Bai Yangui later found that although this Ze was funny, it was really useful. Bai Yangui would also understand that he had really become another kind of creature because he had absorbed Yuehua.

Besides, there are many techniques in Ze's side. Bai Yangui found that these techniques are similar to those used by the orc mainland priests, but only the orc mainland priests can use them, and other people can't. He became a demon, but he can also use them.

There are also some methods of medicine. Of course, Ze knows very little about medicine, but at least he has enough Baiyan to use at present. Of course, Ze also needs to use it. He wants to re cultivate it. Although ten thousand people dislike his present body, he has no chance to choose again, so he can only go on wrong in this way.

The matter here is over. Bai Yangui plans to go back to downtown a to find Yin Zhu, and doesn't Yin Zhu have a laboratory? There was a lot of excitement over there. He just went back to see if he could help.

Before, he couldn't do anything, but brought trouble to Yin Zhu. This will make him a human being, and there are more things he can do, and even many things he can do without taking risks.

According to the memory in Bai Yangui's mind, it took him a long time to get back to Yin Zhu's rented house. As for the so-called lock, it doesn't exist in Bai Yangui's eyes.

But when Bai Yan returned to the house, Yin Zhu didn't come back. It seems that Yin Zhu is still collecting materials outside.

Bai Yangui thinks that no one knows about her sneaking back here. However, he forgets that one person knows about Yang Wantong. This girl has heard too much about Yin Zhu from her master Lin Chun. She is worshiping Yin Zhu. Has she even betrayed her master? All day long to deliver news to Yin Zhu.

Yin Zhu is coming back soon, especially a kind of strange milk like water drop. After checking it, they found that there was a very strong energy in the water drop, and it was a new kind of energy, and the energy was good for human body. However, when they injected the energy into the experimental mice, they found that the energy was in the body Enter the body of the mouse that moment, unexpectedly strange disappeared.

Yes, it's very powerful energy, but it completely disappeared at that moment. Such powerful energy is the envy of his master. Unfortunately, after the experiment, it can't be absorbed.

They know that it can only be absorbed by demons. Ordinary animals don't show any effect at all.

Yin Zhu took a few of them, and the experiment ran out quickly, which made Professor Beck very angry. He was very interested in these studies, but the problem was that there were too few things to study. The excitement of trying to solve a big secret supported Professor Beck all the time, but he found that he had no research materials.

Although Yin Zhu left, Yang Wantong, as the landlord, has been paying attention to the house. Although Yin Zhu didn't live there, it was the place where the boss lived. What's the secret? At the beginning, she just climbed into the yard and dared not open the room. What if someone went in and found the big man's secret?

Knowing that someone had gone to the house, Yang Wantong ran there for the first time.

Yang Wantong, who also went over the wall, was discovered by Bai Yangui for the first time. Bai Yangui thought it was a thief from somewhere, but found that it was someone he knew. He gave him a knife before, and then took him to treatment. He remembered all this.

"What are you doing here?" Bai Yangui frowned and looked at the man in front of him. This woman is a trouble, but Yin Zhu didn't solve him or her at the beginning. He was embarrassed to be cruel.

"Who are you and who told you to come here?" Yang Wantong pretends to be vicious. The teenager in front of her looks so beautiful. She feels guilty when she is fierce.

What a beautiful and attractive young man. She doesn't look like a bad man at all. Wu Wu Wu, she always thinks that she is a rational person and never looks at her face. But Yang Wantong feels that she can't hold on to it. Such a beautiful young man, especially his eyes, is very charming. He, even if he is a bad man, she and she can accept it.

She's afraid she's going to betray the landlord. The main reason is that the sugar coated shells of the other party are so powerful that she doesn't have the strength to fight back.

Bai Yan GUI is quite big, this words Leng for a while, then understand, oneself now is human appearance, this person doesn't know oneself.

"What do you care if I'm here? I owe you. You'd better mind your own business. You can't do anything about it, so that you won't be wronged that day. " Yin Zhu is going to let this woman go. As a result, this woman still comes here to look for trouble. Don't you want to die if you have too much trouble?

"What do you mean I'm fussy? Besides, this is my house, you thief. " Yang Wantong said with breath in her waist. Her tone was a little delicate, with a kind of coquetry and quarrel.

When Bai Yangui heard this, he could kill the mosquito. How could the woman's attitude be so strange? She looked afraid.

