But after Bai Yangui left Yin Zhu, he ran all the way to the place in his mind. He also experienced a lot of things and hard work, and finally found this place in a deep mountain.

Bai Yangui thinks that he is a werewolf, otherwise he really can't get here, even if the outside world is gone, but it's not so easy in the deep mountains. Bai Yangui meets many beasts. Some things Bai Yangui evades directly by virtue of his beast intuition and strong mental power, some of them fight directly, and there are all kinds of strange plants on the road, which is very important The plants in this world are much worse than those in the orc world. Bai Yangui doesn't understand them at all. Bai Yangui suffers a lot from them.

If Yin Zhu came with him, it would be much easier, but Bai Yangui didn't mean to ask Yin Zhu to come. This is his own business, and it has nothing to do with Yin Zhu. As for whether Yin Zhu will absorb Yuehua according to his message, and whether he can get the same guidance back, he doesn't know.

Bai Yangui also wants to have a look. After absorbing Yuehua, what is it that leads her to come here? Bai Yangui doesn't think it's 100% good for him. It may be a trap. Anyway, he's not so naive.

Bai Yangui looked at the mountain in front of him, and the guide in his mind told him that what he wanted was in the mountain. He circled the mountain a few times, but he didn't find the cave above. At present, the place in front of him should be the closest to that place.

There is no door. The only way is to dig. Fortunately, his claws are quite sharp when he transforms. It's OK to dig a hole.

Bai Yangui digs and digs. At this time, his whole body has turned into the cave. Only a deep hole can be seen outside, and nothing else can be seen. Bai Yangui suddenly feels that his feet are empty, and then he falls down.

Bai Yangui immediately curls up and forms a group, which can protect himself as much as possible.

Fortunately, the cave was not very deep. Bai Yangui didn't get hurt when he fell down. He stretched his hands and feet, and then began to look at the surrounding environment.

This is a big cave. There are several small rooms beside the cave. There are not many things in the cave. Of course, what attracts Bai Yan most is the huge skeleton in the middle of the cave.

Looking at the skeleton, it should be the skeleton of a giant wolf. Bai Yangui looked carefully and didn't see anything strange. He even looked at several small rooms nearby. One of them was the bedroom, and there were some clothes in it. However, due to the long storage time, when he touched the things, all the clothes turned to ashes. As for the other room In the last room, there was a picture of a woman and her clothes. However, these things were all reduced to ashes with the touch of Bai Yangui.

Bai Yangui looked carefully in several rooms, including the hall, but didn't find anything useful.

Bai Yangui frowned suspiciously, and then looked at the wolf skeleton in the hall. He is a werewolf, and the thing here is a wolf skeleton. The skeleton looks very smooth and has the same light as white jade. It doesn't look like an ordinary wolf. With this skeleton, Bai Yangui has never seen a wolf in this world, but he heard Yin Zhu say that it is on the earth My life is not as big as that of the orc world, that is to say, the wolf is not as big as that of the orc world, but the skeleton of the wolf is bigger than that of the ORC.

What's more, it's strange that he's been hitched here before, which means that he has come here, but the gravity that always guides him is gone.

Because of this, Bai Yangui is more alert. He thinks that the world is not as good as inexplicable. Especially, even if he has inheritance, he is an outsider. Will inheritance give him? There's something wrong with what you think.

Bai Yangui revolved around the huge skeleton, and then went out directly. Soon he came back with some big stones, and then directly threw the big stone into the skeleton.

Bai Yangui thinks that if there is a trap in the skeleton, then these stones should be able to be tried out. With the falling of the stones, Bai Yangui finds that the skeleton in front of him is only slightly moved, but it doesn't fall apart. The bone obviously looks very hard.

Looking at the intact skeleton, Bai Yangui frowned and ran out again. As a priest, his aunt once told him a lot of stories, including some of the stories from historical sites. Therefore, he went out again. Since dead things can't do, try living things.

Soon Bai Yangui caught a pheasant and threw it directly into the skeleton. Then Bai Yangui saw a light flying out of the skeleton and fell directly into the chicken. Bai Yangui saw that the chicken fell to the ground and twitched for a long time. Then the chicken jumped up.

