"I'll see if you can change your body." Ze said excitedly.

Yin Zhu nodded, then turned into a big bear and appeared in front of Ze.

Before, he smelled the smell of some kind of animal in Yin Zhu's body. Sure enough, he did not guess wrong. Besides the bear, how could he find so many women.

However, this matter can only be thought about in my heart. During the time I have been in contact with Yin Zhu, Ze can see that this woman is very resentful, especially in the aspect of her appearance. It's really strange for them that women care so much about her appearance.

Ze shakes his head and doesn't understand it. Although most monsters are beautiful when they transform, there are also some people who are not knowledgeable and have strange appreciation level. But generally speaking, no matter men or women, they will not dislike the appearance they choose. On the contrary, they will feel all kinds of beauty.

Sure enough, this woman's transformation is different from that of a monster. The monster's transformation doesn't have such a strange sign. Ze touched the stone with his hand to make sure that the stone really contains energy. He couldn't help but want to buckle it down for research. He was not just going to dig it with his little paw, but he was slapped by Yin Zhu. Then Yin Zhu changed his body and changed Back to the people.

"What did you want to do before?" Yin Zhu asked with a black face.

"I don't want to do anything. I just want to check it." Ze felt the danger and immediately covered up his intention.

"Don't you want me to do something? I just want to see if you are so mean? " Ze said angrily.

"Change back quickly and show me." Ze said unhappily.

Yin Zhu is not happy white Ze one eye, and then said: "you'd better give me a little better, if you have any crooked mind, you have to think about the consequences, understand?"

Ze said that he was itching before, but he didn't really have the heart to harm Yin Zhu. Now he won Yin Zhu's soul once, and he can't support him to win the second time. Now he is a weak chicken. What can he do? It's better to be obedient. If he can study the secrets of orcs, it might be good for him.

But this woman is very sensitive. Only when he has a little consciousness can he feel it. Can he say it's the instinct of the beast?

This chicken body cultivation qualification is very poor. From him to the present, he has been working hard, but the effect is very poor. He is still a chicken.

Yin Zhu was transformed again. Ze would be more comfortable. He found that the gem grew in Yin Zhu's body. He couldn't buckle it even if he wanted to.

In this, he carefully felt the power in the gem, and then very confused said: "I feel the power in the beast Dan is very strong, but you don't give me much feeling."

According to theory, this animal pill is in Yin Zhu's body and is a part of Yin Zhu. Yin Zhu should be able to use the power in it. Why doesn't Yin Zhu seem to be able to mobilize this power?

When Yin Zhu heard this, he shook his head. "I don't know that."

, yes, after the orcs died, the essence of this whole body would be condensed into the animal Dan. After death, everything would dissipate with time. However, the animal Dan stayed behind, leaving many of the ancestors left behind by the orcs. What everyone knew was that the beast Dan had a powerful power, but no one moved, not because of respectful predecessors, but to absorb these animal Dan. People will lose themselves in the end and become a madman, an inhuman madman. " Yin Zhu said with a sigh.

Ze heard this but frowned, "no, it's said that people die easily. Once people die, all the things related to them will gradually disappear with time. Whether it's people or memory, even the bones will eventually turn into dust. Why do you keep the animal elixir forever, just because of the power in it? It's not right. You can't use this power, and at last it's all left behind, unless? " Ze will be meditating.

"Except for what?" Yin Zhu asked in surprise.

"Unless it's not yours." Ze said calmly.

"What?" Yin Zhu was a little silly. "How could it be? This animal pill was born with every ORC. How could it be our animal pill? You're talking nonsense. "

If even animal Dan is not theirs, then what is her?

Yin Zhu felt confused by Ze.

"No, Yin Zhu, if you think about it carefully, if it belongs to you, can't you use it? Do you feel with your heart that your animal pill has powerful power, but you can't use it? Then, to death, all the things related to you disappear and return to the origin of the world, but the beast pill doesn't, and his harm exists. That's the essence. " Ze word by word analysis.

Yin Zhu is a little silly, "but animal Dan was born with us?"

