In daze tribe on the orc continent, Meng Tai is very sad to stand at the gate of the tribe. They all know what Yin Zhu is going to do. It's something he didn't dare to think about before. But it's Yin Zhu's mission. He has been waiting for Yin Zhu to come back. But after scallion Yin Zhu left, there is no news about them, including the news about Wuji, so he's gone Even the Forbidden City in the land of divine punishment has disappeared. There are no anti Rightists, only three or two kittens left.

Nowadays, because of the news spread by Yin Zhu, the life of the orcs in the whole Orc world is much better, but only better. Daze tribe has become the most powerful tribe in the Luoyue mountains, but that's all.

Recently, however, daze tribe is not very stable. On the surface, daze tribe is not weaker than any other tribe. However, daze tribe is strong by rapidly integrating other tribes, because it was too fast to swallow other tribes before, and there was no digestion inside. However, before, there was a Yin Zhu in front, and those who had Yin Zhu did not dare to play tricks, But since this year, Yin Zhu, a new beast God, has been spreading in many parts of the mainland. He is definitely dead with the old beast God before him. Recently, someone has been trying to test him.

People outside are staring at him, but there are still people inside who want to replace him and rob him of his treasures. It can be said that all the internal and external troubles are piled on his head.

There are many good things handed down from daze tribe, such as planting techniques, breeding, medicine and plant encyclopedia. There are too many things handed down by Yin Zhu. Those people don't appreciate what Yin Zhu has given them. On the contrary, those people still stare at things in daze tribe, such as iron ware and other things, and even some people think that daze tribe is rich There must be some other valuable treasures in it. Yin Zhu will not throw everything out foolishly, but will leave it to his tribe. So these people have been following Meng Tai recently.

Mengtai, as the head of daze tribe and the father of Yin Zhu's companion, can be said to have some good things, including what knowledge. These things are absolutely in Mengtai's hands. Mengtai is very clear that he is being watched, and he is afraid to go out of the tribe recently.

However, what worries Meng Tai more is where they have gone. Meng Tai knows that he can hold on, but how long can he hold on? Without Yin Zhu, Meng Tai knew that daze tribe would definitely be scattered, even if it was scattered. What he was more worried about was that he could not save the present people.

Among the Daze tribes, the only people that Mengtai can trust now are the baikun people in the Daze tribe, and a group of orphans raised by him. However, compared with the huge number of daze tribe, these people are too few.

What's more, this daze tribe was built by him, this tall and magnificent wall, and so many materials that Montaigne was reluctant to leave behind. These are his lifeblood.

Of course, teng'an, as the leader of the dark city, sent some orcs to help maintain daze tribe after he knew about daze tribe. However, in addition to the original daze tribe, many of these people still reject the orcs, especially some tribes that have been integrated into daze tribe. In their view, this is a contradiction within the tribe and there is no need for the dark city The people of dark city come to join in.

The Daze tribe is still unified for the time being. Those people want to seize the things in Montaigne's hands, but they don't want these things to be taken away by others outside. They also know that once the Daze tribe splits, they won't want to get the things in Montaigne's hands. So the daze tribe won't split in a short time, but it's hard to say for a long time.

Mengtai is also afraid that teng'an's participation will make the temporary peace disappear, so they can only let teng'an's people go back first.

Moreover, teng'an has no good days at the moment. The people of the original Orc city also stand up at this time and are ready to settle accounts with them. If you want to settle the grudge between Orc city and the dark city, you can't count it clearly. It can be said that both sides are feuds.

If you want to fight, the city of darkness is not afraid of ORC City, but teng'an is involved by Orc city people, and there are only a few people who want to help Mengtai.

In addition, because Morrison's lineage has gone, his strength has been weakened to a certain extent. This time, people in Orc need to pay attention to 12 points.

Mengtai and tengan both know that the reason why Orc city stands up at this time is intentional. Orc city has been in the dominant position in the orc world for so many years, because Yin Zhu was born and the reputation of ORC city was almost destroyed. This time, we took advantage of Yin Zhu to rob daze tribe's things and regain the power of ORC city again. This is what Orc city wants.

