Yin Zhu admires Bai Yangui for making such a decision. After all, not everyone is so crazy and dares to gamble his life. Besides, this guy also bet that she won't give up on her. It seems that she is too soft hearted, and many people know this weakness.

Probably from childhood education, life is always the most important thing for her. She can't kill other people's lives for an uncertain future like they did in vain. She can't do it. She can't do it. For her, the future is uncertain, and the present is real.

This is probably the biggest difference between her and Bai Ji. Those people have ideals and goals, and they are all so noble. However, those people are also cold-blooded. They can wipe out the existence of many people by waving their hands. Should the weak die? Shouldn't the strong protect them?

Yin Zhu sighs and touches Bai Yangui's head. Bai Yangui opens her eyes and looks at Yin Zhu curiously.

"What? Don't you know me after a sleep? " Yin Zhu pokes Bai Yangui's head with his finger.

Bai Yangui leaned his head against Yin Zhu's side and rubbed it. Yin Zhu looked at Bai Yangui carefully. It seemed that he was much more flexible. It seemed that yesterday's moonlight was really useful.

Yin Zhu decided to look back for information, saying that when she was in the orc world before, she didn't feel that the night was different. Was it because the moon where she sat was different?

Yin Zhu wants to say that she has been basking in so much moonlight since she was a child, but she doesn't think there is anything unusual. But Bai Yan has a problem when she comes back to bask in it. Is that OK for animals?

Yin Zhu thought about it and decided to find an animal. After all, animals can become sperm.

In addition, Yin Zhu went back to the Internet to download a lot of legendary things about cultivating Taoism, such as Tao Te Ching. Yin Zhu didn't know whether it was useful or not. He used dead horses as living horse doctors. He turned back to put these things on Bai Yan GUI to see what special reaction Bai Yan GUI had.

She is doing experiments. Of course, another one is how to collect moonlight if it's good for orcs. This kind of thing can't be collected.

Yin Zhu went back the next day to buy a dog. One of the reasons why he chose a dog was that he wanted to find a companion for Bai Yangui. The other was that dogs were very clever animals and should be easy to teach.

It's a pity that this little dog is very afraid of Bai Yangui. He doesn't dare to go near Bai Yangui at all. He is always far away. Is this the instinct of wild animals? Think Bai Yangui is dangerous?

In other words, the instinct of the beast is very easy to use sometimes. Yin Zhu doesn't force the dog to go back with Bai Yangui. Anyway, she bought it for experiment. Yin Zhu is afraid that she will raise it with her heart. She will spend her feelings on going back. It's hard to go back when she wants to leave. However, she was disappointed when she wanted to find a playmate for Bai Yangui.

As for whether it's bad to find a dog for a person, Yin Zhu doesn't think about it. Besides, Bai Yangui is a wild animal now. If she doesn't have anything to do, she'll play. If she doesn't make trouble for her, she'll be happy.

The next night, Yin Zhu found that Bai Yangui was still comfortable in absorbing the moonlight, but the dog she bought could not absorb the moonlight. Was her idea wrong, that the creatures on the earth could not absorb the moonlight?

No, how do those goblins practice? Yin Zhu thinks that since there is a legend, it should exist. Even if it doesn't exist now, it should exist before. What's the problem?

It's hard to say that you have to be intelligent. According to the legend, you have to be intelligent. That is to say, you have to have thinking animals to absorb Yuehua. That's not right. Bai Yangui doesn't have so-called thinking intelligence. Bai Yangui now relies on the instinct of wild animals.

Yin Zhu thought for a whole night, but still didn't understand. Looking at Bai Yangui lying there comfortably absorbing the moonlight, Yin Zhu couldn't help but lie beside him and absorb it together. Just absorb it? Of course, he was afraid that he would be found sleeping dead. Yin Zhu also set the alarm clock early to absorb two hours. It was late at night, and the moonlight was just right and it was not easy to be found.

It's another comfortable night. After being woken up by the alarm clock, Yin Zhu can't help touching her chin. She clearly doesn't want to be a beast because it's dangerous, but she can't help being a beast because it's too comfortable to absorb the moonlight? Even now, she feels very comfortable. When she wakes up very early, she will be full of energy. She thinks that because she has absorbed the moonlight once, she will subconsciously want to absorb the moonlight at night. Is the moonlight poisonous and addictive?

Yin Zhu can't help but be afraid. He has to control himself and can't absorb any more. Otherwise, something will happen one day.

