After Bai Yangui left Yinzhu, because he didn't bring anything with him, and he was not very familiar with the rules of the world, so he ran directly in the mountains. At least he didn't need to eat in the mountains. As for the living, the orcs always live in the wild at will, and they can find a cave or a big tree.

Even before Yin Zhu, he was always in the countryside. As long as he ran a little farther, he would go to the mountains.

As for getting lost, Bai Yangui is not afraid. Anyway, he has a connection with the address he left with the information. He is not afraid to go in the wrong direction. If the direction is good, he is not afraid to go in the wrong direction.

In fact, Bai Yangui didn't run far away, so he hid in a mountain on the edge of Yinzhu's mountain village. He felt guilty about leaving Yinzhu like this. Of course, there was something about himself that he couldn't tell Yinzhu for the time being.

Yin Zhu is still packing. However, she once again feels a heat coming from her forehead and heart. With the previous experience, Yin Zhu knows that the two children are calling her, so she doesn't know what's wrong with the white sacrifice. However, looking at the urgency, it seems that there is not much time left for her.

Yin Zhu looked at the two children standing in front of him and asked, "what's Bai Ji asking for?"

Teng Xi and Teng Cheng can't help feeling hurt when they hear this. They can contact their mother because of their master. Can't they miss her?

"Ah mu, it's not the master. It's us and Bai Kun who want to talk to ah mu." Tengxi bit his lip and said something wrongly.

When Yin Zhu heard this, he felt embarrassed. "I'm sorry, it's my mother."

"Mother, you didn't believe us, did you? Do you think that if we stand on the side of master, we will harm you? " Tengxi asked with special sadness.

Yin Zhu looked at the two children were about to cry expression, quickly came forward to the two children in his arms, "nonsense, you are my children, how can I not believe you, I didn't expect you will contact me, I thought it was your master, he threatened you again."

Tengcheng was a little happy when he heard this. "Mother, don't worry. Even if I was coerced by master, my elder brother and I can't hurt your mother. We will try our best to protect your mother."

When Yin Zhu heard this, he patted Teng Cheng, "nonsense, my mother doesn't need you to work hard. My mother only wants you to grow up happily, and doesn't want you to join in this matter at all. I don't want you to be in a dilemma now. My mother doesn't know that you've tasted all the flavors of the world since you were young. It's my mother. I'm sorry that I didn't protect you. I'm sorry that I made you so sad now. "

Teng Xi and Teng Cheng feel more guilty when they hear this. He knows very well that their dilemma is their own choice and they have to go through it. They are not innocent at all, but they can't say this to Yin Zhu. Otherwise, even Yin Zhusheng and them are calculated. If they say it, they just can't be as close as they are now.

"Mother, you didn't apologize to us. We did." Teng Xi and Tengcheng are especially guilty.

Yin Zhu thought that the child was threatened by Baiji to deal with himself. He had to say that it was a perfect misunderstanding.

"I don't blame you. I'm weak. If I'm strong enough, who dares to count my children." Yin Zhu felt that he still needed to work hard.

"Well, what do you father want to say, please convey it quickly." Yin Zhu looks at the two boys and it's going to be fine, but Yin Zhu doesn't believe that this cross-border connection will be OK. Even if he doesn't pay the price, he will pay a lot of mental effort. Yin Zhu doesn't want his children to be tired.

"Father, they are all very good. Even if you find a way to deal with Mengji, you may be able to save Jono's father when you go back, and Leihe's father's strength will gradually recover. When you come back, you will see a good Leihe's father." Although Bai Kun believed what the two children said, he didn't tell the two children about his discovery of the node. He didn't believe the two children, but worried that Bai Ji had the means to control the two children. Maybe as soon as he said it, Bai Ji would know, so he just asked the two children to help convey it. Unfortunately, Teng xiteng Cheng couldn't let him see Yin Zhu, so he could only help Convey a few words.

"How are things going with you?" Tengxi couldn't help asking.

"It's OK for me. I'm still collecting materials, and there are all kinds of tools I can take back. Besides, Bai Yangui wakes up and his animal elixir is gone. He absorbs the moon of our world and is recognized by our world. I think Bai Yangui should become a brand new orc, or the species may have changed, such as becoming a demon?" This white swallow turns into a demon. This is Yin Zhu's guess, because this is the same as the goblins in many fairy tales. They specialize in absorbing Yuehua's cultivation, isn't it?

