Do you know each other? Yin Zhu wants to ignore Mengji's business, but she has to manage it. If she doesn't, the whole Orc world will be destroyed. That's her home.

"I don't know that person, but I have to take care of him, because that person uses the life of the whole world to make fertilizer, and has learned this. If we don't solve this problem, I'm afraid that many people will die." Yin Zhu said helplessly.

"No, how dare that guy be so crazy and devour other people's vitality to practice, not afraid of the curse of heaven?" Ze tut tut said, in his opinion, the person who practices this skill is a fool. It can't be successful at all, not to mention that it is still a society ruled by law now. Once someone dies, it will definitely attract the attention of the state. It's impossible to see this matter in any way.

Don't think that countries without special abilities can't deal with them. The formation of each country is formed by the right time, the right people and the right place. Especially after the success, God will give that country specific luck to protect them. Don't you think that after the founding of the people's Republic, the world will not produce new spirits?

It's not right. If the country says it's like the law, how did Yin Zhu and Bai Yangui come from?

Ze feels like he has got into a misunderstanding. If their world can't be refined, is it possible that they are from another world? For example, Yin Zhu said that if such a thing really happens in this world, the way of heaven will be in chaos, and he can't feel nothing, so Bai Yangui and Yin Zhu have no idea Bamboo doesn't know anything about demons, which makes sense.

Maybe they just have a similar cultivation system. They look like demons, not necessarily demons.

Ze found that he actually knew a big secret, and then Ze was at a loss.

Originally thought that in this world, he always had his own companion, but found that they were all fake. Ze was deeply sad this time. What's more sad is that he, a pure demon, would become a chicken that can't do anything.

"Why are you so upset all of a sudden?" Yin Zhu is puzzled to ask, before Ze Hai said happily, this difference is too big, very obvious see.

What are you unhappy about? Yin Zhu thought about what she said, and then realized that what she implied was too obvious. She laughed with a smile, "this is the discovery of our secret. Are you afraid to be killed by us?"

"You are not demons, are you?" Ze looks up at Yin Zhu seriously.

"You think I'll tell you?" Yin Zhu smiles.

"Yes, from what you just said, I think your world must be in urgent need of a person to change that situation, and you, Bai Yangui or you, all want to know about demons, which means that you think demons, or their cultivation methods are useful to you. Besides, now I have no strength, and I am controlled by you. I am controlled by you, You are not afraid of me at all. If you want me to help you, you always have to let me know what's wrong with your world, so that I can help you better, right? Then why don't you tell me? " Ze ha ha's smile twice, then very boring to look at Yin Zhu.

"I'm all right with you. Our world is really going to be destroyed." Yin Zhu said with a sigh.

"Tell me, or first tell me how you came to earth." Ze stares at Yin Zhu excitedly.

Although the development of that world seems to be on the verge of destruction, since it can break through time and space and send people to another world, it means that there are relatively powerful places in that world. Otherwise, it can't be done. However, he has always looked down on this woman. Since he can let people choose to send people here, he wants to be a leader, but looking at women is not very outstanding, Is it hard for women in that world to be like this?

Ze is quite interested in things in another world. After all, he hasn't seen people in another world for so many years as a monster, and he hasn't heard anyone say that he has met them. So is his luck good or bad?

But he's all like this. He's seen a lot of the world. If he can go to another world to have a look, it's very good. He also has the capital to boast.

"I can tell you, but I'll give you some incantations first. Don't worry, I won't torture you with these incantations. I just want to restrain you, which can be regarded as a guarantee." Of course, no matter how harmless the other party is, Yin Zhu can't take it lightly. The lion fights with the rabbit with all his strength, not to mention the tightrope walkers.

Yin Zhu said that no matter whether Ze Tong agreed or not, the various incantations fell down on him. This guy is a thousand year old monster, and he has many means in his hand. Yin Zhu thinks that one incantation is not safe, so it's better to have a few more.

As soon as the spell fell on his body, Ze felt as if his soul was bound by something. He was very uncomfortable. Then there were many other spells falling.

Yin Zhu is to throw away Du chaoze, who knows that he can control people's curse.

