Yin Zhu is walking and commanding in the square. Even the patriarch Meng Tai is watching carefully. It's a big event related to the whole tribe.

Yin Zhu saw that the sugar had been boiled until it was thick. In the end, there were only half of the whole pot of sugar water. There were five pots, which was not bad. He went to collect them every day. When the sweet grass was gone, he should be able to boil dozens of Jin.

Yin Zhu quickly told people to stop the fire, and then poured the sugar water into the well made stone trough, a thin layer, and took it to the sun.

Meng Tai then asked Yin Zhu with a smile, "is that good? Yin Zhu

"Yes, just dry in the sun." Yin Zhu wiped the sweat off his head with a smile.

Looking at the rows of syrup and the rows of washed starch water over there, Yin Zhu felt a great sense of accomplishment. At random, Yin Zhu gave thanks to all the people who stayed to help, and said he would cook a big meal for them at noon.

The male looked at Yin Zhu and said thank you, one by one at a loss, tears in his eyes, "it's nothing, don't thank you." They were originally useless people of the tribe, but now they can do something, which is not worth Yin Zhu's doing.

Because of their own incompetence, every time they hide in the corner of the tribe, they eat what is left over by others. In winter, they suffer from hunger and cold. Sometimes when females see them, they even roll their eyes. Yin Zhu has the best attitude towards them.

"Yes, you are very good. You have been helping me. It's worth my thanks." Because I only know one concept, boiling sugar or making starch, she just moves her mouth and doesn't do anything. They solve a lot of things that they don't know how to do. What's more, they don't get tired of filtering over and over again. She does whatever she says.

They are the hardest ones to do this, but the credit is their own.

At noon, the collection team came back and brought back dozens of bags of things. They wanted to leave a small part of sweet grass for the baby's tooth sacrifice. The rest of the afternoon, they continued to cook. Now that the weather is good, they should dry quickly. After two months, the rainy season will come.

The environment in the orc world is very bad, 12 months a year, and five months in winter. In addition to winter, there is a rainy season in summer every year. It often rains for more than half a month in the rainy season. Then mountain torrents break out, the river rises, and travel is very inconvenient. Daze tribe is located in a relatively high place and will not be submerged by the flood. Some tribes have to move every rainy season It's the same as refuge.

It's very inconvenient to travel in the rainy season. Before the rainy season every year, the tribe will prepare food and try not to go out. However, in summer, the meat will be put in the cave for five or six days. It will taste bad when it is put in the cave. If there is no meat, we can only eat vegetarian food, but there are not many vegetarian food. Every rainy season, there are always orcs missing because they go out to find food. In case of flood, it's even worse The bad orcs will be washed away by the flood.

Most of the missing orcs are dead, but few are alive.

Sometimes, Yin Zhu feels that the world is too harsh on orcs.

Nowadays, some people consciously clean the bones and viscera. They can make bone soup by themselves. Some people even throw some vegetables to scald them and pick them up to eat. It's tempting to just drink bone soup. As for the viscera, they know they don't have that skill, so they bring it directly to Yin Zhu.

Yin Zhu rolled up his sleeves and began to cook. Seeing that the people were satisfied with the food he had made, Yin Zhu was also very happy.

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