After Bai Kun got some answers from Bai Ji, he didn't get discouraged. Instead, he gradually straightened out these things. Bai Kun believed that he could always find the answers he wanted.

Even if Bai Ji knows the purpose of Ziji, he won't tell him. The struggle between him and Ziji is definitely not willing to pull him up, and he probably doesn't need their help.

After Bai Kun heard about it, he went back slowly. Bai Ji's face was gloomy this time.

To control that world, Bai Ji dares to say that apart from Ziji, Bai Kun has no such means to know whether Yin Zhu is well in that world. The only possibility is that Ziji's two precious disciples contacted Yin Zhu, or they didn't tell themselves the information when they contacted Yin Zhu.

Betrayed by his most trusted disciple, Bai Ji seems to be dying and has no spirit. Even Bai Ji thinks that Bai Kun will deliberately tell him the news. Does he want to tell him that he can plot against the two disciples?

In fact, when he arranged Zichen to do this, he had thought about the consequences. Looking at the expressions of the two children, he also thought that the two children would stand on the side of their biological father and mother. But when this matter was clearly placed in front of him, he was so sad. He thought how filial Zichen was and willing to pay everything for him It's true that the apprentice really gave everything for him. Teng Xi Tengcheng is not his disciple Zichen.

The most filial child still disappeared, disappeared, and died the moment he started to send him to the orc continent.

Bai Ji couldn't help but put his hand over his eyes.

"Oh, would you be sad? If you don't want to give up Zichen, why did you send Zichen there at the beginning? Besides, you haven't been on guard against Zichen. It can be said that you didn't believe Zichen at the beginning. Now you're sad. Why do you have to be so hypocritical? There's no one here to watch you perform. " Ziji stands at the door with his head askew, looking at Baiji.

Bai Ji raised his head this time and looked at Ziji fiercely, "why do you come to laugh at me? The people you choose are not so good. How can your people escape? Will Bai Yangui listen to you? "

Ziji heard this and said with a smile, "it's different. Bai Yangui and I just cooperate from beginning to end. My cooperation is over after I send Bai Yan back to that world. So what Bai Yangui does next has nothing to do with me. I can't bear to send out my painstaking disciples. I'm still an individual."

Bai Ji couldn't help laughing when he heard this, "how do you think I'm not human? You still stand here and talk to me."

Purple sacrifice heard this light smile, and then said: "elder martial brother, I have got what I want, and you?"

Bai Ji was stunned and said, "what do you mean?"

Ziji said with a smile, "that's what you know, elder martial brother. I'm different from you. What you care about is the world. The fame is good. Although I care about it, I care more about myself. Now I've found my own way, and I don't hinder you. But there's one thing I want to advise you, Yin Zhu. They are very good At least she is kind-hearted. She will bring something convenient for Orc life from their world. If you can, you'd better stop

"Stop, I want to stop, but how to stop? The world is full of holes. If I give up, the world will be destroyed. How do you tell me to stop? You are smart. When you leave, remember to say that as a senior brother, I can still go to see you off. " Bai Ji laughed twice and said.

When Ziji heard this, he shook his head and said, "no need."

Bai Ji heard a sneer, "I'm afraid I'll spoil your good thing."

Ziji didn't get angry when he heard this, and didn't deny it, "yes, now you won't believe me, so do I

"Then have a good trip." Bai Ji said, biting his teeth.

"Thank you." Ziji then turned and left, while Baiji gritted his teeth and looked at Ziji far away, very unwilling.

He looked at Ziji walking away and frowned. He was obviously speculating about the credibility of Ziji's words. Ziji would go. This Baiji knew for a long time, but would he leave so lightly? Or will you leave after scraping?

In addition, Ziji wants to leave because he needs Yinzhu's help. Baiji is most worried that Ziji will join hands with Yinzhu.

Yes, the purpose of Ziji is to leave this world and go to another world. However, the passage to another world is not so easy. At least no one has ever succeeded. He heard Yin Zhu describe that world before, which is very bad. At least the material aspect is much better than this world, not to mention the spiritual and natural way of that world Then he can recognize them, and he can rest assured, but Ziji still has to prepare a lot of things. He doesn't want to go like Bai Yangui.

Moreover, even in this world, he still has some things to do, not to help anyone, but for himself.