The reason why they started against the city of darkness first is that they know that the Daze tribe and the city of darkness are inseparable. In particular, hi teng'an is the child of Tengxiao and Yin Zhu. This makes it impossible for the city of darkness to ignore the Daze tribe's affairs. Everyone knows the battle power of the city of darkness. If the city of darkness can't be destroyed, then the Daze tribe will have nothing to do with it It's not so easy to grab. These forces can be said to join hands to force daze tribe.

Of course, it doesn't mean that all the forces are ruthless. Some of them will be grateful, but there are fewer people who are willing to help daze tribe. There are more people who don't know or don't want to control. In their opinion, Yin Zhu's former benefaction is to publicize his reputation and to the whole world, not to give them a tribe. They don't have any feelings What kind of favor."Patriarch, what shall we do? Or do you want to evacuate? " Asked Snow White, looking at Montaigne standing in front of them.

Montaigne sighed and said, "snow white, Yin Zhu, they're OK. They're still alive. I believe them."

Bai Xue nodded and said, "I believe that, too. But they never show up. People outside don't believe it. We all know who should get revenge early. When Yin Zhu comes back, these bastards will die."

When Yin Zhu was still there, daze tribe was very powerful, and no one dared to attack daze tribe. All those who dared to attack daze tribe disappeared. At that time, those small tribes were overwhelmed by Juque tribe one by one, and life was very hard. Daze tribe was the first one to jump out and defeat Juque tribe, but these bastards Well, with the benefits of daze tribe, we still want to rob daze tribe at this time. They are heartless white eyed wolves.

"What's the point of talking about this? I asked you to send away the cubs of our tribe. It's finished. I'll take away the elite of the tribe later. I'll stay in daze tribe." As early as those people were ready to move, Montaigne arranged for people to send away the tribe's cubs. He wanted to leave hope for the tribe's people.

Fortunately, when the city was being built, they left a secret passage. If the Daze tribe wanted to withdraw, it was quite easy.

When Bai Xue heard this, she shook her head. "Do you think they will go if you don't go? The cubs of the tribe have been sent away safely. We have no worries. How can we go? We are all with you. " Bai Xue is very clear that they can still guard daze tribe now. If they even leave, Meng Tai is afraid that they can't guard what Yin Zhu left behind.

Montaigne just laughed when he heard this, "you are very stubborn."

When Bai Xue heard this, she said with a smile, "I'm old. I can't wander outside. Even if I want to die, I'll die in the tribe. At least I'm safe. Besides, those people think that Meizu people are easy to bully, so they should let the people outside see the charm of Meizu people."

There are not many real people in daze tribe, but each of them is a real warrior. In addition to their strong strength, each of them is equipped with powerful weapons. The weapons made by the machines left by Yin Zhu are arranged by Montaigne to the people who are trusted by the handwriting. There are not many people out there, but few. If those people want to eat daze tribe, he will let them go Noodle people know that daze tribe is not so delicious. It will not only break their teeth, but also bite them.

"Since they don't go, I won't go. I'm not afraid of them anyway." Meng Tai laughs loudly. If Yin Zhu is there, why should he be afraid? As long as Yin Zhu is not dead, as long as the inheritance of daze tribe is still there, he will not be afraid. When they are dead, some people will remember them.

The whole continent is ready to move because of the Daze tribe, and the people left by Morrison's direct family in cold ice city will welcome their ancestors.

When Morrison left, he told them to live their own lives and never mind the affairs in the mainland. However, when Morrison left, there were no leaders here. In addition, Morrison was not willing to tell all the people what he knew. He didn't want the people to feel that they were living because of intrigue, and didn't want their lives to become meaningless Morrison thinks that his burden is enough, but he forgets that many things have been arranged for a long time. He thinks well, but he doesn't think about what these people will do when he leaves.

Originally, his subordinates were puzzled by his departure, but they were obedient. Some people also understood that Morrison had sacrificed for them. They wanted to live well. If no one came out, they would really live well in ice city.

However, one day, a person who was their ancestor jumped out and said where Morrison was being suppressed, suffering and being punished for their whole family, and he wanted to organize people to save Morrison. These lessons were all Morrison's direct family. They were willing to leave behind all the people who went with Morrison. After hearing this, would they spare no effort to save Morrison? They are willing to give their lives.

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