When Bai Yangui heard this, he directly kicked Ze. Of course, it didn't weigh much. Ze rolled along Bai Yangui's feet a few times. "Oh, hey, I just said a few words. As for being so angry, it killed me."

Bai Yangui finds that Ze is cheap. If he doesn't have anything to do, he always has to tease him twice. If he beats him, he will be honest.

"Bai Yan, you have no conscience. If you want something from me, beat me." Ze Qi shouts.

"Hurry up and get what I want, or I won't be polite to you." White swallow returns to cold hum.

Bai Yangui also seriously thought that if he wanted to make those outside obedient, it was nothing more than strength and interests. The reason why those people would make a lot of noise in a city was because of his special identity. In addition, they were so noisy that the people on Bai Yangui's side didn't come out to stop them, and they were still hiding, giving people the feeling that they were weak. What if they were strong?

As long as he is strong enough, he is special. Who dares to come to trouble him? So Bai Yangui decides that since Yang Wantong's master can't be involved, the best thing to do is to convince them and give them something of interest. I'm afraid those people will help him then.

But at the beginning, Bai Yangui didn't know the strength of the people in the world. She didn't dare to do it casually and didn't think about it. However, after seeing Lin Chun today, Yang Wantong said that her master was a famous master. Bai Yangui knew his physical fitness and the magic power, so Lin Chun didn't want to fight him at all.

The orc's body is already very strong, otherwise it can't survive in the harsh environment of the orc world. Bai Yangui's original body is not good, but because he absorbed Yuehua into xiuyao, all the hidden dangers of his body have been well. In terms of physical fitness alone, he has to be strong. There are many people in the world, let alone techniques.

Of course, the most powerful weapon in the world is the hot weapon, so Bai Yangui didn't want to crush these people to death and give them some benefits. They didn't want to die, did they?

Listening to Bai Yangui's plan, Ze couldn't help muttering: "obviously, I just want to please women. What's more, who are we afraid of? If I'm worried about the future retribution, I can destroy the Terran. Hum, you are worthless. "

When Bai Yangui heard this, he hummed coldly, "believe it or not, I will destroy you first." Bai Yangui doesn't admit that he is a demon. He still thinks he is a human being.

Ze immediately shut up when he heard this. How could he be cheap again? He didn't say it when he knew it.

Soon Bai Yangui dug out several prescriptions from Ze's mouth that could be used by human beings. Of course, in Ze's words, these are the lowest level medicines, because many miraculous medicines in the world can't be found, and too high-level ones can't be used.

Bai Yangui turns around and borrows money from Yang Wantong, which is much more than that. Bai Yangui feels that he has thick skin.

Ze Ze laughs. See, a lot of things are actually a process of getting used to. Bai Yangui wanted to stay away from this chick at the beginning, but now it's better to be alone. Besides, Bai Yangui is taking advantage of Yang Wantong, but it's more to repay her.

Ze smiles. At the beginning, he became a chicken and was controlled by a younger generation. He really wanted to die. It's not that he didn't want to dig a hole for Bai Yangui. However, after seeing Bai Yangui's behavior, he knows that this kind guy will be grateful. He slowly calms down his anger. This man is good. I think he is good to him, I'll be grateful.

In addition, he is really dangerous now, and there are some advantages to follow Bai Yangui. If you think about it like this, it's not so bad. At least he's not lonely. Before, his life was to practice and practice again. He was hiding in the mountains and practicing until he died. It's boring. He can still tease Bai Yangui if he doesn't have anything to do here. It's fun and interesting.

Yang Wantong doesn't care about Bai Yangui's asking for money. She knows Bai Yangui's identity and he doesn't have any money. It's normal for a big man to ask for money. She won't treat Bai Yangui as a little white face. If Bai Yangui is happy, she'll be happy to raise him. Although Bai Yangui is small, she's very thoughtful.

Just think about how many years old Bai Yangui is. Yang Wantong's heart is so cool and cool. She's already getting old quickly. In addition, Bai Yangui's identity makes her afraid of becoming an old lady and a beautiful young man like her. Thinking of this, Yang Wantong's heart trembles. She stares at such a tender cabbage for so long, and she wants to eat it in her mouth, only to find that she is self-conscious I don't have the guts to talk.

