After a long discussion, Yin Zhu and Bai Yangui are ready to leave, but Yin Zhu is interested in Ze. She says to Bai Yangui with a smile, "how about lending Ze to me for a few days?"

When Bai Yangui heard this, he simply agreed, "what's wrong? If you want to know something, you can ask him directly." Bai Yangui thinks that Yin Zhu wants to ask about demons.

Yin Zhu really has a lot of questions to ask Ze. He also wants to know the difference between the demon and the orc, or what the orc has in common with the demon. The orc's defects on the mainland must be solved, and the problems on Mengji's side must be solved. Only by solving these problems can people in the world live a good life.

Ze could not help crying when he heard this, "no, I don't want to stay here. I want to go back. I don't want to face this ugly woman."

Yin Zhu originally intended to treat Ze politely. After hearing Ze's words, Yin Zhu directly twisted Ze and shook him, "I'm sorry, you probably need to get along with me for a while. Don't worry about your erudition. I want to ask you a lot of things. I won't kill you. At most, I'll pluck your hair."

Hearing this, Ze cried, "I don't want to be a bald chicken. Bai Yan will help me."

"You're here to accompany Yin Zhu. You're good Yin Zhu. You can talk very well." Bai Yan GUI said with a smile and turned to leave.

"Bai Yan belongs to you, who are inhuman. You can't face this ugly woman yourself, but it's too much for you to ask me to live like this. Does Yang Wantong know that you are such a person?" Ze shouts in anger.

Bai Yangui looked back at Ze sarcastically, "do you think I care about Yang Wantong's view?"

Ze is silly at this time. He remembers that it is Yang Wantong who chases Bai Yangui. It is not Bai Yangui who likes Yang Wantong. His threat can only be made by Yang Wantong.

"Bai Yangui, we are good brothers, aren't we? How could you leave me when we were so close to each other? " Ze fluttered his wings, hoping to fly to Bai Yangui's side immediately. Unfortunately, Yin Zhu twisted his wings and couldn't go anywhere.

Bai Yangui sneers twice and leaves directly.

Ze see white Yan to leave, can't help but droop head, drooping head, listless.

"Aunt, should you let me down? Can't you accept me when you screw me like this?" Bai Yan's return is far away. Ze can only flatter Yin Zhu.

No matter what kind of face it is, he can say praises. This is life.

"Why don't you go on? I'm waiting for you to continue Yin zhuleng hum.

"I dare not." Ze murmured in a low voice that Bai Yangui had already left. Yin Zhu didn't know what temperament he was. He didn't dare to be presumptuous. He provoked Yin Zhu, but no one saved him.

"I'm quite aware of current affairs, but I'm flexible." Yin Chu then released his hand.

Ze deftly squatted on the ground, like a good child obediently listening to the class, "sister, if you have any words, just ask, I will say everything."

"I've been doing this for a long time. I think you're cheap." Yin zhuleng hum, he thought that this guy was planning to return Bai Yangui. Fortunately, Bai Yangui was smart, but now he's nesting on a hen, which is what he deserves.

"By the way, I'm curious. You're a hen. Do you still lay eggs?" Asked the thief.

Ze heard this, the whole body cold hair all stood up, and then he hung his head, eager to cover his fart.

"You, you rascal." Ze wants to cry without tears. He's early for retribution. Before he became a hen, he was still in the same wave. But Yin Zhu's words really hurt his heart, liver and lungs.

"I asked if a chicken can lay eggs, how can it become a hooligan." Yin Zhubai takes a look at Ze. He is so ashamed that he can't wait to die. He should lay eggs, but Bai Yangui doesn't know about it.

"You let me die, you let me die." Ze kept rolling on the ground.

"By the way, do you need me to find a rooster for you? It's very rare to become a chicken. We always have to keep a few offspring. " Yin Zhu is very obscene with a smile. She loves revenge. How many knives did this guy stab into her heart just now? They all say that she can't wait for revenge from morning till night.

Ze this reincarnation can't love of collapse on the ground, silent tears.

I used to know that women are the most vengeful creatures, but he was not good at learning, and he even provoked a female devil.

Bai Yangui, help me, or his virginity will be gone.

Won't it be a rooster? Think about Ze feel terrible, he said he will never wave.

"Elder sister, beautiful sister, I'm wrong. I have eyes that don't know gold inlaid jade. My elder sister is a rare fairy in the world, and I'm the thief who's wrong." Ze apologized and sobbed. His moral integrity.

