She didn't tell Bai Yangui about her identity, but Yang Wantong should more or less understand that there is something wrong with Bai Yangui's identity, and it's very troublesome. But the girl said that she has to keep up with Bai Yangui when she goes up the sword mountain and down the sea of fire. She's very firm, but Bai Yangui's personality is not bad. If Bai Yangui dares to follow the girl to do something, she won't leave Yang Wantong behind, and she doesn't have to worry about it .

Ze, who is hiding in the shopping bag, can't help rolling his eyes. Yin Zhu has been muttering that he is very busy and urgent. He wants to be a matchmaker and pimp.

Poor him, go shopping with Yin Zhu, can only hide in the shopping bag, if he went out, he was afraid of being caught plucked.

When he was not a demon, he was also a majestic wolf king. Why did he need to avoid human beings? It was all human beings who avoided him. Now it is retribution. He is going to avoid human beings.

Ze felt sorry for himself there. He looked very pitiful.

Yang Wantong smiles and leans on Yin Zhu's side and asks, "elder sister, can you tell me what Bai Yangui likes so that I can catch up with him better?"

After hearing Yang Wantong's words, Yin Zhu kept silent for a while and said, "I really want to help you, but now I don't know Bai Yangui's idea. You know, you may not have a result with him. I encourage you, because you are brave, but I'm also afraid that because of me, you will not be able to get up again regardless of everything you fall down. You are among the few who will hurt you at that time Not many friends, I really hope you are happy. "

Yin Zhu had many friends before, but she didn't dare to get to know those people and didn't have to give them any trouble.

Yang Wantong heard this with a smile, "elder sister, I'm not afraid of it. In fact, Bai Yangui is very good. At least he is not scum. Besides, if I don't work hard, I really don't want to give up."

"Well, I'll go back and have a good try. If Bai Yangui doesn't object, I'll help you, OK?" Asked Yin Zhu.

When Yang Wantong heard the answer, she was very happy and said, "that's troublesome for my sister."

After three people strolled around, Yin Zhu found a teahouse and opened a private room to drink tea. Yang Wantong probably knew that Yin Zhu should have something to discuss with Bai Yangui. In fact, she really wanted to know. She wanted to know anything about Bai Yangui, but she was afraid that it would be disgusting. Moreover, the more you know about the secret, the better "She smiles," elder sister, Bai Yangui, I still want to go to the shops downstairs. If you are tired, have a rest here first? "

"Well, come up when you're tired. We'll wait for you." Yin Zhu smiles.

"I'm very nice. You don't have a partner. Aren't you going to find one?" Yin Zhu said with a smile.

But Bai Yangui refused directly, "no, I don't know where our future is. Why do you pull her into the water? You also said that she is a good girl. What will she do with me? What's the future? It's completely black. Why?"

Well, Bai Yangui refuses. Yin Zhu thinks that if she stands in Bai Yangui's position, maybe she will do the same.

After all, the two worlds, even the species are not the same. In the history of so many young ladies, there are several cross racial love affairs with good results, so Bai Yangui is not willing to try.

"But she likes you very much. If Bai Yangui doesn't like you, don't give people hope. Don't contact her in the future, or she will sink deeper and deeper. " Yin Zhu suggested.

Bai Yan nodded, "I know." In fact, he didn't contact Yang Wantong for a long time. The girl didn't know how to fall in love with him at a glance, which is the love at first sight in the legend. Bai Yangui touched her face, which is very good-looking, but it doesn't make the girl so infatuated. In fact, she is very good-looking. Of course, this is the appreciation level of the world. Originally, Bai Yan returned It's the appreciation level of the orc world. It's just that Yang Wantong popularized the beauty level before.

"Bai Yangui, I found a big problem with Ze, because I also contacted Bai Ji for confirmation." Yin Zhu said very seriously. When she said this, she checked with her mobile phone to make sure that there was no camera installed in the room.

"I found it, OK? You can't think of it in your pig brain. " Ze quickly retorts that Yin Zhu wants to take his credit.

"Yes, you think of it. You're the best. Well, you can shut up. If it's nonsense, I'll go back and buy a muzzle for pet chicken to cover your mouth. I'll see if you can stop talking in the future." Yin Zhu turns her head and looks at Ze coldly. She talks with Bai Yangui about things. He comes to join in the fun.