Bai Yangui bought a lot of medicinal materials, and then began to refine them according to Ze's guidance. He failed several times during this period. He prepared ten pieces of Peiyuan liquid, and finally succeeded in two. Bai Yangui looked at the green liquid in his hand. The liquid was transparent and looked very beautiful. It smelled a faint fragrance, very good, and no bitterness of medicinal materials .

Bai Yangui collected these two pieces of medicinal materials and got up to find Lin Chun.

Lin Chun was curious about Bai Yangui's identity at the beginning, but he only knew that Bai Yangui appeared in his apprentice's house one day. Moreover, the house was rented out, and the tenant was not there. Bai Yangui just came out of thin air. Yang Wantong was borrowing her staff to apply for Bai Yangui's identity card, but she still had no identity Yes, the origin is very mysterious, and the strength is very strong. Although this man's attitude to himself is not very good, he follows his little apprentice after all. In order to avoid trouble and bring disaster to the little apprentice, Lin Chun also wipes the origin of Bai Yangui and makes a fake one.Dead girl's work is simple, but she doesn't want to bring him a lot of trouble. She has a headache when she thinks about it. It's enough to have such an apprentice on the stall. He has to live a few years less at least.

"What can I do for you?" Lin Chun frowned and looked at Bai Yangui. Then he thought about this man and came to him. He also said that if this man had a purpose, he would come for himself. The little apprentice didn't have the ability to attract such a young man.

"How about this medicine?" Bai Yangui handed over the medicine he had practiced.

Lin Chun took the porcelain bottle from Bai Yangui. He opened it doubtfully and smelled it carefully. The faint fragrance of the medicine went down his nose into his body. Just this time, he felt that his whole brain was clear.

"Good medicine." Although he didn't know what effect the medicine in his hand had, Lin Chun, who had seen many good things, knew that it was good.

"What's your purpose? You said directly, please don't hurt my little apprentice. She is stupid and easy to be true. " Lin Chun thinks that this man must have a purpose to bring out such a good thing.

That girl to a strange man so heart lung before busy busy work, don't take a fancy to others? The little girl's eyes are fierce. She can see that Bai Yangui is fierce, but she doesn't think about whether she is worthy or not. If she has the same strength, he can help to talk about love, but it's too bad for him to open his mouth.

"I won't hurt Yang Wantong. Don't worry about that. She's very kind to me. I'm a man with conscience, not a beast." White Yan return light say.

Lin Chun didn't feel at ease when he heard this. Bai Yangui's tone was very sincere. He thought that there would be no physical injury, but he was more worried about the mental injury. He was afraid that the girl would fall in and never get up again. Then Bai Yangui patted her ass and left.

"It's easy to say. You know what the girl is thinking about you. You're still close to her and say you won't hurt her. Are you fooling me?" Lin chunleng hum, the old man is a big pig's hoof, except for himself.

Bai Yangui is silent when he hears this. He really can't guarantee his feelings. After all, the differences in their identities can't be smoothed out by time and space.

"Since you can't give the little girl a future, you'd better stay away from the little girl. What do you want to do? As long as it's not a crime, the old man is willing to help." Lin Chun said very quietly. In fact, he was very angry and wanted to beat this guy hard. But Lin Chun thought sadly that he couldn't beat the boy, so he had better send people away quickly and don't appear in front of the little girl.

The girl was brought up by him. He said she was an apprentice. In fact, she was no different from her daughter. He was addicted to martial arts all his life, and had no children. His apprentices were his children, especially the youngest and last disciples. They stayed with him longer.

"Good." Bai Yangui responds directly.

Linchun see white Yan return this simple appearance know, this boy to his own girl really don't have the feelings between men and women.

"Come on, what can I do for you?" Lin Chun some impatient said, in addition to the low strength of their own girl, the other are very good, why not see.

"I think Mr. Lin also knows about the recent uproar in the city. I am the leader behind the scenes." Bai Yangui said simply.

When Lin Chun heard this, he stood up and told the truth. They had been looking for the person behind the curtain for a long time. Unfortunately, they couldn't tell where they met the mysterious man and what he looked like. Qin ran was even worse. He didn't even see his face. This time Bai Yangui said that he was behind the scenes. Think about the spell on the girl and think about it Girl said that the other side is very good, always help each other to speak, this where is the other side good, is completely greedy each other's beauty ah.

How can I accept such a girl? It's not right. That girl grew up with herself, and he didn't teach her to like beautiful men. How can she grow up like this? It can't be because she's tired of looking at this bad old man's face all day and wants to find a good one?

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