"Yin Zhu, what on earth are you doing? Are you irritating me and thinking I can't do anything with you?" Yin Zhu looked at the string of beads in his hands and heard Bai Ji's angry voice.

"Are you angry?" Yin Zhu asked lightly.

Bai Ji, however, was so angry by Yin Zhu's understatement that he almost didn't vomit blood. The connection between the two worlds is based on Chaohu imagination, which is in exchange for the lives of the nightmare people.

"What do you find? You don't need to contact me like this. It's better to be very important, otherwise I'll let your partner go to sacrifice." Bai Ji said angrily.

"Baiji heard that ten thousand years ago, you suddenly lost all your strength, from purple sacrifice to Baiji. Since then, you rarely appear in the crowd, and you have never become a beast, right?" Yin Zhu said lightly.

Bai Ji heard this, but his heart was cold, and then asked coldly, "what do you mean?"

Bai Ji's disposition is to be calm and calm again. When his secret is discovered, he will be worried?

"How did you take the animal pill out of your body and let yourself live well?" Yin Zhu asked very kindly.

"You..." Bai Ji was obviously fooled by Yin Zhu's words.

After a while, he was very happy, very happy, "sure enough, God still gave us a way to live, before I always did not understand, how God would choose you, to say that you are not soft hearted, strength is not strong, people are not smart enough, now I understand, you finally have strengths."

"I didn't expect to let you go back to your world and find so many things. It seems that you don't have nothing to do when you go back. I'll tell you that everything is what you guess. So you, Yin Zhu, you have to work hard and your companions and children are waiting for you to save." White sacrifice ha ha of smile, see his appearance, this meeting mood is quite good.

"In such a good mood?" It's hard for Yin Zhu to wonder. Shouldn't he become angry after being torn down by himself?

"Well, of course, it's more reassuring to be a smart person than a stupid partner, isn't it?" Bai Ji said with a smile.

"Speaking, did Bena's soul come to the earth unconsciously? Or did you consciously guide it? " Yin Zhu saw so many things, not good for no reason, so was it an accident that Beina came to the earth? Is it an accident that Yuehua on earth can fight against beast pill?

So, everything is arranged.

"I know. Why do you ask? That's why you deliberately stir up the array. Don't you know it's a waste of time? Yin Zhu, when you come back, if you can't get the revenge I want, then I'll settle with you. " Bai Ji said coldly.

"I want to talk to my partner." Yin Zhu said impolitely, since it has been wasted, it's better to waste more. Since Bai Ji didn't deny it, what Ze said is probably true, so she must let Tengxiao pay attention to it.

Ze said that the animal pill is absolutely not good for their bodies. It should be to plunder some substance in their bodies. Unfortunately, he can't be sure until he gets the animal pill.

"I'll talk to them about it later. I know better than you. Don't worry. I'll deceive them. Can't your two kids contact you anyway?" Bai Ji couldn't help but feel sad when he thought of the betrayed apprentice, who was his favorite apprentice. They were no longer his apprentices. Blood relationship was really a wonderful thing.

"Well, since you say so, I'll trust you for a while." It's true that what she knows depends on guessing. No Baiji knows clearly. This time she makes such a move. It's impossible for Tengxiao to say they don't know. If Baiji doesn't say anything, they will try to contact her.

"How?" Ze looks at Yin Zhu's connection with the world. The bracelet is very interesting. It's different from the array, but the Tao is similar. If you want to understand it, you will understand it. He wants to study it.

"Your crow mouth is very effective." Yin Zhu is very powerless to say that, sure enough, life is like that. Yin Zhu thought he had climbed a big mountain, but found that there was a bigger mountain in front of him to block his way.

I think hope is ahead, but I find that there are more difficulties waiting for me. Life is hard.

If Gou will not die, Yin Zhu really wants to. She is not fit to be the Savior.

"What's crow's mouth? I'm smart. I'm not as stupid as the people on your side. Why didn't I think about animal pill?" Ze said triumphantly.

"Who would have thought that there was something wrong with the animal pill? Would you have suspected that there was something wrong with some part of your body that day?" Yin zhuleng hum.

"Of course, if I have something useless on me, I will doubt it." Everything is relative. We should be useful.

"Well, you're good." Yin Zhu is very helpless to say that he lost.

