kind of person who is determined to do great things. She is still a small person.

Soft hearted people can't be big. Yin Zhu looks at the moon on his head and sighs.

Forget it, you'd better go back and stare at Bai Yangui, so as not to have any accident. He has locked the person, but Yin Zhu is still worried that he will be tied to death by Bai Yangui.

I want to come back to travel and play everywhere. I've set my goal, but I'm still busy.

Yin Zhu wants to say whether she has no life to enjoy. She is always busy. God has never let her rest. Things are going on wave by wave. God doesn't want to test her. She didn't want to be the leading role from the beginning to the end.

She just wants to live with her partner and children. She has four partners anyway.

It's a pity that now there is no one around, a person alone, partner in another world how to break?

Yin Zhu quickly goes back to her house, and then when she goes to see Bai Yangui, Yin Zhu suddenly finds something wrong with Bai Yangui immersed in the moonlight.

On the surface, it looks like a layer of white moonlight shines on Bai Yangui. But Yin Zhu, who is very energetic, clearly feels that Bai Yangui is absorbing these things. Can orcs absorb the power of the moon in their own world?

What's going on? Yin Zhu quickly thousands of check up, Bai Yangui is still sleeping, these moonlight should be Bai Yangui subconsciously absorbed.

Yin Zhu knows a lot about the legend of wolf worshiping the moon, and there are also a lot of fairy tales about monsters absorbing the moon. Are these all true?

Yin Zhu sat down cross legged and tried to see if he could absorb the power of moonlight. He also wanted to see what the power was about. However, Yin Zhu found that he could not absorb anything.

Yin Zhu looks at Bai Yan GUI with great doubts. Why can Bai Yan GUI but not himself? It's strange that although there is a difference between the Xi people and the orcs, they are still orcs on the whole, which should not be so different.

You can't talk about talent. In this case, Yin Zhu really wants to find a piece of tofu to kill him. He soberly wants to absorb it, but he can't compare with Bai Yan's subconscious absorption. It's too shocking.

Yin Zhu is still unwilling, or wants to try something else. She looks at Bai Yangui. Is it hard for her to become a beast instead of a human being?

Yin Zhu will carefully look around. There is no one next to her house. In the middle of the night, there should be no one to spy on her. For the sake of safety, Yin Zhu uses his mental energy to scan around him. When he finds that there is no problem, Yin Zhu tries to change. Thinking about her mother's desire to see her change, she is not satisfied. This will be a secret change.Yin Zhu doesn't like animal bodies, and usually he doesn't change. Unless he can't control himself, he can't make himself come out with a bear's head to scare people. Originally, his body is strong enough. If he becomes a bear again, he will be even stronger.

Who could have thought that she would one day use the adjective Zhuang in her body? It's sad to think about it.

Soon, Yin Zhu became a big black bear, and then he was lying on the ground to bask in the moon. Originally, Yin Zhu wanted to sit cross legged, but after thinking about it, he couldn't do it. Looking at his two short thick legs, Yin Zhu was a little sad.

However, lying on the ground, Yin Zhu felt that the moonlight was warm on his body, very comfortable, and felt that he had been touched by his mother.

Yin Zhu couldn't help closing his eyes and breathing hard. With Yin Zhu's breathing, a force belonging to the moon was sucked into his stomach and then spit out.

After absorbing the moonlight, Yin Zhu felt that his whole brain was in the spring, warm and comfortable, neither cold nor hot, just right, and even his body seemed to lighten.

Yin Zhu couldn't help but keep breathing, and then kept breathing.

When Yin Zhu wakes up, Yin Zhu finds that the moon has disappeared and the sun has appeared in the sky. Maybe it's a visual problem. Yin Zhu feels that it's wrong. Then she knows that she's a beast. She's confused. How can she turn into a beast to sleep? She never has this habit.

Yin Zhu would try to think of yesterday. She just wanted to try to absorb the power of the moonlight, and then she fell asleep slowly. Even she didn't feel it at all, she fell asleep just like being hypnotized.

Yin Zhu can't help but be afraid of this. The moonlight is poisonous. It's the first time that she's out of control. If people know there's a big black bear in the room, it's bad.

No one should find it, Yin Zhu thought ruefully, there must be no problem, if there is a problem, she, she will probably flee the world.

The moonlight can make the orcs forget themselves. They must not change at night. Otherwise, they don't know how to die. Fortunately, the moonlight only affects the body of the beast, as long as she doesn't become the body of the beast.

Yin Zhu will check his body in a hurry. He doesn't know whether he got anything except the influence of the moonlight on him last night.

Yin Zhu will check it carefully, and she finds that her mental power has become pure. The reason is that Yin Zhu has used so many incantations in this period of time, especially yesterday. Normally, today she should have a headache, but nothing happened today, and her mental power has improved a little bit.

The most important thing is that in the orc mainland, Yin Zhu always feels that his spiritual power is very complex, and he always feels powerless. Now Yin Zhu feels that he has a lot more control over his spiritual power.

Obviously, the moonlight was good for his cultivation, but Yin Zhu didn't dare to practice at ease.

As for whether other things will have other effects on the orcs, Yin Zhu doesn't know for a moment. He doesn't feel that he is practicing casually. Everything has not been tested. No one knows what his final result will be, such as Mengji's reincarnation formula. Who knows what it will be like in the end? It's impossible to predict.

Yin Zhu doesn't know whether he should let Bai Yan return to practice. If there is something wrong with his practice, what should he do?

At present, the benefits are real. Yin Zhu is thinking about whether he should try a little every day and control it carefully. If there is something wrong, he will cut it off immediately.

Of course, what's more, Yin Zhu plans to go to the Internet to check all kinds of things about the cultivation of spirits into immortals, especially the news about Yuehua. Yin Zhu thinks that there is no wind without fire. These legendary stories may have a little effect on her.

Anyway, I always have to try to see it. Maybe it will be useful. It's also an emergency medical treatment, especially about Bai Yangui. Bai Yangui's health is a big problem, but Yin Zhu doesn't dare to take him to the hospital. Even the veterinarian doesn't dare. But Yin Zhu doesn't know how to treat Bai Yangui.

"Bai Yangui, I don't know whether you are right or wrong in doing this, but at present, it should be good for you, so I don't care. Whether it is good or bad depends on your own life, which should also be your own choice. Otherwise, you won't come to this world with me regardless of everything, and you will give your own destiny to God." Yin Zhu sighed.

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