When Bai Yangui knew the information about Yin Zhu's return, he ran out to meet Yin Zhu. Of course, he secretly ran out in the dead of night, but Lin Chun didn't find out.

Looking at Bai Yangui, who was standing in front of him in a modern suit, Yin Zhu felt a little dazed. Except for his long hair, he could not see any estrangement at all. It seemed that Bai Yangui had adapted quite well.

"Can you tell me why I left suddenly?" Yin Zhu asked calmly.

Bai Yangui left without saying goodbye. Yin Zhu was really sad at the beginning.

Bai Yangui simply apologized, "I'm sorry."

Yin Zhu heard this light smile, "can't say?" Although his face is full of smiles, he is ready to exclude Bai Yangui from his mind. In this world, they are special. But in this way, Bai Yangui can't trust himself, and Yin Zhu can't plan him to his own side.

"No, I'm sorry for leaving before." Bai Yangui said solemnly, "I'm not good. I owe you a sorry."

"OK, I'll take it." Yin Zhu said frankly.

In fact, she is also afraid that Bai Yangui will be separated from herself. In this world, their special identity leads to their mutual dependence. Yin Zhu doesn't want to see Bai Yangui cheat herself.

"In fact, when I first became a human being, my mind always sent a message to me that I should go to a certain place, and don't tell anyone that I was probably bewitched, and of course I had selfish intentions, so I ran away secretly. He was to blame for all this." Bai Yangui hands a chicken to Yin Zhu.

Yin Zhu looks at the chicken in front of him in doubt? What's the meaning of this?

And this meeting has already cried out, "my mother, what kind of taste, how can it become like this? You can't teach your boyfriend like this. It's too scary. "

Before, Bai Yangui said that taking him to meet a special friend could make Bai Yangui say something special. He thought it was like him. He immediately agreed that after meeting Yin Zhu, he also found some animal breath in Yin Zhu. However, Ze could not help covering his eyes with his wings. This woman's taste was too frightening, so Bai Yan returned to normal.

When Yin Zhu heard Ze's words, he couldn't help but draw his eyebrows. He had the impulse to pluck the chicken and stew it.

When she wants to be like this? The females in the orc world are all so big and thick. The thin females can't get married at all. Originally, she adapted to the body, but no one laughed at her.

"What is this? I know I've been working hard recently, so I specially brought it to me for stew? " Yin Zhu stretched out a hand to hold Ze's wings and lifted them up.

That kind of weightlessness plus the feeling of being controlled and unable to break free, let Ze open his eyes, "fart, you dare to stew me, I have to teach you a good lesson." Ze Qi Huhu said.

"Sir? Good. I'll let you become a bald chicken now Yin Zhu hums coldly. He grabs one of the chicken feathers and tugs at it.

"No, help. Bai Yan is yours. Let her stop." Ze GUI wails and howls, tears and snivels all come down, so miserable.

Bai Yangui slowly said, "if you provoke Yin Zhu yourself, you can solve it yourself."

"Aunt, I'm wrong. You don't remember villains. I'm cheap. I'll do it myself, so as not to dirty your hands. Why don't you have a rest first?" Ze looks at Yin Zhu pitifully.

Yin Zhu has never seen such a shameless thing before. In fact, since this guy started talking, Yin Zhu couldn't regard it as a chicken. After all, this is a rational creature. Yin Zhu treats him as a human being. In fact, he scares him and doesn't do anything to him.

"Where did you find such a wonderful flower?" Yin Zhu is very curious.

"Didn't you ask me about leaving? It's this guy who made it. This guy is a wolf demon in ancient times. He is unwilling to wander between heaven and earth after his old death. When a new demon appears, he will lead people to where he is, and then take them away. This guy is very crafty. Fortunately, I didn't fall for him. " White Yan return light say.

"Demon? You said he said you were a demon? A demon who has been cultivated and refined? " Yin Zhu asked in surprise.

Ze, who has already broken away from the devil's claws, will stand on one side angrily, "why is it because after the founding of the people's Republic of China, you don't even understand the basic common sense? Don't you know if you are a demon? " Ze said scornfully.

Two idiots, actually they don't know anything. Think about how excellent the monsters used to be. They are not only beautiful, but also very smart.

When Yin Zhu heard this, she knew that Bai Yan GUI didn't tell Ze about her origin, so it would be hard for her to say it.

"Yes, you are a senior, you know more, then you teach me how to practice?" Yin Zhu holds Ze with a smile.

