Yin Zhu began to practice under the guidance of Ze. Since absorbing Yuehua to a certain extent can make the animal elixir disappear, it shows that Yuehua repels the animal elixir. When Yin Zhu thinks of absorbing Yuehua, he can collect Yuehua in another way as long as he is sober. Then, can he keep sober and feel how Yuehua is Those who reject the animal pill will see if they can get it out.

When he heard Yin Zhu's practice, he was addicted to it. He would wake up only when he was stimulated by foreign things. He couldn't help but wonder how many times he would have died if he were a monster. Especially when there were many demons in the first time, he would have lost himself in practice. He would have died quickly. He didn't know whether it was because of the animal pill or something else.

To tell you the truth, Ze is really interested in orcs now.

Seeing Yin Zhu become a bear and begin to absorb the moonlight for cultivation, Ze can't help but be envious of the white fog formed by the moonlight gathered around him. The orc is really heaven and earth seizing. It's very good for him to absorb a wisp of moonlight when he was practicing. It's terrible that Yin Zhu directly forms the fog. No wonder Bai Yangui says that he can only practice for a while If he can absorb so much, he will become a demon soon.

Originally prepared to study the connection between Yin Zhu's animal Dan and Yuehua, we can see that Yuehua, who has formed a thick fog, thinks about her own qualifications. At this time, she has the opportunity to run her thighs and rub some soup. If she doesn't hurry to do it, she will wait for a while. So Ze Puteng's little body leans against Yin Zhu and takes a deep breath. It's so comfortable that she can eat ten times Like the whole tonic soup, Ze began to practice in a hurry.

While practicing, Ze can't help but scold the thief God. Why is it so unfair? It's hard for him to practice, but they are just like kaigua. It's too eccentric.

Besides, Yin Zhu and Bai Yangui are people from another world. Why do they give them so many benefits? This resource should be regarded as the biological resource of the earth. Well, Yin Zhu is at least half a human. Bai Yangui is biased by heaven. When he thinks of his unfortunate rebirth, Ze can't help vomiting blood.

But it's not right. He's been with Bai Yangui before, and he's seen Bai Yangui practice. Bai Yangui absorbs a lot of Yuehua, but he can't compare with Yin Zhu. He remembers that Bai Yangui said that he had been practicing for more than a month before he became a man. Does that mean that Bai Yangui's practice was so fast and crazy? What is the reason why Bai Yangui's cultivation became slower later?

Because of the animal pill? Because Bai Yan lost the animal pill. The reason why Yin Zhu's cultivation is so fast is that he has animal elixir.

So the animal pill is not a bad thing. He wants it.

Ze takes a deep breath again. It's really ecstatic. Such a good opportunity must not be missed. It seems that if he wants to find a way to stay by Yin Zhu's side in the future, maybe he can return to the peak soon. At that time, he will catch the woman Yin Zhu to be his servant and eat her if she is not obedient, just like Yin Zhu is always threatening him now. If he is not obedient and serious, he will pluck his hair and stew.

Yin Zhu thinks that youze is staring at him, so he indulges in practicing. Ze cultivates, cultivates quickly, and takes advantage of himself. As for Yin Zhu, he has forgotten everything he told him before.

When Yin Zhu woke up in the morning, she saw Ze, who was sleeping soundly with her head tilted against her bear's leg. She couldn't help frowning and jumping. She put her hand around Ze's chicken neck and picked up the annoying chicken. "Say, Mr. sleep Xiang, you must have studied too hard and tired yesterday, so you will still be sleeping."

Ze had been sleeping well and was having a beautiful dream. Suddenly he dreamed that a big hand came down from the sky. Then he grabbed him by the neck and lifted him up. Then he stretched his tongue like a dying local dog and couldn't breathe any more. Then he really felt like he was going to be out of breath. When he opened his eyes, he saw Yin Zhu holding it and staring at it.

"Come on, put me down. I'll be dead." Ze rolled his eyes and said in agony.

"What did you study yesterday?" Yin Zhu left Ze on the sofa and asked coldly.

Ze's face froze when he heard this, then he made a low noise and walked carefully to Yin Zhu's feet. "Yes, I'm sorry. Yesterday, I saw that you could gather a large group of Yuehua in your cultivation. As soon as I was excited, I followed the cultivation, and then forgot to study the animal pill. I'm sorry, it's all my fault." Ze made a deep review of his own mistakes, and then looked at Yin Zhu flatteringly, hoping that Yin Zhu would forgive him. He just checked and found that the effect of this night's cultivation was better than that of his one month's cultivation. If he didn't hold such a thick golden thigh now, when would he wait.

"That's how you do things. You can be a little determined. No, you're totally unreliable." Yin Zhu said angrily.

"No, I can't blame it. It's mainly because you absorb too much moonlight. It's amazing. Then I indulge in it." Ze will also understand why Yin Zhu's cultivation can be addicted to it. If so many moon flowers are absorbed, can they not be ecstatic and forget everything? Think that what he absorbed in one night is just a hair. Can he not wake up? People are more popular than dead people."You don't mean to praise me for my talent. It's abnormal, right?" Yin Zhu asked with a frown.

