In fact, what Ze said may not be unreasonable, but after knowing it, Yin Zhu's heart can't help shivering. Who is the enemy she has to face? If she uses the whole world as a pusher, she is really afraid. If there is a pusher behind Baiji, does she have a pusher behind her?

By Ze's analysis, Yin Zhu's heart is heavy, and it's not easy to feel. It's wrong to think about this. If Ze's analysis is right, what does Bai Ji really want her to do?

Yin Zhu doesn't want to die, whether to use her as cannon fodder or as an assistant. Even if Ze's words are true, Bai Ji stands on the great righteousness. In this way, Yin Zhu won't agree. No one can take her name without her consent. If she is willing to sacrifice in order to save the world, it's not good However, Yin Zhu was not willing to die because he was calculated by others.

"Ze, you mean that the beast pill is not ours. According to your meaning, someone should force it to us. It should be very easy to take away the things that don't belong to us. Baiji, the high priest in the nightmare world, is very powerful. He made the array we came to this world? Then his strength should be able to strip the beast Dan from his own body! " Yin Zhu said very confused.

"It should be OK. After all, how to enslave a world? Relatively speaking, there will certainly be rebels in that world, that is, the so-called son of fate. The original will of that world will fight desperately and let its own people fight for themselves. No one wants to be enslaved. Then, with the help of the will of the world, some people in your world will know each other's plot Even if they can't resist each other, they have the ability to escape. " Ze said with certainty.

"It's said that Bai Ji, the high priest of Yan Clan, suddenly lost all his strength ten thousand years ago. He should have been called Zi Ji, and then he became Bai Ji with the lowest strength. Do you think he lost all his strength at that time, because he stripped off his own animal elixir?" There are many legends about Baiji in the nightmare world. Of course, the most puzzling thing is why Baiji gave up his supreme strength and chose to become a useless person. Of course, baiji is a useless person, but no one can understand it.

If Ze's conjecture is all right, then the choice of baiji is very clear.

When Yin Zhu thought of his situation, he couldn't recognize and sigh. It was really hard for them to go, especially when Bai Ji didn't know what he meant to them. Could Bai Ji be his special soul.

"You say that since that backhand is so powerful, is it possible for him to come to our world?" What Yin Zhu is afraid of most is this. She is so lazy that she would like to die right away because she has done harm to the people in this world.

"I don't think so. If I could, I would have done it long ago. How could I wait until now?" Ze sighed, then said: "it should not be possible, our earth has a lot of soaring power, this is their hometown, they will not care, so this thing should not happen, if it is really possible, it is not what you can manage."

Yin Zhu really doesn't like his nonsense, but that's right. She can't manage it.

"Forget it, don't say this. You'd better tell Mengji how to save her first. As you said, even if Mengji is to save the world, I guess Mengji will kill herself before she can fight with that person. Even if she wins, she can't control herself. The world will be destroyed at that time. Ze, help me think about it If you can't think of a way, I'll take you to the orc world later. Then you'll have to work hard just for yourself. " Yin Zhu is threatening.

Ze couldn't help jumping when he heard this. He really couldn't get out of the black hole.

In fact, he also wants to play in the orc world in the past. Anyway, it's hard for his Rooster to make progress in this world. It's better to go to that world and try his luck. If he dies, it's the same thing. Anyway, rooster can't live for many years.

Just think about it like this, I still feel quite subdued. I really don't like the feeling of being coerced.

Yin Zhu looked at Ze's jumping feet and couldn't help laughing, "don't worry, for the sake of a fellow countryman in the world, I will protect you when I go back, at least when I'm alive."

"A countryman of the world?" Ze frowned in doubt and stared at Yin Zhu.

Then he said quietly, "I said how to see you are a little disobedient, but I can't figure out where there is a problem. Now I think of it. Bai Yangui is very smart, and he has learned things very quickly, but he is still strange to the world. You are very familiar with these modern household appliances, and even the modern language is very smooth. It turns out that you are a townsman, isn't it for me I'll make it clear? "

"Yin Zhu, you are not kind. You want me to help you, but you hide the most important information. You are not sincere. Are you kidding me? Thanks to me, I spent all my heart to help you find a way. As expected, human beings can't believe it. " Ze looked at Yin Zhu contemptuously, and then directly through the body with a fart () to Yin Zhu.

