After all the fighting and fighting stopped, Lin Chun said to several people standing beside him, "our city has gone too far recently. Should we clear those people out?"

Lin Chun knows that once Bai Yangui shows his identity, especially after he knows that there are such crazy drugs, he is afraid that those people will be even more crazy, so the best way is to drive those people away first, and let the native people slowly share what benefits they have. The good life of China will not come to those foreigners.

Old Mu heard this very confused looking at Lin Chun, "Lin Chun this is not like you, you are not such a meddler, is there anything you say."

"Lao Lin, we've known each other for many years. No matter what kind of information it is, we won't get it out. Don't you believe us? Is it related to this medicine? " May see Lin Chun hesitated, a few people asked in a hurry.

Lin Chun saw that some old friends were very curious, and then said helplessly: "yes, the person who used this medicine is really related to the matter in the city. It's a good thing in our hometown. How can't it be cheaper for people outside, right?"

"Oh, Lao Lin is very good. He caught up with a powerful guy in a moment." Lao Qi said with a smile.

This is what happened in the city. As a result, none of the people behind it was found. Obviously, the other side's means are very strong, and there are still so many forces looking for it, and no one was found. Lao Lin's medicine is a rare good thing.

No matter who is behind this, since Lao Lin dares to stand aside, at least it means that the other party is not a big evil person, because Lao Lin will not cooperate with such a person. As long as the other party has no problem with his character, why not help the people in his own country? They have long been unhappy with those people in foreign countries. They always want to get some cheap money from the cats who want to smell the fishy smell of things Is cheap something you can pick up?

"Do you need to contact people from the other side of the country?" Although none of them work in the country, they are all named in the Security Bureau. They don't regard them as dangerous people, but as the target of their ideas. After all, if they want to do something, it will become a big deal. The general state won't take care of them.

"I'd better say hello. They can still clean up the mess when they are in a fight with the scum." Lao Zhang said with a smile, this guy likes to fight.

Lin Chun saw this and nodded, "OK, Lao Zhang, you are familiar with the people over there, so you go to say hello."

"He must be familiar. He was called to talk in two or three days." Lao Qi said with a smile.

Lao Zhang likes to fight and has a bad temper, so he even makes some trouble. Of course, he doesn't kill anyone, but he still lacks arms and legs, so he is often warned.

"Lao Qi, if you don't pick on me all day, you don't feel well, do you?" Lao Zhang didn't say that. He wanted to fight again.

Lao Mu sat in front of Lin Chun and said, "Hello, Lao Lin, when will you introduce that expert to me?"

"He would like to see you again." Lin Chun can't help humming when he thinks of Bai Yangui's cold temper.

"Well, Lao Lin, you are not so kind. It's too dark to eat alone." Lao Mu knocked Lin Chun on the shoulder.

Lin Chun rolled his eyes when he heard this, "OK, don't try me out. If I can, can I keep you from meeting? I'll go back and ask, and put away your temper. They have high strength and strong means. You'd better be honest. "

"Ouch, there are also people who let you Lao Lin admit defeat. Is your strength really high?" Lao Mu is really curious, so strong that even Lao Lin admits defeat?

"Well." Lin Chun nodded for sure.

When Lao Mu heard this, he looked at Lin Chun seriously, and then asked, "what's the origin of that man? What's the purpose? "

"Where did it come from? Remember the information that came out of the lab? " Lin Chun is cold.

"Werewolf? No, we have werewolves in our country. Isn't that from western countries? It's too mysterious. " Lao Mu said in surprise.

"We really don't have werewolves here, but what else do you think we have?" Lin Chun reminds me.

"What do we have here? It's about wolves? Can't think of the Wolf Totem of nomads? Or? You just say, "it's hard to guess." Lao Mu is the most beautiful, patient and lazy to guess.

Lin Chun wrote a word directly on the table with his finger stained with tea. Lao Mu was shocked and said, "you're kidding me." Lin Chun nodded for sure and said, "I'm not kidding."

Well, seeing Lin Chun's cold expression, Lao Mu knew that Lin Chun was really not joking. Lao Mu could not be active any more. He leaned carefully against Lin Chun and said, "do you really have this thing? Isn't that to say that after the founding of the people's Republic of China, it is not allowed to be refined? "

Lin Chun shook his head, "who knows."

"Did you see that man? What does it look like? Are you really like people? " Lao Mu asked curiously.

