After waking up comfortably, Yin Zhushu opened his eyes and took a look at the empty room. Then he remembered that yesterday Bai Yan turned back to be a human and went to a deserted house not far away to practice. There was only himself in the room.

At this time, Yin Zhu looked at the extra clothes at the head of her bed. Did she remember putting them in her backpack? Why did she come here? Did she bring it out yesterday when she took her pajamas?

But then Yin Zhu felt that it was not right. He took the red things on his clothes. Yin Zhu unfolded his clothes and saw the handwriting left by blood on them. He was stunned.

Just look at the words above, you know that the person who left this thing is Bai Yangui, but what does Bai Yangui say? He's gone? be gone? Where to go, in addition to his handwriting, where else can he go in this world? Bai Yan will not have returned to the orc world, will he?

Although Bai Yangui left his handwriting, Yin Zhu still doesn't believe that in this world, Bai Yangui has nowhere to go. Where can he go? Thinking of the house where Bai Yan went back yesterday, Yin Zhu ran out in a hurry. When Yin Zhu's father and mother, who lived next door, saw Yin Zhu rushing out like this, they couldn't help anxiously holding Yin Zhu and asking, "girl, what's the matter with you?"

"Bai Yan is gone. He's gone." Yin Zhu said angrily.

When Yin Zhu's parents heard this, they also rushed to help them. They knew very well that Bai Yangui was not a little pet, but a person.

However, they watched Yin Zhu run away in a gust of wind, and then ran directly to the deserted house. There they could see the footprints of someone who had been there, but they didn't find Bai Yangui. It seemed that he had indeed left.

Yin Zhu then looked for the surrounding environment, but he didn't find the person who came back from Bai Yan. Yin Zhu then went back to the house where he lived.

This time, Yin Zhu's parents were very worried and asked, "what's the matter with Yin Zhu? Why did Bai Yangui disappear? Did someone find something special about him? " This is what they are most worried about. In this case, Yin Zhu is not safe.

Yin Zhu's father is full of imagination. He is very uneasy in his heart. The recent stable days have made him relax his vigilance. As a result, something happened.

Looking at his parents' faces are not good-looking, how can Yin Zhu not know what they think of? Yin Zhu shook his head with a bitter smile this time, "he was not taken away by others, he left by himself." Thinking of Bai Yangui leaving like this, Yin Zhu feels betrayed. Isn't she good to Bai Yangui? Even if Bai Yangui really wants to leave, she won't stop her. Why should she sneak away like this?

Because Yin Zhu was in a bad mood, she couldn't understand why Bai Yangui did it.

Hearing this, Yin Zhu's father asked suspiciously, "how can he go himself?"

Yin Zhu then decadent said: "yesterday Bai Yan GUI was sober and became a human being. He talked with me for a while and let me have a rest. He said that he would go outside to practice. Then, who knows, he left a message to me this morning, saying that he was gone and told me not to look for him."

"What? The heartless man, you took care of him for so long, he took care of his wound and ran away? " When Yin Zhuma heard this, she was very angry. She thought that because of the existence of Bai Yangui, Yin Zhu was very careful. She was afraid that she would be known about a wolf she raised. Then she moved to the outskirts of the city to live there. She thought it would be safer there. As a result, Bai Yangui would repay her daughter like this?

"Girl, will he leave you and bring you something bad? Or did he steal from you and leave? " Yin Zhu's father asked in a hurry.

Yin Zhu shook his head and said, "I don't know why he left. I seriously thought that he should not return to the orc mainland for the time being, and he didn't want anything from me. It seems that he is not hostile to me, but I don't know why he left?"

Yin Zhu is really confused. Bai Yangui's animal pill is gone. He just turned back yesterday. Even if he wants to go back, he always has to be prepared to go back. He won't go back in such a hurry. As for the hostility to himself, if Bai Yangui is hostile to her, shouldn't he stay beside her and watch her? Because it's convenient to attack her. It's not because Ziji can't bear to hurt her, so he leaves?

But even if you leave, you can always tell her. Is that necessary? Here he left a message for Yin Zhu to absorb Yuehua as much as possible. If Yuehua is a good thing, why don't you say it directly and leave a message like this?

So leave a mystery for her to guess, she is to consider whether she can absorb the moon, headache.

"Well, since people have already left, it's meaningless to say so. Let's meet someone who has no conscience. But girl, no matter who this person is, whether it will hurt you or not, we should basically prevent it. We should not trust others too much. " Yin Zhu's father told Yin Zhu to be careful and not to think ill of others, but at least to be on guard.