Looking at Bai Yangui, who was comfortable and didn't know anything, Yin Zhu sighed, "you're lucky. You don't have to think about anything. Just lie there and enjoy yourself. All of them are arranged for you by others." After sighing and shaking her head, she didn't want to have such comfort for herself, just because there was no other way to go, otherwise who would like to go so hard and take a road that she didn't know the future at all.

Moonlight, moonlight, poisonous moonlight. Thinking of this, Yin Zhu has to look for the information again. He's afraid that he will become addicted and can't change it. Everything is good, and it's not good to lose control.When he's free, Yin Zhu takes out Tao Te Ching to study for Bai Yangui. He lies on a reclining chair and studies by himself. Two dogs sit beside him, which makes him feel a little relaxed.

Yin Zhu found that when he was studying, Bai Yangui turned up his ears and listened seriously. With that serious attitude, Yin Zhu was wondering if Bai Yangui understood? Just look back to ask, or silly, is not understand, is standing there silly, a silly dog.

Yin Zhu touches Bai Yangui's head, and you are a silly dog. However, you are just scolding him. This guy thinks that Yin Zhu is praising him, so he sticks out his tongue and licks Yin Zhu's palm, as if he is acting like a coquetry.

Studying seems to have no effect, but it seems to have a little effect. At least when Yin Zhu was studying the Scriptures, Bai Yangui was very clever sitting there, like a serious pupil.

Forget it, no matter whether he is useful or not. Anyway, she's OK. Just take it as a pastime. What if it's useful to Bai Yan GUI?

At night, it's still the moonlight. Go on, Yin Zhu will stay away from the scope of the moonlight. She doesn't want to take the initiative to absorb the moonlight.

Looking at his newly bought dog, he would climb to his bed. Yin Zhu twisted it up and threw it to Bai Yangui. "Stupid dog, you are not allowed to climb my bed in the future."

However, at this meeting, Yin Zhu found that the dog, who could not absorb the moonlight, started to absorb the moonlight because he was next to Bai Yangui. He would nest at Bai Yangui's feet and start to absorb the moonlight with Bai Yangui's frequency. When Yin Zhu saw this, he could not help but be surprised. How could it be?

The dog is scared to death because of the absorption of the moonlight. Or is it because the absorption of the moonlight can make people forget everything, no matter the danger or anything else? Thinking of this, Yin Zhu once again thinks that the moonlight is too dangerous for these beasts.

Yin Zhu is sleepless. She plans to have a good look at how the dog absorbs it.

Yin Zhu went forward and twisted the dog to the other side where there was also moonlight. However, Yin Zhu found that there was no way for the dog to absorb the moonlight alone. Yin Zhu twisted the dog to Bai Yangui's side, and then the dog began to absorb the moonlight again.

Why, after all, is Bai Yangui driving the dog's cultivation?

Yin Zhu wanted to experiment again. As a result, he just turned off the dog. The dog knew how to resist. He ran to Bai Yangui's feet and lay down comfortably to absorb the moonlight. He took the initiative and learned very fast.

Yin Zhu is still studying the problem of Bai Yangui's absorption of Yuehua. On the other side of Ning Wai, Qin Ran has started the laboratory. At this time, Lao Ma has been invited to Qinglong gang by Qin ran. Of course, it's polite to say please, but it's impolite to say that they are locked up.

Although Qin ran didn't do anything to the old horses, they were really not free. Even if they went out, they were watched to death. Fortunately, Yin Zhu didn't launch the spell these days. They were comfortable, but this comfort was not what they wanted. Unfortunately, they didn't have the right to refuse.

Although Qin ran said that he had prepared the laboratory, he was still very unwilling. He wanted to solve his own problems, but there was no way.

Qin ran also invited a number of experts in the laboratory. These experts were snatched from other people's hands by him. Since some of the experts he was looking for could not lift the magic of the mysterious elder sister, he should use scientific means.

The first experiment was the old ma and others. Qin ran wanted to know what the principle of the spell was. It was too magical.

The old horses knew that they were going to be experimented, and they all shivered. Thinking about the experimental objects in the laboratory, they were so scared that they almost urinated. They were really afraid that they would be sliced.

Fortunately, it's probably because Lao Ma was able to contact Yin Zhu. Qin ran just asked people to check their bodies and draw a little blood for research. He didn't do anything too much.

However, the old horses are scared to death. Now they only expect the elder sister to come quickly. If the elder sister doesn't come, they will really die miserably.

What Lao Ma is most afraid of now is that Yin Zhu has forgotten some of himself. However, they don't even have the way to contact Yin Zhu. The lab just has nothing to do. It's not just studying them.

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