After sending a text message, Yin Zhu can't help sighing, looking at other people in pairs, and then thinking about being alone. Yin Zhu can't help feeling a little bad. She misses the orc world.

But miss return miss, this meeting she still can't go back, here she still has a lot of things not arranged well, there is also the parents side, Yin Zhu think he is a very selfish person, in fact, she should not come back to see her parents, is to see is also secretly take a look, that is the most rational, but she still can't help meeting with them, just waiting for her It's going to hurt my parents to leave.

I don't know what happened to Bai Kun? In the last contact, Bai Kun simply said something about the orc mainland. Yin Zhu didn't know the specific situation, but Yin Zhu knew that the absolute pressure she was facing there was even greater. She still had some spells with her own skills in this world. It can be said that it was much safer here than there.

She has collected almost all the material here, and the rest can also be purchased online and sent by logistics. Since Bai Yan has come back to the scene of things over there, the possibility of finding her head is relatively small. Can she go home to accompany her parents?

This world is the world she grew up in, and also the world he yearns for. But no matter how much I miss her, I can't compare with those who accompany me. I want to make up for her debt to her parents, but I don't want to accompany them forever.

The reason why I met my parents this time is that I want to be with them and make them happy. I also want to make up for it so that I can feel better in my heart.

It's an indisputable fact that she chose a man and left her parents behind. Fortunately, her parents understood her and didn't say any harsh words.

It's not that Yin Zhu's father didn't want to leave his daughter behind, but he seriously thought that his daughter's body is a hidden danger in this world, and even he didn't dare to go to see a doctor when he was sick. What's the meaning of living in this world tremblingly? What's more, he could see that his daughter missed those sons-in-law and little grandson, and forced her to stay It's better not to say anything than to keep a grudge.

Besides, what the older generation expects is not the happiness of their children? His daughter's happiness in that world, he and don't stop.

Yin Zhu is happy to pack up for a meeting in city a, while Bai Yangui is going to have a good talk with Yang Wantong.

Yang Wantong is very shy sitting in front of Bai Yangui. Her legs are close together and her head is low. Her long hair is soft behind her. She looks very clever.

Bai Yangui couldn't help but gasp, "are you so comfortable?"

When Yang Wantong heard this, her face turned red. Of course, she was ashamed. She quickly explained, "actually, I'm very lady and clever."

"But I like women who are straightforward, lively and enthusiastic Women. " Bai Yangui takes a look at Yang Wantong and says.

Hearing this, Yang Wantong quickly raised her head and was very surprised to ask, "really?"

"Really." Looking at Yang Wantong's excited appearance, Bai Yangui couldn't help laughing.

After hearing Bai Yangui's affirmation, Yang Wantong said happily, "that's great. I'm such a person." Finish saying the eye Baba of looking at white Yan return.

Bai Yangui didn't know what to say when he saw this, "aren't you afraid of being cheated and sold?" It is said that the orcs are very simple. This girl is probably about the same as the orcs.

Shouldn't females be reserved? The girl almost didn't write on her face.

"Sit down. I have something to discuss with you." Bai Yan pointed to the stool on one side.

When Yang Wantong saw Bai Yangui digress from this topic, she knew that she had nothing to do at present. She sat down on the stool and asked listlessly, "what's the matter with you? Let's talk about it."

Bai Yangui looks at this obvious attitude, can't help headache, this girl.

"There's a big problem with my identity, you know. Didn't you tell me the law here before? Don't you mean to take me to make money? Then get me an ID card that can be used normally. " Bai Yangui says it directly. It's not so easy for him to get it by himself. Although he has the means, he's not familiar with the world. If he's not careful, he can be fooled. It's better to find acquaintances.

"Yes, I'll ask my master to help. It's OK. Is there anything else?" Yang Wantong asked in her mouth, but she thought in her heart, do you want to put Bai Yangui's registered permanent residence in her home?

"Besides, I'm going to the laboratory. I think someone will check it with my hand. Then it will be on your head and on your master's head. Would you like to tell your master about this?" Since I've come with Yang Wantong, it's bound to have an impact on Lin Chun. Should I talk to Lin Chun about this? It's better to be prepared than to be flustered at that time.

"This one?" Hearing this, Yang Wantong frowned.

"I'm afraid it won't work. My master, if we show a little gap, my master will dig out the bottom of you. It won't work." Yang Wantong shakes her head in a hurry. If the master thinks there is something wrong with Bai Yangui, let's not talk about her. Even Bai Yangui is not at peace. Even if she knows Bai Yangui's identity, she is not afraid of her own master, but she can't stand her. Her master has many friends and disciples, so it will be difficult for Bai Yangui to have a good life.Yang Wantong seems that Bai Yan is not bad. He doesn't do anything harmful to human beings. He just wants to live a peaceful life, but the difference in identity attracts many people's attention.