Yin Zhu nodded to show that she knew that she really didn't quite know that Bai Yangui would leave. Moreover, along the way, she didn't expect that Bai Yangui would wake up so soon, which disrupted her pace.

"Yin Zhu, we've been out for a while. I miss your little nephew a little. I'm going to go back with your mother first. How about going on by yourself?" Yin Zhu's father suddenly wants to go home this time.It's really a very happy time to play with Yin Zhu. But Yin Zhu's father knows that Yin Zhu is different from them. Yin Zhu wants to collect species all the way out. As a result, because he plays with them, Yin Zhu slows down all the way. In fact, Yin Zhu has a lot to do, which is a drag on his daughter. Although he also wants to go on with Yin Zhu, the money for the tour is not very high More than that, the couple's pension is enough, that is, he doesn't want to drag on Yin Zhu any more, especially if Bai Yan's return to normal this time will cause harm to Yin Zhu and so on. No one knows. He can't drag on Yin Zhu any more. He's ready to go home.

Moreover, no one knows whether Yin Zhu is safe on the way. Her daughter is very strong, but they are two old men and old women. They are a burden to her. Anyway, it's best for them to go home.

Yin Zhuma was also surprised by the old man's sudden words, but she was just a little good. She just didn't understand things. She didn't care. She supported the old man. Later, the old man would explain to her clearly.

"Dad? Why do you suddenly say that we are going back? Are we tired all the way? I can slow down. " Yin Zhu was very puzzled. She thought that although the speed was a little fast, it should be OK. She saw that the spirits of the two old people were very good.

"No, you've been running for more than half a month. Your mother and I can't hold on, and we're at home on weekdays. I've been away so long and I'm homesick." Yin Zhu's father will never say that he is afraid to drag Yin Zhu down. In that way, the girl will feel guilty. Besides, it's a little bit tiring. In the past two or three days, he will change a place and say that it's fake not to be tired, but it's worth all the tiredness with her.

Yin Zhu can probably guess her father's idea. She gritted her teeth and said, "I'll send you back to the city. You can rest for two days and then go back. Don't worry. Don't strain yourself."

"No, no, your mother and I are not children. We will take good care of ourselves." Yin Zhu's father said with a smile. Fortunately, her daughter didn't say no.

"Let's pack up now." Yin Zhu's mother laughed and took her old man back to her room.

"Old man, what's the matter with you? Bai Yangui just left, and we'll go too. Don't you make your daughter sad?" Yin Zhuma looks at the old man reproachfully.

Hearing this, Yin Zhu's father sighed, "old lady, do you really think our daughter is traveling? We have enough time to travel, but what about her? But my daughter has a lot of things to do. If the time spent traveling with us is a drag on her work, will you feel better then? You see, someone contacted her in the world before, and then Bai Yangui woke up and left. She was afraid that she would be very busy next time. If we can't help her much, we can't drag her back. "

Because of Yin Zhu's Orc status, Yin Zhu did not dare to get too close to them. They really couldn't help Yin Zhu. They came out to play with their daughter for so long. Enough.

Yin Zhuma was silent for a while when she heard this. She didn't say anything. The old man was right. She was just reluctant to give up her daughter. During this period, she had the most fun and felt very happy.

"OK, let's pack up and go home later." Yin Zhu said dejectedly.

"Well, old lady, don't be sad. Next time I'll take you out to play, we'll play all the famous scenic spots in China." The old man comforted mother Yin Zhu.

When Yin Zhuma heard this, she glanced at her wife, "who wants you to accompany me? It's no fun to see you such a bad old man. I'll find a handsome guide later. That's fun."

"Think about when I was also a handsome guy, you saw and chased me. I didn't dislike you at the beginning, but now you dislike me?" Yin Zhu's father is cold.

"I've been shameless for so many years. It's obviously you who asked me first." Yin Zhu's mother stabbed Yin Zhu's father's hide without hesitation. She thought that she was also a flower at the beginning, but she was picked home by the old man before she had time to open it. Now I think it's a loss.

Yin Zhu, who was worried that his parents would eavesdrop on him mentally, could not help laughing. Well, with the old man, the old lady would be sad for three seconds at most. It's good. With the old man, she can be a little relieved.

However, she owes more and more to her parents, which is doomed to be unclear in her life.

Yin Zhu wiped the tears from the corner of his eyes and laughed. Since the old man had decided, she would happily send them to take a ride. Then she continued her journey. As for the Research Institute, Yin Zhu thought about it.

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