Ze looked at Yin Zhu and kept waving. He couldn't help crying, "stop, enough, enough, come again, I'll die."

He thought that this woman was not very good before, but he was beaten in the face immediately. This woman is much darker than Bai Yan GUI. Bai Yan GUI is very polite to him. As a result, when he comes to Yin Zhu's side, it's just a bunch of incantations.These spells are somewhat similar to the magic methods. Ze thinks that if he is given enough time, he should be able to break them. But Ze is afraid that he does not have enough time, because he feels that some spells seem to be fatal.

"Elder sister, what have you done to me? I'm just a chicken who can talk. You'll kill me if you use so many spells. Get rid of the curse. I'll really die." Zeqi said, as the old saying goes, the more you know, the faster you die. Curiosity killed the cat. Now he's planted here.

Yin Zhu some embarrassed said, "I don't think you are strong enough, can't trap you?"

"Sister, it's going to kill you. You don't have to." Ze cried.

"All right, all right." Yin Zhu also felt that he had lost too many curses, so he lifted some of them.

"All right, it's OK." Yin Zhu said with a smile.

"Now that you have control over me, will you tell me exactly what happened? How did you get here? How many of you are here? What were you going to do? Is it an accident to meet me, or do you know the existence of the demon and come to me on purpose? " Ze threw out a series of questions.

"It's just me and Bai Yan who are sent by the array. You think it's a random bus ride. You can have as many people as you want. We originally wanted to find out the problem with scientific methods in this world of science and technology. That's why we set up the laboratory. You're just an accident. Who knows you are such a number one person. " Yin Zhu rolled a white eye, this Ze is narcissistic enough, still think they are aimed at him.

If it wasn't for his bad intentions to deal with Bai Yangui, it could be said that no one could find the place where he hid without giving clues.

"Array? What kind of array, draw out to see Ze is very excited to be able to transmit across a world. He wants to learn.

"I won't. the array was drawn by the priest." Yin Zhubai glanced at Ze.

"You will not." Ze is lost. This woman doesn't look good. How can she be such a powerful thing? Priest, I really want to meet for a while.

"Think about how to eliminate those who practice this skill." Yin Zhushen kicked daze.

"Well, can you tell me first how you were trained from wild animals?" Ze asks curiously. He thinks that if he can get Yin Zhu's skills, he can understand another way by combining his own skills.

Yin Zhu's world, though not well developed now, does not mean that all the skills in his world are wrong. There must be something good to refer to.

"We have no Dharma." Yin Zhu waved his hand.

"Deceiving." Ze doesn't believe it, and then angrily flutters around Yin Zhu, causing chicken feathers to fly everywhere.

"I don't lie to you, because we are not beasts. We are human beings. The whole world is orcs. We are born to switch between beasts and human beings at will." Yin Zhu explained.

"Orc, ORC world, there is such a world, there is such a world." Ze murmured, he was full of expectations, and then a bucket of cold water poured down.

"So you're not demons at all?" Ze's face was full of tears. Originally, he thought that what the other party said was all from the cultivation of wild animals. In fact, each world had a different name. In fact, it was demon. Then he found that he had made a mistake from the beginning.

"I'm an ORC. There's no doubt about that. When we get here, we find that we can absorb the moonlight from here and make great progress. Because we're careful that something goes wrong, Bai Yan is the first one to practice. However, when he absorbs the moonlight island to a certain extent, the animal Pill on his body is broken. The animal pill is the certificate to identify the orc in the orc world, Pu Yan There is no animal elixir, only animal can have it. But Bai Yangui's animal elixir disappeared because of absorbing the moonlight. What do you think is the problem? " Yin Zhu leaves the problem to Ze.

She and Bai Yan are lucky to return home. She can meet the soul of a demon who is still alive in ancient times. This guy can solve many of their problems.

"Animal pill disappeared? What's your animal pill like? Show me. " Ze asked curiously.

"The animal elixir can only be taken out when the orcs die. I can't show it to you, but when we became animals, there was a sapphire in our forehead. They said it was the embodiment of the animal elixir." Since he wants Ze to help, Yin Zhu naturally tells the other party what he knows.

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