"If you don't say it, it's not good." Looking at Yang Wantong thinking about herself everywhere, Bai Yangui feels guilty.

"No, Shifu is very treacherous. You are smart, but you don't have my Shifu's crooked intestines. You are not my Shifu's opponent." Yang Wantong holds Bai Yan back.

Bai Yangui frowned at this, "you are wrong. Your master is not my opponent. Absolute force may not be able to control the whole situation."

Hearing this, Yang Wantong frowned, "don't you want to beat my master? I tell you, you can't do such a thing, or we can't even be friends. " Knowing Bai Yangui's identity, Yang Wantong doesn't doubt what Bai Yangui said. It's all a thousand year old monster. It's normal to win over his master.

Yang Wantong usually has nothing to do with her master, and she hates her master very much. But if Lin Chunzheng has something to do with her, she will be the first one to stand up. She practiced martial arts with Lin Chun when she was very young. For her, Lin Chun is even more important than her parents.

"I think so. I'm not afraid of you? I just want to talk to your master, otherwise I'm afraid your master will beat me to death when it happens. " Bai Yangui smiles bitterly.

When Yang Wantong hears that Bai Yangui cares about herself, she can't help feeling sweet in her heart.

"Thank you for not bothering my master, but let me think about it. Even if I have to talk about it, I have to tell my master, do you know?" Yang Wantong thinks that she really needs to think about it.

Hearing Yang Wantong's thanks to him, Bai Yangui feels strange. It is clearly that he has caused Yang Wantong a series of troubles. If other people know his secret, they are afraid to use this handle to coerce him into doing things.

"I want to thank you." Bai Yangui smiles and reaches for Yang Wantong's head.

"No thanks, no thanks. I'll let the master fix your ID card first, and I'll talk about the rest later. In case the master is angry, it's not good if he doesn't give you a grade. " Yang Wantong said with a smile.

"By the way, can I ask you a question?" Yang Wantong thought of the answer she had been thinking about for a long time in her heart and couldn't help opening her mouth.

"Ask." Bai Yangui looks at Yang Wantong's itchy heart and simply answers the question. It's up to him whether to answer or not.

"How old are you?" Yang Wantong is curious.

Bai Yangui was stunned when he heard this. He thought that Yang Wantong would ask for an answer that was difficult for him to answer. He didn't expect that it was age. It's nothing bad. Bai Yangui simply replied, "seventeen."

Yang Wantong hears this words Leng Leng, she doubted of blinked an eye, "what?"

"Seventeen, why do I look so old?" Bai Yangui is very confused. He seems to be young now. Has he changed his appearance because he lost the beast pill? Not really.

Yang Wantong this just silly closed, because surprised open big mouth, mutter of say, "isn't the monster big thousands of years will become a demon?"

Although Yang Wantong said this very lightly, Bai Yangui heard it. It takes thousands of years for a demon to become a human, which is quite different from an ORC.

"Anyway, I'm 17 years old, not only psychologically, but also physically. If you don't believe me, you can take a closer look." Bai Yangui explained with a smile.

Yang Wantong exclaimed in her heart that this is the greatest genius in the demon world for thousands of years. Otherwise, how can she become a human being in more than ten years? It's so powerful. It's true that a person with such a beautiful face is really powerful.

Look, what do you think? Do you want people to study? Think about Yang Wantong is not that bold, and this will Yang Wantong suddenly found that his age is three years older than Bai Yangui, think of this, she can't help but some sad, compared with Bai Yangui, he is old, old.

"Well, I'll go first and get things done." Thinking that she was older than Bai Yan, Yang Wantong couldn't stay here any longer and hurried away.

Bai Yangui looks at Yang Wantong and almost trots away. He can't help but feel sorry for Lin Chun. When he meets such an apprentice, fortunately, Yang Wantong will meet him. If he were someone else, he would have used people so much that there would be no residue left.

The most difficult thing to bear is Meiren en. Lin Chun and his friends are all martial arts practitioners. When they go back and ask Ze what medicine is available to human beings, they can get some for them. Thinking of Bai Yangui, they go to ask Ze.

"There are many medicines for human beings. We can use them in our cultivation. It's the same for them. You should know that many pills are made of natural materials and treasures. They are all good things. However, how long have you known the little girl, Bai Yangui? How long have you loved her so quickly? Ready for the dowry? " Zekou asked.

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