Yin Zhu awkwardly grabbed his long hair and let it slip for a moment.What she doesn't want is that people will subconsciously hide their secrets? All the stories she told before were true except that her own tribe added some water.

"Well, my identity is fake. I used to be a person in this world, and then I was brought to that world by a chain of bracelets to wear my soul. This is the bracelet that takes me through. " Yin Zhu directly handed the crystal bracelet he was carrying in his hand to Ze, in which the soul of Beina had disappeared, and he couldn't find anything.

"I've been calculated and set up. Baiji figured out that the future of the orc world depends on the guidance of people from another world. The reason why I can cross the world with my body is that I'm led by my soul, and baiyangui is brought back by me. In this way, I really made it clear. " Yin Zhu hands together to get rid of looking at Ze.

Why do you feel guilty?

It's not a good feeling.

"Take out your animal pill and do research for me, and I'll forgive you." Ze youyou's mouth, he still cares about the energy inside.

Yin Zhu said helplessly: "it's not that I don't want to give it to you, it's that I didn't give it to you. If I really dig it for you, I'll die."

Ze thought for a while and said, "it shouldn't be. Bai Yangui didn't lose the animal pill. It's not good. It should be to take off the animal pill under special circumstances. It should be OK."

"What do you mean nothing? Can you do this deadly experiment at will? If I should die, would you pay for my life? " Yin Zhu said angrily.

"Why are you so afraid of death?" Ze Qi shouts.

Yin Zhu rolled a white eye, "you are not afraid of death, then why don't you say, in case I die, pay for my life?"

After hearing Yin Zhu's words, Ze said helplessly: "master, you forgot that you put a lot of spells on me. You really have a problem. Can I run away?"

I'm so angry with this stupid woman.

When Yin Zhu heard this, she was stunned. Well, she is a good baby. She did not forget that she would have developed into the fact that she used evil means to control other people's lives.

"So you put a hundred heart, I seriously thought about it." Ze said he would never cheat others.

"Well, tell me about your idea." Yin Zhu holds his chest in both hands and says that he just sees Ze boasting, how he says it and how he can persuade her. His method is good.

"It's very simple. Can't Bai Yangui bear to disappear after absorbing the moonlight? Why don't you leave your body, but it's because of Yuehua. Does that mean that you are afraid of Yuehua? If you find out the animal pill and use the Yuehua you absorb to catch it, it won't be ok? " Ze said with a smile.

Yin Zhu was stunned and had to say that there was some truth in what he said, at least not nonsense.

"You're right. It's really possible. Well, I'll wait until I send the message back to the orc tribe. I'll make sure." Yin Zhu smiles. Even if Ze's conjecture is reasonable, she won't make fun of her life. Ze's inference is too important. She wants to find a way to contact Bai Ji and ask what's going on.

Even if Baiji doesn't answer, as long as the matter is true, Baiji will be stunned when she brings it up. Anyway, she will know the answer.

"Well, I'm also curious about your white Sacrifice ability. I'll follow you and see." Zehe laughs.

Yin Zhu's only way to contact Bai Ji is to give her a string of beads. Yin Zhu gently waves the beads that can activate the array.

To start the array, you need to turn the bead three times. Yin Zhu just turns it one time and doesn't move. I think this circle will have a reaction in that world, but she doesn't move next. Bai Ji will ask someone to make it clear.

Indeed, as Yin Zhu thought, when Yin Zhu moved the bead, the original ground began to light up a line. At the moment when the array was lit up, many people's hearts were affected. However, just as everyone was waiting there to welcome Yin Zhu back, the array slowly quieted down and no longer lit up.

Bai Ji's face is not good-looking. "What's the matter with Yin Zhu? Once this array is started, it will cost a lot of energy. She's a fool."

In fact, Bai Ji has already thought that Yin Zhu must have some important news to say, otherwise he would not use this method. However, just as Bai Ji said above, he is very distressed to start the array in this way and use a lot of energy.

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