It's easy to do on the other side of the roots. Wash the things, then beat them to rags with a stone hammer, and then wash the broken roots in the bamboo basket, wash the starch out, and wait for the starch to precipitate.

Of course, there are still some dregs leaking from the bamboo basket. This condition is not good, and Yin Zhu didn't insist on it. He just asked people to filter the starch water once and told them not to move.

These things are very simple, in fact, very hard, such as boiling sugar, standing beside the fire constantly stirring, just this heat is unbearable, not to mention stirring all the time, hands will be sour, fortunately the orcs are strong, this work is very simple for them.

Yin Zhu didn't do it, so she commanded. She wanted to help, but those people didn't want her to help.

Amy took the pickled meat out to dry. The whole tribe was very busy. Everyone was very happy when they were busy. Many females were also helping to clean the mushrooms and put them on the skins.

In addition to collecting mushrooms, they also collected bamboo shoots and mustard. As long as Yin Zhu said that they could eat, they all collected them.

Sophie looked at Yin Zhu, who was busy in the crowd. She was very jealous and said, "you know how to seduce a man. You can seduce a man with good hands and feet. Even if you break your hands and feet, you have to be hungry."

Miao Ni, who was behind her, could not help shivering when she heard this and said, "she, she told them to work." In fact, she doesn't like Yin Zhu's, but the food Yin Zhu made recently is really delicious.

For example, mushroom bone soup, such as fried viscera, and milk fruit, all of which are made by Yin Zhu. Now she can eat a few more pieces every day. Yesterday, she secretly went to Yin Zhu to install a bowl of fried viscera. Yin Zhu is actually very good. At least she laughs very gently. She won't be as proud as Sophie.

"Miao Ni, do you think I'm wrong, or do you also think Yin Zhu is very good and want to take refuge in Yin Zhu?" Sophie squinted at miaoni sternly.

Miao Ni was flustered by Sophie and shivered, "no, nothing. I'm your good friend. How can I get along with Yin Zhu? " She also ate a bowl of Yin Zhu's viscera yesterday, which must not be known to Sophie.

"That's the best way, Miao Ni. If I find you're behind my back with Yin Zhu, don't blame me for being rude to you." Sophie said grimly.

Miao Ni shrinks her neck when she hears this. Sophie is so terrible. She used to be a good talker, but now she's a freak.

"How, how can it be? Yin Zhu is so ugly that it turns me off. How can I be nice to her?" With these words, Miao Ni wants to cry. She also plans to ask Yin Zhu how to cook the viscera today. Now it's all in the soup.

"That's good, Miao Ni. Follow me. I promise you a good life. I've already told Mu Xing that he will choose you when he chooses his partner in a few days." Sophie's tone was very light, as if she was talking about what to eat today.

"Really? Thank you. Thank you, Sophie Mu Xing is Miao Ni's favorite, but mu Xing likes Sophie. He listens to whatever Sophie says.

"Well, thank you. It's a piece of cake." Sophie said with indifference.

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