"Steal a fart and get out of here. If you don't, I'll kill you." Bai Yan said with breath.

Yang Wantong looked at the young angry and said cruel words. She didn't think the other party was terrible at all. On the contrary, she thought the other party was very cute. She went to the front of Bai Yangui with a smile and said, "come on, how do you want to kill me?"Of course, the reason why she did this was because she didn't feel murderous in Bai Yangui. If she did, she would run away. Her master often said that she was smart sometimes and stupid sometimes.

"Go away." Bai Yangui pulls Yang Wantong towards the door.

Yang Wantong directly played a rogue at this meeting. She hugged Bai Yangui's thigh and said, "you can't drive me away. It's not your house. It's my house. I want to see if you do something bad here."

"Your house? Do you want a face? Your house is obviously rented out, and you still say it's your house? " Bai Yan asks with breath.

"You're not my tenant. At least I'm the landlord, much better than you, a man of unknown origin." Yang Wantong said she was at least innocent.

Bai Yangui frowned when he heard this. Since the woman didn't find her secret, he didn't intend to say it. Otherwise, a wolf could turn into a person and frighten people to death. But if the woman stayed here all the time, she was afraid that it would affect her actions.

"I'm a friend of the owner of the house. We share the house. You can go away." Bai Yangui gritted her teeth and said that the woman was in trouble at first sight.

"My friend, I don't even have the key to the house. If I come in over the wall, I'll cheat the ghost." Yang Wantong said with a smile. Besides, the tenant is very mysterious. From beginning to end, he appears alone. How can he have any friends.

"There is a key. If you don't believe it, ask Yin Zhu." White Yan return this meeting molars a tooth to ruthlessly say.

After hearing this, Yang Wantong was silent for a while. She even dared to call herself. She also called the tenant's pseudonym. Maybe she was really a friend of the tenant. Is it because the water in a city is too deep recently? The tenant doesn't come back, so it's safer to call a friend over?

"OK, I'll call and ask." Yang Wantong nodded and called Yin Zhu directly.

Such a beautiful young girl, even in the entertainment industry, will be astonished when she sees it. She deserves to be a friend of the boss.

Looking at the calm appearance of Bai Yan GUI, Yang Wantong already believes that the man in front of her is really a big brother's friend.

Soon the phone was through, and Yin Zhu's joyful voice rang, "what's the news?" Yang Wantong has been harassing her recently. Sometimes she really delivers news, sometimes she just chats. There are all kinds of topics. When she thinks about it, she calls Yin Zhu, which adds some color to Yin Zhu's lonely road. At least Yin Zhu likes it.

Yang Wantong is very lively and simple, but the little girl has a good point, that is, she doesn't say anything from beginning to end. If Yang Wantong says something, she can find Yin Zhu's news more or less. As a result, Yin Zhu's side is still calm and nothing happened, but she has sent her a lot of news.

"My family is the house you rent. A very beautiful young man came here. He said that he was your friend. Did you ask him to come here? I'll check with you to see if he's a liar. " Yang Wantong said while also secretly looking at the white Yan back.

It's really beautiful. It's a painting. She's in a good mood. She wants to move here and live with the beautiful boy.

Yin Zhu was stunned when she heard that she had many friends before, but she wanted to say that she had no friends, but suddenly she thought of Bai Yangui. Would Bai Yangui go back there and wait for her?

"You say the other party is a very beautiful young man?" Yin Zhu asks quickly, this white Yan returns to run, she is very anxious.

"Well, it's beautiful. I've never seen such a charming young man. Who is he? Do you have a girlfriend? " Yang Wantong began to inquire about the origin of Bai Yan's return.

Yin Zhu was stunned when he heard this, and then said, "he's not suitable for you. You give him the phone, and I'll have a few words with him."

Yang Wantong was still full of enthusiasm, but she was doused by a bucket of water from Yin Zhu. "Well, Yin Zhu wants to talk to you." I'm not used to the pseudonym of big brother.

Bai Yangui nodded and took over Yang Wantong's mobile phone. "Bai Yangui?" Yin Zhu's voice came from the mobile phone.

I've known for a long time that the technology in this world is quite advanced. I've seen Yin Zhu use this device, but I was surprised to hear Yin Zhu's voice coming from this small machine.

"Well, it's me." The white swallow returns.

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