Lin Chun took the Peiyuan liquid from Bai Yan and ate it. After confirming the effect of the liquid, Lin Chun couldn't help but marvel. The effect was extremely good. His years of hidden injuries had been repaired, and even his accomplishments were further improved. Previously, because of those hidden injuries, his strength could only stop. He didn't expect that there was still a chance to further his strength There are few classics. If you take out this medicine, I'm afraid the whole martial arts world will be in turmoil.

But the reason why Bai Yangui dares to take this thing out is that he has no relatives. He has strong strength. Even if he can't beat them, with his uncanny ability, it's very easy for him to escape.

It seems that his old friend really wants to go out and walk around. Since this stuff is so good, it's better to digest it internally and forget about foreign ones. Lin Chun doesn't like foreign warriors. For example, even if there is a werewolf in his country, these warriors will solve the problem. Where will they come here to jump up and down? If these people hadn't done anything too much, he would have done it long ago.

As for the laboratory, if Bai Yangui wants to see it, he can go there. Maybe scientific things can really help Bai Yangui.

However, since there is a monster named Bai Yan GUI, is there any other monster in the world? It's a pity that this is the first time for him to see them. I don't know if they are hiding in the mountains.

Since he wants to go out to find someone, Lin Chun naturally asks Bai Yangui for medicine. It's very difficult to persuade him with one mouth alone. It's better to have something real in front of him.

Of course, Lin Chun is not the kind of person who only takes advantage. Doesn't Bai Yangui want to go to the laboratory? Lin Chun turned around and took people there. He said something about his younger generation. On the one hand, he was interested and wanted to have a look.

Professor Baker is in a bad mood for a while, because he has no research materials. Some things sent by the mysterious man have been used up for a long time. He has a lot of ideas that have not been solved yet. The recent laboratory has been visited all day, and there are also thieves. What's the name of the laboratory? Let's just open the door.

This did not see Lin Chun and plug people in, Professor Baker very angry, "old man, you are too much, really when I am here to open a shop, want to come, I have to welcome with both hands, right?" If it wasn't for his own interest in this project, Professor Baker would have left for a long time. This is the most frustrating experiment he has ever done.

"Don't be angry. Did you say that I helped you a little last time? Well, this person can help you, too. " Lin Chun said with a smile.

It's a pity that he can't explain the identity of Bai Yangui. Otherwise, Professor Baker will definitely lock Bai Yangui up with a chain. But in that case, I'm afraid Professor Baker will die miserably. Bai Yangui seems to be very gentle and kind-hearted when he comes into contact with him. He's not that cruel. But Lin Chun can see the forbearance under his face from his calm face, Lin Chun has a feeling that if someone really provokes Bai Yangui, he will die miserably.

"How can he help?" Professor Baker said with disgust. At first sight, he was young. He estimated that he was less than 20 years old. How successful could a child of this age be? However, considering that Lin Chun really helped himself last time, Professor Baker was too embarrassed to say no. besides, there is nothing to study now. The laboratory has been patronized for a long time, and it's nothing to do with one more person.

"All right, whatever." Professor Baker said dejectedly, he is really busy, but now he has no work to do.

Professor Baker then called his assistant Amy and asked her to take Bai Yangui around.

Bai Yangui follows Amy into the laboratory. Along the way, Amy is also very responsible to introduce Bai Yangui, and even does not forget to show Bai Yangui the experimental data. Anyway, this thing will not be valuable. It is estimated that all the dignitaries in city a have a share in their hands, even in the country. After all, city a is so noisy, how can it be Maybe I don't know. It's just because the people behind the scenes haven't appeared yet, so no one stands up. Now everyone is looking for the people behind the scenes.

"Show me?" Isn't it valuable? You can show it to yourself.

Bai Yangui took a good look at the experiment log, and then he found that he didn't know much about it. Bai Yangui had a headache, but it didn't matter. The biggest advantage of the Yan people was that they would learn if they didn't know it. There was nothing that the Yan people couldn't learn. The powerful spirit of the Yan people naturally had an advantage in learning.

Bai Yangui never forgets what he sees. He writes down everything he sees from beginning to end, and then plans to look it up.

The world is a little better, that is, no matter what kind of problems can be inquired on the Internet. In Yin Zhu's words, omnipotent network, he can't understand these things, so he will check them one by one, and then go back to study them systematically.