Whether Mengji or Baiji, the ordinary orcs in the world have been hanging all the time, collecting the power of belief, which he also needs, and what Baiji wants, he also needs.Baiji has spent thousands of years to arrange a lot of backhand work. If he doesn't make any arrangement, baiji is not idle when he is busy. What he arranges should also be used.

Besides, he doesn't want Baiji to be so crazy. He doesn't want to bear the sin. Even if Baiji succeeds in the end, he's afraid that those past sins will burn him to death.

Ziji will leave the dark abyss directly. The most important part of this place has been completed, and the rest will go out to fight for the prosperity of the world. How can we not only rely on the people in the nightmare world to fight, but also the orc continent.

After Bai Kun left Baiji, he went to find tengxi brothers to ask about tengan orcs.

Of course, it's much easier to contact tengan than Yin Zhu. Originally, they were in the same world, just two ends of the grid. However, they were brothers of one mother and three children. With the contract, tengan soon communicated with tengan, and Bai Kun could listen to them.

The first thing that Bai Kun asked was naturally the recent situation of the orc mainland. Teng an said all the things that happened in the past year.

After hearing this, Bai Kun calmed down a little. What he was most afraid of was that Bai Ji was plotting against them. These intrigues were small things. Even if there was a war between the tribes, it would not involve the whole Orc world. Bai Ji's actions would be different. At that time, he was afraid that the whole Orc world would suffer.

Teng'an is also very happy to contact tengxi brothers. Although they have always believed that Yin Zhu and some of them will be fine, there has been no news. How can they be at ease? Now I hear Bai Kun say that they are all fine, and Gao Gao's heart is a little more stable.

No matter how hard it is, at least they have hope.

Bai Kun roughly tells the story of the nightmare world. Anyway, teng'an has a part of Zichen's soul and will think about it. Of course, it's one thing to tell teng'an. As for daze tribe, Bai Kun just let teng'an choose a part and tell them.

Although there is nothing wrong in the orc world for the time being, Bai Kun told teng'an over and over again that he must be careful and be careful of Baiji's calculation. In addition, he told teng'an that if there is something abnormal in the orc continent, he must contact them immediately. At least they can help find a way. Teng'an agreed to it after hearing it.

After the simple communication between the two sides, they broke off contact. Teng Xi and Tengcheng brothers were pale and shaky this time. They contacted several contacts in a short time, especially Yin Zhu twice in one or two days, which could be said to have killed the two brothers.

"You two go back to have a good rest, the lost soul power, and see how long it will take for you to come back, and what cultivation resources you need. You say, I'll get it for you." Seeing that the two brothers look bad, Bai Kun, who has been treating them as donkeys, feels a little embarrassed.

"We are very happy to help my mother." Teng Xi and Teng Cheng gritted their teeth.

"Go and rest." Bai Kun Dafa walks with the two brothers with a very complicated look. He has been using the two men's guilt psychology to achieve the purpose he wants. He contacted Yin Zhu and then contacted Teng an. These two requirements are very heavy and unreasonable for tengxi, but they agreed without saying anything.

After Yin Zhu's parents left, he didn't want to travel. He used to collect all kinds of materials and species along the way. Yin Zhu wanted to pack everything together to save his space as much as possible.

Another thing is that Yin Zhu will start to absorb Yuehua. Since Bai Yangui specifically says that Yuehua is very useful, Yin Zhu is ready to practice well. At least he needs to know what this thing is for. It can't be said by Bai Yangui alone.

However, in view of the fact that he would faint and sleep before absorbing Yuehua, Yin Zhu constantly stimulated himself by using the similar method of ancient people's reading, which is that Yin Zhu would not fall asleep when he was practicing, and Yin Zhu found that the effect of consciously absorbing Yuehua was better when he was sober, but Yin Zhu's subconscious absorption could be slowly reduced Jiyuehua, yes, can be collected. This is what Yin Zhu found behind him. Yin Zhu found that as long as he wanted to absorb, he could concentrate all the Yuehua on his palm, and then form a water drop.

After seeing that it can be collected, Yin Zhu is even more excited and wants to collect these things every day. Yin Zhu knows very well that this thing can only be collected when she is on earth. When she comes to another place, she can't collect it. When she doesn't work hard at this time, she can't wait.

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