"Of course, I not only know how to practice, but also know how to refine medicine and weapons. I also know some basic arrays. When I think about how powerful the demon was, it was a decathlon. You just lost the face of the demon and won't do anything." Ze is elated. When Yin Zhu hears this, she says that Ze is scheming for Bai Yangui. How can Bai Yangui leave him? It turns out that this guy is valuable.Bai Yangui directly pulled back Ze who was still boasting, "OK, I have something to discuss with Yin Zhu. You can talk about it later."

"Yes, yes." Ze hurried back to Bai Yangui's side. Just now, the woman said she was going to stew herself. It was really a bear. She was black. She was blown twice and forgot the threat before.

"Are you with Yang Wantong now?" Yin Zhu asked very kindly.

"Well, at present, only Yang Wantong's master knows me, but I think someone will know my existence soon. I left here for fear that someone will follow suit to find you. The best way is Yin Zhu. You can leave your house or go back to your uncle and aunt, too?" Bai Yangui proposed.

"No, Yang Wantong's master is not stupid. Since you have shown him your master, I think you are ready to cooperate with him. In that case, he won't expose his side. Maybe I can be his backup here to make him feel at ease." Yin Zhu said with a smile.

From Yang Wantong's daily thoughts, Yin Zhu probably knows what kind of person her master is. He doesn't know what he is doing to Bai Yangui, does he? Also, if not so honest people, how can we teach Yang Wantong such a simple minded warrior.

Yin Zhu thinks that as long as she doesn't do anything harmful to society, her master won't do anything to her. As for her connection with her parents, she is a bear, not a pure person. What does it have to do with them? Anyway, there are many people she coerces. I don't mind two more.

Yin Zhu has already thought about it. When she is going to leave, she will seal the memories of her parents. No one will want to check them, so that his parents won't feel sad after she leaves.

She decided to do so in the past two days. She really couldn't see her mother sad. She was afraid of the attack and couldn't leave.

"Since you don't mind, I won't object. By the way, how are your uncle and aunt? I'll see them when I'm free. " Bai Yangui wakes up, but he has his own memory of being hurt. Yin Zhu's parents take care of him, and he always keeps it in mind.

"Well, let's wait until the time has passed." Yin Zhu nodded with a smile.

"What are you going to do?" Asked Yin Zhu.

Bai Yangui said with a gentle smile, "Yin Zhu, the lab you made is really interesting. I found that the science and technology in your world is really good. I have been to the lab, and I have read the experiment log. I plan to teach myself biology knowledge, and then have a good understanding of what's different in my body, and how to solve problems."

"It will take a long time, and you can teach yourself this simple creature, and you need master to bring this complicated one." Yin Zhu really didn't expect that Bai Yangui would be interested in biology.

"It doesn't matter. Anyway, I have enough time. Now Lin Chun has planned to drive those foreign guys away. As for the domestic ones, I'm going to make some medicine for them. No one will stop me when I want to come. As for my master, isn't there a powerful professor in the laboratory? I always have the means to make him obedient and be my teacher. " Bai Yangui laughs so that people and animals are harmless.

Yin Zhu silently ordered a wax for Professor Baker, but doesn't Professor Baker like to study special people? At that time, Bai Yangui, a cheap disciple, can check and study at will. At that time, he can complement each other and each has his own place.

"Do you think you can suppress domestic forces?" Asked Yin Zhu.

Bai Yangui smiles, "Yin Zhu, don't worry. Although I'm just practicing, I'm making rapid progress. You don't have to worry, let alone have medicine to practice. These people are not my opponents at all. In addition, I give them benefits. You say that some people don't want benefits but want bad results. Is there such a person? I remember you said that many people here have the highest interests. "

Yin Zhu thought of Bai Yan's rules and regulations, so he nodded, "OK, you have a plan, but I probably can't wait long. After you leave, Bai Ji told me to go back early."

Bai Yangui is silent when he hears this. Ziji's mental imprint on him has been found by jiaoze. He can clean it up. But Yinzhu can't. Yinzhu has his partner and children in Baiji's hands.

"Yin Zhu, I think you can absorb Yuehua. It's really a good thing. It's also helpful for your strength." Bai Yangui said very sincerely, of course, Yin Zhu absorbed Yuehua will animal Dan broken, he did not know, this he did not dare to guarantee.

Yin Zhu nodded, "I'll think about it."

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