Ze is stunned to hear Bai Yan's words? What is a demon? Does this need to be explained?

"You are a demon, including me. We are all wolf demons, who are trained by wolves." Ze looked at Bai Yangui angrily. The demon didn't even know the basic knowledge, was it stupid? But the problem he planted in the hands of this silly demon, thinking of this, Ze felt more blocked in his heart.

He calculated everything and felt that the demon just cultivated would never be his opponent. Then he lost a lot.

Then Ze looked at Bai Yangui curiously, "no, you just become a demon, how can you become a human?" Before he saw Bai Yangui, he didn't react to him. It's all because he saw so many people before. He felt that he was a demon who had just become a spirit. How could he become a human, an old monster with feelings?

Bai Yangui heard this with a thump in his heart, but then he thought that it had something to do with that he was an ORC.

"Who are you, boss?" He will not be disguised as a pig to eat a tiger. Thinking that he will be pitiful and become a purple sacrifice of chicken, Ze's heart is desolate and has a bright future. He says that ordinary goblins are not so smart.

"I'm not a big guy. I don't even know why I'm like this. I don't know why I'm like this." Bai Yangui certainly won't say the reason why he is an orc, but he must ask the question about the demon clearly. As for the question that makes Ze suspicious, Bai Yangui doesn't think about it at all. Now Ze has no ability to resist. What's he afraid of?

Ze is really curious. A person who doesn't know about demons is a direct adult for no reason. So he can only say that Bai Yangui has a great future, or that his blood has a problem. Anyway, he hasn't met that animal. As soon as he becomes a demon, he becomes a human. If he can, Ze really wants to study Bai Yangui's blood well, but can Bai Yangui satisfy him?

Zezhe has explained the origin of demons to Bai Yangui, "demons are people other than human beings who have been cultivated by some means. They can be called demons. For example, I am a wolf demon, and you are also a wolf demon. If it's the cultivation of trees and the like, it's relative to a tree demon. There are many uncertain factors in the cultivation of demons. It's very easy for some geomantic omen treasures to come out Demon, as for how the monster was born, I really don't know. For example, I was an ordinary wolf in the early days. Then one day, I suddenly had the ability to think, and tried to eat some plants that were good for me and absorb some things that were good for me by intuition. Then I became more and more intelligent, and my body became better and better Life will be longer, and then gradually practice can become a person, just like that. "

Ze was afraid that Bai Yangui didn't understand, so he explained it very clearly, including his own cultivation.

"You mean you live by intuition, without the guidance of a master?" Bai Yangui frowns and asks. He wants to find the master, not someone who doesn't know anything. If so, this Ze is useless. Thinking of this, Bai Yangui's eyes are wrong.

Ze was startled by Bai Yan GUI's gloomy eyes. "I've told you what I know. You said you would let me go. And I'm very useful. At least most of the wolves in the world I can command now. I'm their king. "

"Is there any demon like you in the world?" Bai Yangui asked with a frown.

If this Ze is useless, he really wants to kill the other party, so that the other party won't know his secret.

"No, there are no demons in the world, otherwise I would not be like this. Anyway, I have never met them. I heard that there were many demons in ancient times, and then one day they disappeared, and no one knew where they went." Ze what aggrieved said, if there are demons in the world, he will not lay this trap, the result directly pit himself.

"What else do you know? Tell me what you know. You should be very clear. Even if I don't kill you, you can live in this world with your small body? " White swallow returns to cold hum.

Ze felt a deep malice when he heard this. He knew very well that he wanted to eat and drink now. As a weak chicken, he was afraid that he would send food to others.

"No, I know I'm wrong. I've been so miserable. You scared me. I'm dead. You just stewed me. It's all over." Ze cried and chirped, then the chicken head tilted and lay on the ground pretending to be dead.

Bai Yangui didn't go to guanze, but looked at the cave carefully, and then asked, "how did you practice at the beginning?"