The two children don't know what a demon is. Yin Zhu popularizes the concept of demon to the two children. Of course, all these are Yin Zhu's conjectures.

"I guess Ziji left something behind in baiyangui. Anyway, baiyangui left me for the first time after she became an adult. I don't want to let me know what happened next, or let Ziji know about my affairs. I guess there are both." Yin Zhu said lightly.Tengxi and Tengcheng wrote down this matter for the first time. It's very important. At the beginning, they were all curious about how Bai Yangui went with Yin Zhu. Later, Ziji said that he directly killed Bai Yangui's soul. Then, as an animal without soul, Bai Yangui went to that world with Yin Zhu. They all thought that Ziji would not do anything useless, and Bai Yangui would surely live, But they didn't expect that Bai Yangui would wake up so soon, but the beast pill was gone. It was a huge amount of information, so we should think about it carefully.

Also, I have collected some of our world's Yuehua. I don't know if you can find a way to receive them. If you can, I'll get some of them for you to study?

Since even Bai Yangui secretly tells her that Yuehua is a good thing, does she want to find a way to collect it?

But it's really hard to collect. On weekdays, we can only absorb it. We can only collect a little by the tenth five year plan, and we have to practice to collect it. It's very troublesome.

Teng Xi and Teng Cheng immediately nodded when he heard this. Yuehua is something that can make Bai Yan sober and qualitatively change. It must be a good thing. A living person can transmit it. How can a thing not be transmitted? It's just to find a way.

"Mother, let's go back to discuss and find a way, and then when we think of a good way, I'll contact you." Teng Xi answered in the affirmative, and Teng Xi had a feeling that zhe Yuehua was not only very important to his master, but also to Bai Kun's father. He didn't know whether to tell them such important things.

"I don't have anything to do at the moment. You should be more careful. When I collect materials and more Yuehua, I'll go back. If you have something to do, don't fight with Bai Ji. He can't do anything to you. Just wait for me to go back, OK?" Yin Zhu said with some worry.

Tengxi Tengcheng two very clever nodded, "mother, you can rest assured, we will be good, we wait for you to go home."

The two sides exchanged the main things, and Teng Xi and Teng Cheng cut off the contact very quickly. The contact really hurt them as much as Yin Zhu thought, because it depends on the contract between Zichen and Yin Zhu, and it hurts Zichen's soul. Now Zichen and their soul have fused, that is to say, it hurts Teng Xi and Teng Cheng's soul, of course Even if they contacted each other several times, they could afford it. However, if they wanted to change the soul as Bai Ji said, someone would die.

As soon as Teng Xi and Teng Cheng woke up, Bai Kun quickly asked, "what's wrong with your mother? What did you say? "

"Bai Yangui is sober, and his mother says that his animal elixir has disappeared, and he has been accepted by the rules of that world. Mother says that Bai Yangui should become the demon of their world, a species refined from animals to adults."

Bai Yangui's face changed when he heard this. The new species was directly accepted by the rules of the world. It's very powerful, but Ziji is even more powerful. Maybe these Ziji have already guessed it. Otherwise, how could they throw people directly? Why didn't Ziji ask him to do this experiment at the beginning? If he passed, Yin Zhu would not be alone, Not even a negotiator?

Then tengxi told Bai Kun that Yin Zhu wanted to pass on Yuehua. The reason why tengxi told Bai Kun was that even if Bai Kun said that they had found something to blackmail Mengji, tengxi and Tengcheng still felt that they had no chance of winning, so they had to increase their chips on their side.

When Yin Zhu says that he wants to pass on some Yuehua, Bai Kun is thinking about whether he wants to go there like Bai Yangui, so that he can go to Yin Zhu to discuss things. Isn't he going to pass on Yuehua? At that time, it can be delivered directly to Yin Zhu.

However, Bai Kun just thought it over. He knew very well that since Bai Yangui was accepted by the laws of the world, he would be rejected by the laws of the world. The simplest thing was that Bai Yangui's animal elixir representing the orcs was gone. Thinking that he might not be able to come back, Bai Kun gave up the idea. Anyway, Yin Zhu would pass Yuehua back, and Bai Kun could I don't think I can leave myself here, especially I have to pay attention to the orc mainland. If I really leave, I'm afraid there will be chaos.

"Well, I know about this. You can have a rest and contact tengan tomorrow." Seeing that Teng Xi Tengcheng's face is not very good, Bai Kun's man says something. It seems that there is a price to pay for contacting Yin Zhu. Let them have a rest. If something happens, he will regret it.

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