In fact, Yin Zhu also scares this guy, so that this guy will not easily export into a knife, and the knife will hurt people. If bear is not sensible, he needs to be taught a lesson by adults. I don't think he is good now.

"Well, now we can have a good chat. Do it, sister. I'm easy to talk." Yin Zhu said with a smile.Easy to talk, easy to talk a fart, Ze heart already Yin Zhu's ancestors eighteen generations to scold, also don't know which hateful guy left this witch.

"Well, what's my sister going to say?" Ze is sitting smartly.

"You're a monster. I think you've heard of things in the West. Are there werewolves and vampires in the west?" Yin Zhu asked curiously.

Hearing this, Ze couldn't help sneering, "you need to know what they do, what werewolf, isn't it half demon? As for vampires, it's just a garbage hiding in the dark. How can they compare with demons? "

"Werewolf is half demon?" Yin Zhu asked curiously.

Ze said triumphantly, "of course, that kind of creature only gets one-third of the power of demons at most, and they can't use magic. The only powerful thing is that they are stronger and stronger, and some of them are faster than ordinary people."

"Can werewolves become wolves anytime, anywhere?" Yin Zhu asked curiously.

"Where do you come from? If half demons can be changed into animal form anytime and anywhere, they are normally half human and half beast when they change. Only under certain circumstances, such as when blood awakens or when they are stimulated, will they become full beast, and that form is often uncontrollable. Otherwise, how can one be a demon or a half demon It's all bastards Ze Leng hum, obviously he looks down on Banyao.

"I think you look down on werewolves. Do you have a grudge?" Yin Zhu asked very kindly.

"Anyone who has a grudge against those people is the same as those psychopaths who used to like to produce such inferior products." Ze said disdainfully.

"When lovely love comes, it's hard to stop. It can't stop the human demon love." Yin Zhu disagrees with Ze's view.

Hearing this, Ze hums coldly, "I'm really surprised that you and Bai Yangui don't understand any common sense at all. Although it's said that after the founding of the people's Republic of China, it's not allowed to be refined, but you've all become. It's reasonable to say that you will get some inheritance information, which is also within the scope of heaven's permission. Why don't you understand anything?"

Yin Zhu couldn't help sweating when he heard this, and this Ze almost suspected them.

"I'm very clear to tell you that normally when people fall in love with demons, their children will basically become demons, because demons are far more powerful than human beings. The genes belonging to human beings will basically be assimilated, and there will not be half demons at all. Do you understand? Unless the demon is seriously injured and his ability deteriorates, it is impossible to have a half demon. This situation is rare, and normal demons don't like it. Even if they have problems, they will try to reinforce them and let them be human or demon. Half demon is a test object made of some changed states. It's not a multiplier with us at all. What do you think of the defects "I'm not sure Ze glanced at Yin Zhu, very proud.

She really didn't know there was such a saying. Was it misled by the TV series?

"Is there really a werewolf in the west? They are not so pitiful. Is there any way to make them human or demon Yin Zhu thinks that the situation of those werewolves is similar to that of Leihe. They are also forced to become orcs.

"It's simple. Just cultivate their skills, further stimulate their Demon power, and make them demonize completely." Ze said faintly, but no demon would give those half demon skills at all.

"By the way, I have a skill here. Please help me to have a look." Yin Zhu will take out the reincarnation formula on the other side of the orc continent. He has a lot of knowledge. Maybe he can find out the defects of the reincarnation formula.

Ze picked it up, just looked at it for a while, then he lost the things in his hand, "where did you get this nonsense thing?"

"What's wrong with this method?" Yin Zhu quickly picked up things, she wanted to try, did not expect Ze really can understand.

"It's not a skill. It's a mess of things. If you practice this thing, you will go crazy." Ze Leng hum.

"How to solve the problem after being possessed?" Yin Zhu asked anxiously.

"Isn't someone really practicing this skill?" Ze asked in surprise.

Then he burst out laughing, "that fool who practices this skill is wrong."

Yin Zhu's face was very bad looking at Ze, and then heavily patted the table, "said, what should I do after being possessed?"

Hearing this, Ze's face immediately turned bitter. "There was a tranquility pill in the past, but I didn't have this pill. I don't think the world can find the main medicine of tranquility pill. Moreover, this skill has some demonic nature. If I practice more, I can't help it. At least I can't help it."

Ze said he used to be just a medium-sized demon, not an omnipotent encyclopedia, who knew everything.

"Is it someone you know who is possessed with this practice?" See Yin bamboo anxious appearance, Ze can't help but curious asked.

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