"Was Bai Yan the same as you before she returned? Cultivation can absorb a lot of moonlight and form a white fog Asked Ze.

Yin Zhu nodded, "is it difficult that the cultivation speed of Bai Yangui has slowed down now?"

"Yes, now the cultivation speed of Bai Yangui is quite fast for me, but it's also in the level of genius and evil. It's acceptable, but you're totally crazy, understand?" Ze wants to say that if he can get the beast pill, maybe he can become a big demon again from a chicken in more than a month. Then haikuo will be free with the help of the fish, and he can also compete with Yinzhu and Baiyan in return.

"Because of the beast pill?" Yin Zhu obviously thought of this problem.

"Well." Ze answered in the affirmative.

Yin Zhu is really curious. This animal pill can absorb Yuehua's cultivation, but at the same time, Yuehua can also eliminate the power in the animal pill. The relationship between the two is really complementary and interesting.

"Yin Zhu, can you take me with you next time you practice? The boss will take me with you. Otherwise, my generation has no hope of becoming a demon and will become a chicken that has been cooked by others." Ze sad with tears, hoping that his pathetic appearance can move Yin Zhu.

"Oh, do you really want to become a chicken demon?" Yin Zhu asked in surprise.

Ze heard this very helpless said: "I don't want to ah, can good death is better to rely on living, difficult not into you this hard hearted woman is looking forward to my death?" Finish saying Ze Wa Wa Wa Wa Wa Wa Wa Wa Wa Wa Wa Wa Wa Wa Wa Wa Wa Wa Wa Wa Wa Wa Wa Wa Wa Wa Wa Wa Wa Wa Wa Wa Wa Wa Wa Wa Wa Wa Wa Wa Wa Wa Wa Wa Wa Wa Wa Wa Wa Wa Wa Wa Wa Wa Wa Wa Wa Wa Wa Wa Wa.

"Do you mean a big man crying like this?" Yin Zhu looks at Ze silently.

"I'm sorry, what's the good meaning? It's said that men don't cry because they don't feel sad. Now I'm so sad that I'm hopeless. My sadness runs counter to the current." Ze tears while facing the wind, while sad.

"What videos have you seen recently?" Yin Zhu is very helpless to ask, yes, Ze's favorite is to watch all kinds of short videos on the Internet, and then also learn from other people's funny comparison.

"No Ze immediately patted his chest and said.

"OK, later we'll make an appointment with Bai Yan to talk about it. By the way, we'll let Bai Yan go with us and have a good study of the beast pill." Yin Zhu patted Ze and arranged what to do today.

Yin Zhuxian calls Yang Wantong and says that he has come back. At the same time, he asks her out to play. Of course, he asks her to take Bai Yangui with him.

Bai Yangui's invitation to Yin Zhu naturally came. As soon as Yang Wantong saw Yin Zhu, she directly hugged Yin Zhu's arm, "sister, you've finally come back. I miss you so much."

This girl is brave, but she has a sweet mouth. She cries all day and helps herself a lot. Yin Zhu is a little embarrassed that she didn't bring a small gift this time.

"I'll take you to buy clothes. I forgot to bring you a present when I came back this time." Yin Zhu said very apologetically.

"It doesn't matter, sister. I don't have to buy clothes. I have a lot of clothes." Yang Wantong thinks of their other identities, such as Bai Yangui, who doesn't have a cent, and estimates that Yin Zhu doesn't have much money, so she doesn't waste Yin Zhu's money.

"It doesn't matter. Don't save money for me. I have money." Yin Zhu looks at this all the way is to buy a small thing, Yang Wantong help pay, you know what this guy is careful about.

"I know that I have money, but I do great things. I want to keep the money on the blade. Besides, I really don't need it." Along the way, she unfortunately observed Yin Zhu and Bai Yangui. They met and said hello calmly, but there was no ambiguity. This shows that these two people should not be lovers. Yang Wantong was most worried about what Bai Yangui had with Yin Zhu. In that case, it would be hard for her to fight. A person she adored, a person she liked, if there was something between them, she didn't know It's the best. It's perfect.

Yin Zhu and Bai Yangui should be of the same kind, and they should be relatives together. If she wants other people's younger brother, she should flatter Yin Zhu.

Yin Zhu looked at Bai Yangui all the way. Most of the girl's eyes were fixed on her. But looking at Bai Yangui's evil face, she really seduced people. "Like Bai Yangui so much?" Yin Zhu asked in Yang Wantong's ear.

Hearing this, Yang Wantong couldn't help staring big eyes, then blushed and nodded, "well, I like it very much. As long as he doesn't dislike me, I'll go up the mountain and down the sea of fire with him. If he doesn't want me, I can't help it."

Have courage, now the little girl is very brave, she admired, "come on!" Yin Zhu patted Yang Wantong on the shoulder.

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