"There are still some miraculous medicines for absorbing Yuehua. Do you see the tripod in it? It's my tripod. You can take it away. How about taking me? I teach you how to make medicine? How about it? " Ze has already figured out that he can only survive by following the demon in front of him. First of all, he doesn't know anything. He's more or less the elder's share, and he can control Bai Yangui. There's no need to kill him. Moreover, as a chicken, if there's no one to protect him, he's afraid that he will die quickly. No matter how smart he is, it's useless.

"Well, I know a lot about medicine. Besides, you only calculated me before. Who knows if you still want to calculate me when you think so much about me? I think it's easy to just wipe your neck. " Bai Yan GUI Leng hum, this person can keep it, but Bai Yan GUI doesn't want to follow such a chicken every day."Don't be so ferocious at a young age. I promise I won't hurt you. If you don't believe me, we can sign a contract." Ze blinked and said.

"What contract?" If you can, Bai Yangui doesn't want to kill Ze either. After all, Ze is better than him in cultivating and refining, and he knows the rules of the world better than him.

"Equal contract, neither of us can hurt the other." Ze said quickly.

When Bai Yangui heard this, he hummed coldly, "now it's clear that you are weak. Why should I sign an equal contract with you? I can kill you at any time, but the slave contract is still poor." Bai Yangui thinks that since there is an equal contract, there must be a slave contract.

"You want me to be your slave. You are too cruel. It's impossible. You'd better kill me." Ze Qi Huhu said, really when slaves, life and death are not from their own, he might as well die early, any demon when slaves have no good end.

If he had to die after being enslaved, he would not be as single as he is now.

Bai Yangui didn't expect that he just said nuqi. This Ze would rather die. Later, no matter what Bai Yangui asked, this man didn't answer. Obviously, nuqi has violated this man's bottom line.

"It's ok if you want to sign an equal contract, but you have to make it clear that you said you should give me the medicine to refine. And I have to ask you something you know Bai Yan thought and said.

Ze was relieved when he heard that Bai Yangui was willing to sign an equality contract. He sighed and said, "I just want to live. As for what you ask me, I will tell you. Even if you sign an equality contract, I can't live without your protection. If I get angry with you, you can't hurt me, and you can completely ignore me I live and die, don't I? " The reason why Ze makes it clear is that he wants to tell Bai Yangui that even if he has signed an equal contract, he is still in Bai Yangui's hands and can't resist at all.

"Well, in that case, sign the contract." Bai Yangui is no nonsense.

Soon, with the two people vowing together, a contract is formed between the two people. Ze sees that the original uneasy heart is finally put down. Even if Bai Yangui agrees, he is still uneasy. Only when the contract is established can it be true.

At this meeting, he broke away from Bai Yangui's hands, and then began to nag, "come on, Bai Yangui, take away all the things in my cave. These things are worthless to us demons. They are all scrap metal. But if we go on, we'll live in the human world. These are all good things. Rare Antique Baby, you follow me, big brother will take you It's popular and spicy in the human world. "

"You've just become a demon. I don't think you've eaten a lot of delicious food. I tell you, the food in the human world is delicious. You'll drool when you eat it, and then you don't want to eat the raw meat any more. When I first became a human, I was so happy that my tears almost fell down. I've been trapped in this cave for hundreds of years The roundworms are coming out. " Ze in the cave constantly fluttering, mouth chattering constantly nagging.

Bai Yangui can't help but frown when he hears this. What's the elder? It's just a food and speech problem.

"By the way, Bai Yangui, you haven't met human women yet. I tell you that with your present appearance, you just have to go to the street and many women throw themselves in their arms. At that time, I was also a beautiful man. I don't know how many red confidants there are. Unfortunately, they have become a pile of bones, my little red, little green and little blue." Ze is constantly nagging. Bai Yangui finds that this is not only a foodie, but also a luster.

"Brother, when you go back to the human world, remember to find some girls for me. I like the soft embrace of girls most." Ze did not forget to tell Bai Yangui not to forget him when he was looking for the girl.

Bai Yangui took a close look at Ze this time, and then said very calmly: "what woman do you want now, you will be a hen now."

Ze was stunned when he heard this, and then followed by a burst of crying and howling, "no, no, God is too cruel, I, even if I use this body to re cultivate, I can't soak my sister, don't do it."

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