Hearing this, Ze said with a smile, "Yin Zhu, don't look at the surface of anything. You have to think that your world is not an ordinary world. If there are orcs and sacrifices, will there be gods? For example, there are monsters in our world. If you don't see me, do you think it's unbelievable? "

Yin Zhu squatted on the ground and thought, yes, no one in the whole Orc continent has ever thought about whether their animal pill belongs to her or not. Yin Zhu has never doubted this aspect. Otherwise, Ze, an outsider, put forward this question. Did she really not think about this question? Is it because the onlookers see clearly?"It's a reversal of my three outlooks." Yin Zhu smiles bitterly.

Ze nodded, his words would be unacceptable. After all, his belief from small to large has been overthrown, and he certainly can't accept it.

"You see, the animal pill doesn't belong to you. Do you want to find a way to take it out for me to study?" Ze smiles and claps his wings.

Yin Zhu then white his one eye, "it seems that the purpose that you pursue is here."

"Why be angry? Besides, I'm much smarter than you, and I know a lot about it. It's best for me to study it." Ze is obviously interested in Yin Zhu's animal pill, as long as Yin Zhu takes it out.

"I would like to, but if we orcs take out the animal elixir alive, the animal elixir will become blood red, and the orcs will die. Do you think we will take out the animal elixir?" Yin zhuleng hum.

"How do I feel like someone is raising animal pills, and you orcs are fertilizer?" Ze frowned and said.

"It's not right for you to say that. That man even tried his best to make fertilizer with people from all over the world. Why didn't he collect the animal pills there?" Yin Zhu retorts.

But Ze Bai glanced at Yin Zhu, "what do you know? Some of the great powers sleep for thousands of years, and people don't care at all. Anyway, things are there, and no one wants them. It's not the same when they come to collect them. Besides, the time of the great powers is very precious. They must wait for a certain amount of things to collect them. Where can they collect them one by one, they don't have so many Time. "

"OK, you're smart. You're right." Yin Zhu lay down feebly.

"Tell me a good story about what happened in your world, especially about some ancient myths and stories, including some special events in your world. Maybe I can give you a smooth picture." Ze would lie flat on the ground and wait for Yin Zhu to tell a story.

Yin Zhu thought about it for a moment. Now that she has said it, let's make it clear. Of course, she originally went through the past. Yin Zhu didn't say it. She changed a little bit and said that she was originally a little female of daze tribe. One day, she suddenly got the animal God inheritance, and then a series of things happened.

Ze listened to TUT tut very seriously looked at Yin Zhu, can't see, you are that world's lucky son.

"Any lucky son is calculated by others, because my body is special. Listen to me." Yin Zhu talks about the nightmare world from the orc world. When he talks about the nightmare world, Ze looks a lot more serious. If the orc world is a simple version, the nightmare world will be upgraded.

Especially the people who have practiced reincarnation in Hanhai, and the people who are locked up in the dark abyss. Yin Zhu also talks about Mengji.

This story has been told all day and night. Fortunately, Yin Zhu's body can still bear it. Ze Zhenhui suddenly realized, "I said that reincarnation formula doesn't make sense. Only a fool can go to practice. Now I understand."

"What do you understand?" Asked Yin Zhu.

"Didn't you say that Mengji was the greatest genius of her time? Then she should have discovered the secret of the beast Dan, but she didn't have the strength to resist, and the time was not enough to let her grow up slowly, so she came up with the reincarnation formula, and practiced for her with the people of the whole nightmare world. Only in that way can she have a little hope of victory. You don't always say that Baiji says that your world will be destroyed, and Baiji should also know the reason, if so All that can be understood, and only the disaster of destroying heaven and earth can make a leader who used to love and protect the people become a ferocious executioner, because she has no other way to go. If she doesn't fight, all people will die. At least she has hope. " Ze said with a sigh, if it's really what he thought, Mengji is very powerful and powerful, at least he can't do it.

"Is that all?" Yin Zhu is confused. She always regards Mengji and Baiji as her enemies and Savior. Then Ze tells them that Mengji is not an enemy, but a hero and Savior.

"It's not necessarily what you said. The white sacrifice ferocious man is also very bad to me, so I don't believe what you said." Yin Zhu looked up at the sky, confused.

"Maybe, but I guess it based on my experience, and there's no basis. But you said that Bai Yangui's animal pill disappeared because of absorbing Yuehua. Let's go to find Bai Yangui. You two will have a good experience. What's the difference between you two? I can make a better distinction. " He suggested.

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