"Ask so clearly what to do, maybe one day you will be able to see and recognize it. OK, let's see who uses this medicine first. I'm going back, and I have to watch my ancestors at home." Lin Chun said and waved his hand to leave.Lao Mu nods. He knows that Yang Wantong, Lin Chun's little apprentice, is very lively. Recently, there are many things in the city. It's not that his ancestors want to look at him. How can he know that Lin Chun has two little ancestors to look at now.

After returning home, Bai Yan silently read the information in her mind word by word, and then used her mobile phone to check it one by one. Some of them didn't know English letters, so he used handwriting to check them one by one, but he didn't know too much, so the foundation was very poor. The more he checked, the more he found that he had to learn, but it didn't matter Department. Anyway, he has a strong mental power and studies very fast. So learn. No one in the world will. He won't.

Lin Chun went back to find Bai Yangui to discuss the medicine, but found that Bai Yangui had been closed.

Lin Chun wants to just wait two days. What he doesn't know is that Bai Yan has been closed for three months.

Three months later, Bai Yan came back. He didn't dare to say how powerful he was in biology. At least he could understand all the experimental diary.

Yin Zhu also came back to a city at this time, because he came back in the evening. Yin Zhu went back to his parents' house first. Naturally, the two old people were very excited when they saw Yin Zhu. They took Yin Zhu's hand and talked happily.

They know very well that Yin Zhu's material collection is almost the same, so they will go back. Once Yin Zhu leaves, I'm afraid I'll never see him again in my life.

As long as she thought of this, Yin Zhu's mother could not help crying. She wanted to hammer the dead girl to death. She finally came back and even went back to the backward world. Although she knew that her daughter would not be happy to stay in this world and it would be good to go to that world, she was uncomfortable in the end. The dead girl chose a man and gave up her parents.

"Mom, don't do that. I want to die for you." Yin Zhu looked at his mother's tears, and felt very guilty.

"Bullshit, if you really want to die, you don't know how many thousands of times you've died. Every time you cheat people, it's not worth your life." Yin Zhu said angrily.

"My mother is wronged. When did I cheat you? I want to be with my parents, too. Unfortunately, I can't. I have to go back to that world, which also has the responsibility I need to bear." Yin Zhu said very seriously, in addition to her friends and children, there are also those who believe in her Orc nightmare people, they are waiting for her to change the world.

"Know, I don't complain a few, you use big righteousness to press me, heartless dead wench." Mouth said dislike unceasing words, heart really care about worry, probably do mothers are like this.

"Did you get better there last time? Did you find the white swallow I want to compare Yin Zhu's father's questions to the point of things.

"Well, Dad, you don't have to worry. Tengxiao are very good in the orc continent. Bai Yangui has returned to the city and is helping me. Mom, you don't have to be sad. Since I can come back once, I will come back next time. I'll bring your son-in-law and grandchildren back to you later. Mom, you have to believe your daughter. Your daughter is destined to change the world Women in the world, I can do such a little thing. " Yin Zhu hugs his mother and guarantees.

"I'll answer. I don't want you to take risks. I just want you to be good." She was also worried about her children. She didn't have to ask Yin Zhu to come back to see her. Ping'an was the best, and the rest was secondary.

"Mm-hmm, if you need any help from us, just say, don't be embarrassed. Although your father is old, he can still work hard." Yin Zhu's father said with a smile.

If it's time to work hard, he's not afraid. Anyway, he's old enough to live.

"I know. My dad is the best dad in the world. Thank you, Dad." Yin Zhu was very moved to hold his father.

Seeing his mother sitting on one side unhappy, Yin Zhu went to coax the Empress Dowager to be happy.

The three members of the family talked for a long time before Yin Zhu went to have a rest. Of course, Yin Zhu brought out some of the things he had collected for his parents to taste. These were collected from the place of origin, but they were the freshest.

Yin Zhu sleeps here for a while, and goes to the suburbs the next night. Yin Zhu finds that he's out at night now. He feels like he's sneaky, and he doesn't have a sense of security for people who have fake identities.

When Yin Zhu returns to his rented house, he sends a message to Bai Yangui, telling him that he's back. He also wants to see if Bai Yangui needs Ziji's help. After all, Bai Yangui has blocked too much trouble for her in front of him. She wants to help in the dark. It's best to be clear and dark.

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