It's okay? No traps? Is he thinking too much?

However, when Bai Yangui relaxed, the original chicken cried out, "what's the matter, what's the matter, how did I become a chicken?"This time, Bai Yangui went directly to the front of the chicken and twisted it up. He looked at the chicken with his eyes and said, "what are you?" Fortunately, he was cautious and had traps. His aunt was right. There is no good thing in the world that traps fall from the sky. All things need to be paid equally.

When the chicken saw Bai Yangui, it couldn't help but roll a white eye. Then its head tilted and didn't move.

Bai Yangui couldn't help laughing and crying when he saw this. Is the chicken playing dead now?

"Wake up, or I'll stew chicken later." Bai Yangui said impolitely, he always wanted to find out what was going on in front of him.

The chicken that pretended to be dead could not help shouting, "too much, too much, I've become a chicken, don't you let me go?"

"Come on, let's be clear. What's the matter? If you don't make it clear, I'll pluck your hair one by one, and then eat meat raw. " Bai Yangui cracked his mouth and said it fiercely.

He will not be kind to his enemies. If he is not careful, he will be afraid that he has already stepped into the trap of the other party, and there will be no good result.

"Now that you're here, what else can you do?" Said the chicken.

"Say it." Bai Yangui will directly grasp a hair on the chicken's buttocks and pull it.

With a burst of crying and howling, Bai Yangui saw that the chicken in his hand was full of tears, "you are too cruel, too cruel, you can directly give me a knife, become a chicken, sooner or later will die, you'd better let me die earlier."

"It seems that you talk a lot of nonsense. Then talk slowly. If you ask me to spend more time, I will tear your hair. Anyway, you have a lot of hair. Believe me, even if you become a hairless chicken, you will still live well." Bai Yangui's pretty face was very gentle with a smile.

And the chicken in his hand can't help shivering, and then no longer dare to talk nonsense, this will quickly and loudly called up, "don't do it, don't do it, handsome man, easy to say, how can we say?". My name is Ze. I'm a wolf demon. You're also a wolf demon. I don't know why. There are fewer and fewer demons in this world. Anyway, after I died of old age, I didn't find any demons in this world. Then I left some means. As long as someone becomes a demon in this world, especially a wolf demon, the other party can sense my existence. If you sense my existence, you will definitely come to find it After all, it can make the demon feel that it is definitely not ordinary. "

"Brother, I'm really wrong. Please forgive me." Ze looks at Bai Yangui pitifully, two corns keep tears, as if tears don't need money.

"You see, I've become a chicken. I'm poor enough. I can't threaten you now. Please spare me." Ze heart already regretted unceasingly, how can he fall in this person's hand, looks immature, but the result is a heart black lord.

"What kind of means did you set up to deal with me?" Bai Yangui asked impolitely.

"That is, if the living things touch the wolf bone, I will run into each other's body for the first time and compete for each other's body." See white Yan return of facial expression very of not good, Ze cautiously say.

"How can you be sure that you can win over my body?" Bai Yangui asked curiously.

Ze couldn't help rolling his eyes when he heard this, "you're just a demon. I'm good at how strong your mental power is. As long as you're curious, touch me, I'll win. Who knows you caught a chicken, a chicken." Thinking that he would become a chicken from now on, Ze could not help but droop his head and lost his interest in speaking.

To be a chicken really has no future, and I don't know how to survive in the face of the dangerous environment outside, and whether he will be eaten at any time. Thinking of this, Ze can't help but shed sad tears. It's really sad.

Bai Yangui doesn't sympathize with the person in front of him. What he thinks about is his body. But what Bai Yangui doesn't say is that even if he snatches his body, he may not lose, because his mental power is very strong from birth, and he is not comparable at all.

"You say demon, you say I am also demon, you say well, what is demon?" Bai Yangui will look at Ze and ask carefully that this should be a brand new system. He has to ask clearly before he knows how to go.

Before, he could not figure it out. Now, it's better to have someone to guide him.

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