Amy looks at Bai Yangui and turns his eyes. It's estimated that he's a new information seeker, and he's still unqualified. There are so many experimental logs, so this person should turn over. Do you want to pretend?

Bai Yangui found that he not only tested his own blood, but also analyzed his genes, as well as the genes of some animals in the orc world. He came to the conclusion that there was a strange element in the human body in that world.Bai Yan subconsciously thinks that this thing is very important. Maybe this is the difference between them and the people in the world. Unfortunately, he still doesn't understand what this element is. What's on the paper is just a symbol.

Bai Yangui walked around the laboratory several times and then left. Amize finally breathed a sigh of relief and finally sent the members of the tour group away.

Lin Chun has already taken the Peiyuan liquid from Bai Yan GUI to make an appointment with his friends around him. Then he puts it on the king's desk and explains his efficacy.

as like as two peas of address each other as brothers, the eyes of the liquid medicine are exactly the same as the eyes of a hundred years old bachelor. "Old Lin, is this really as magical as you say? No, if this thing is really so good, you can take it out, and you will have hidden it for your own use. " One of the old strange some don't believe said.

Lin Chun did not say anything, but directly showed his current strength, "Lao Qi, you know my body, you see my body now, and my strength, I just took this medicine to have the present appearance."

"Really." At this time, we found that today's Lin Chun looks energetic, as if he had the second spring of his life.

So they began to check Lin Chun's body one by one. They all knew what Lin Chun's body was like before. After checking it, they were all very surprised. It was a drug abuse upgrade.

At this meeting, everyone's eyes were attracted by the small porcelain bottles on the table, and then there was a fierce fight, "Lao Lin, think about our friendship of wearing the same pair of pants at the beginning, you can sell this medicine to me." Lao Zhang put out his hand to hold the medicine.

As a result, Lao Qi stopped the man and said, "Lao Zhang, you are too shameless. What kind of friendship do you have with Lao Lin? When your master took you to Lao Lin's master, you peed your pants when you were seven years old. Lao Lin couldn't help lending you his pants to wear. Can you climb up this friendship shamelessly? Sure enough, the outside world said that you are the most cheeky. Originally, I didn't believe it. I didn't think it was true. Speaking of friendship, it's better for me to have a good relationship with Lao Lin. at the beginning, my master's family was next door to Lao Lin's family. We grew up together. It's a childhood dream. "

Lao Zhang was torn down by Lao Qi and told his embarrassing story when he was a child. He was so angry that he grabbed Lao Qi's clothes on his chest and cried out, "you shameless old man, for a bottle of pills, you dare to discredit me. I have to teach you a lesson today. You are two neighboring provinces. When are you going to become a woman How many people are there Lao Zhang knew that he couldn't get the medicine, so he was so angry that he directly delayed Lao Qi. Since he couldn't get it, Lao Qi couldn't get it either.

Well, two people who have been pierced will be full of anger. They will fight together directly.

Lin Chun can't help but caress his forehead. The two like to quarrel when they meet. By the way, they have been like this since childhood.

Other people are secretly happy to see that they have lost two competitors, and their chances of getting drugs have been greatly improved.

"Come on, no matter those two guys, they will automatically rest when they are tired. It's OK. Let's continue to talk about the ownership of this medicine." Lao Mu said with a smile.

Lin chunzao knew that this medicine would definitely cause vibration when it was taken out, but he didn't expect that the effect was so good.

"Well, you don't have to fight for it. It's just a sample. I'll show you what I want. If you want it, you'll have a chance in the future. You don't have to fight for it." Lin Chun thought of the purpose of Bai Yan's return and said directly.

"What else? Oh, Lin Chun, what's wrong with you? Did you catch up with the master of medicine making? " Lao Mu asked curiously.

Just now they have opened the medicine to see it. Just looking at the liquid, they know it's good, not to mention the effect. The pharmacists they know are not so powerful.

"Lao Lin, and if you don't say it earlier, we'll fight each other." The two guys who had been fighting heard that there was still medicine. They stopped and ran directly to the front of Lin Chun.

Lao Mu couldn't help rolling his eyes when he saw this. In the past, it was useless to persuade these two guys to fight. They would stop only when they were tired and couldn't move. Of course, they were all decent. They just like fighting and won't cause serious consequences to each other. It was skin injury. I didn't expect that they would stop so soon this time. It's the charm of this medicine It's powerful.

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