"Let's go to find Bai Yan." Ze said with a smile, find Bai Yan to return to him, you can leave this woman, don't like this not gentle woman, nothing to threaten him, really hate."Don't worry, Bai Yangui is different from me. I'm hiding in the dark to prepare for the harvest. Bai Yangui is standing in the light. Do you think I'll go to see Bai Yangui openly?" Yin zhuleng hum.

Hearing this, Ze couldn't help laughing, "now that you have chosen to continue living here, it means that Lin Chun knows. Since you're not going to hide Lin Chun, you're afraid to go to Bai Yangui. Besides, aren't you very close to Yang Wantong? You can say that you are looking for Yang Wantong. Who said to go there must be looking for Bai Yan, you are stupid. "

Ze gave Yin Zhu an opinion. When Yin Zhu heard this, he couldn't help but look at Ze, "Yang Wantong grew up with her master. How many good friends does she have? Does her master know? I said that I have known her recently. Can her master not pay attention to her

"You're the typical one. What did you do?? And the kind of archway. " Of course, the middle two words Ze did not dare to say, for fear of being plucked by Yin Zhu.

This woman always plucks her hair. He's a chicken, OK? No one likes naked v-ben.

"Go, you are proud of your strength. Why don't you say how many years you have lived? If I have lived for so many years, I'm a fool. I'm smart and diligent. You've made up for so many years. If you surpass me, what's your pride?" Yin zhuleng hum.

How many years have you been mending? Ze heard this almost a mouthful of old blood did not spit out, too much, he is the most intelligent wolf, dare to call him stupid.

"It's said that the country is easy to change, the nature is hard to change, just like you're stupid. If you're given thousands of years, you're still like this. When cattle are brought to Beijing, it's still cattle." Ze Leng hum, who can't mock.

"You If you go, I won't quarrel with a naive chicken. I'm an elegant and intellectual woman in the new era. I have time to work hard. I'd better think about the philosophy of life. " Yin Zhu turns around and walks away, ignoring Lize.

Bai Yangui said that absorbing Yuehua is good for the body. The most obvious advantage is that there is no animal pill. Bai Ji would rather lose his strength than peel the animal pill from himself. Then the animal pill must be removed, but whether to learn from Bai Yangui is what Yin Zhu should consider.

Ze said that there was a powerful force in the animal pill, and the mysterious man used the whole Orc world to raise the animal pill. If he said that the animal pill was useless, Yin Zhu didn't believe it at all. In other words, the power in the animal pill could be used, but how to use it was a problem.

Yin Zhu doesn't want to separate the animal pill from her body. What she lacks most now is strength. If she can get the strength in the animal pill, and there are many animal pills scattered in the orc world, then she can take the animal pill before the mysterious man comes. Is that so that she can better protect her relatives?

But if you want to absorb the power of beast Dan, I'm afraid you really need Ze's help.

She has no other means except inheriting the witchcraft from Wuji, and Wuji's witchcraft is probably taught to her by Baiji.

"Ze, thank you for your help. I'll reward you for what you want to eat tomorrow." Yin Zhu looks at Ze with a smile. This guy is still useful, so I'd better give him some benefits first.

Ze is frightened by the smile of Yin Zhu's grandmother. Isn't this woman always fierce? Why did he suddenly smile so strangely? It seemed that he was very upset. He thought that Bai Yangui would come back, but he almost didn't care about him. Besides asking him some questions, Yin Zhu was a big devil.

"No, no, it's my pleasure to help Yin Zhu." Ze was so excited that he couldn't stand any more.

Well, do you want delicious food or despise snacks?

"Do you have something you want in particular, and if I can afford it or have it, how about giving it to you?" Yin Zhu said very generously.

Ze was even more confused when he heard this. It was too good for him. He was afraid that he would not be able to do what the woman wanted to do.

"Don't scare me, elder sister. What do you want to do? Can you say it directly? I'm too small to be scared. " Ze collapsed on the ground, really want to stretch his legs, no matter what.

"Well, I just want you to help me find a way. Can I absorb the power of animal pill?" Yin Zhu didn't expect that he just wanted to flatter the horse, so he patted the horse on the leg.

"I have to study your animal pill before I know if I can do it. As long as I can do it, don't scare me." Ze thought that if he had hands, he would wipe away his sweat.

It's OK. Don't scare people. It's OK. Don't scare people. It's OK. Don't scare people. It's OK. Don't scare people.

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