Ze originally wanted to resist, looking at Yin Zhu's cold tone, he couldn't help but shut his mouth. If he was really put on that mouth cover, he would cry.

"What's the problem, you say." Bai Yangui takes Yin Zhu's serious attitude seriously.

"Animal elixir, all the animal elixirs in our world don't belong to our orcs. It should be said that we orcs are used by some big people to breed animal elixir. It's right that animal elixir disappears from our bodies. Remember the legend of Baiji? Baiji lost all his strength in those years because he stripped the animal pill from his body. Mengji's cultivation of reincarnation formula devoured those who practiced reincarnation formula to fight against that person. Otherwise, the whole Orc world will always be that person's farm, and we are the pigs to be slaughtered inside. " Yin Zhu bit his lip and said.Bai Yangui was stunned when he heard this, and then began to think seriously, "what you said is true?"

"It should be true. Bai Ji would spare no effort to dig out his own animal pill. Do you think this thing will be fake?" Yin Zhu smiles bitterly.

"Your animal elixir disappeared because of absorbing Yuehua, and I wanted to absorb Yuehua hard. Then I found out with Ze that when there was animal elixir, oh, the absorbed Yuehua was very much. Ze said that you don't absorb many things every day. It seems that Yuehua and animal elixir are opposite, but they have a strange unity." Yin Zhu said.

"And the man behind it? Who is it? " Bai Yangui thought angrily that he didn't want to go back. He thought that if Yin Zhu had the means to deal with Bai Ji, he would be ready to see the world. But now Yin Zhu says that his hometown and relatives are in danger at any time. They are just pigs raised by others. How can Bai Yangui not be angry? He wants to go back and save his family People.

"I don't know. Even Bai Ji doesn't know who the man is and when he will come. No one knows." Yin Zhu smiles bitterly.

"When are you going to go back? If you go back, I'll go back with you. I think Ziji is also looking forward to my going back, so that he won't miss it all the time." Bai Yangui smiles faintly.

"I don't know. I think I'll have a period of time, because I want to study the animal pill well. It's better to get the animal pill out of the body safely and take part of Yuehua back." Yuehua is so important that Yin Zhu must collect it well.

"Well, yes, the moon in our world is not the same as the moon in this world. I guess the moon bloom is not the same. Collect it first, and I will try to collect it." Bai Yangui said.

"By the way, you seem to be studying something recently. Have you come up with anything?" Yin Zhu asked curiously.

Bai Yangui nodded, "I really studied something. Originally, if you didn't ask me out, I planned to ask you out."

"What did you find?" Yin Zhu was so surprised that everyone stood up.

"I went to the research room and read a lot of relevant information. You know, I can't do research now, but I can see some things. I drew my own blood some time ago, and then I used the simplest blood test machine. Do you know? When I became a human, the blood was taken for examination. My blood was human blood. Human blood had no wolf gene. Then I didn't believe it. After another examination, it was the same. For this reason, I secretly went to the nearby general hospital to have a physical examination. No one doubted it, and there was no abnormality. Then I turned into a wolf again and found that the wolf was a wolf It's nothing to do with people, Yin Zhu. Do you understand? Orcs, orcs, but now they are no longer associated with humans, they are separated directly. " Bai Yangui tells Yin Zhu about his discovery.

Yin Zhu is also very shocked. It seems that Bai Yan said when he was awake that he felt that the world no longer rejected him and accepted him. Is this really acceptance? As long as Bai Yangui doesn't change face to face, no one can take hold of him. He can live a normal life and do anything in the hospital. He doesn't have to worry about illness.

It's a complete integration into the world.

"Very good." Yin Zhu smiles.

"In addition, Yin Zhu, I think Bai Ji always told you that he wanted the blood of people in this world. I think what he wanted should be the blood of people like me, not the blood of people in this world." Bai Yangui suddenly mentioned it again.

"Why do you say that?" Yin Zhu asked very kindly.

"It's a kind of intuition. Do you think the rules of the world can let the blood of another world melt in? I think even if we change, it is also the beginning of internal self change. So I think our world needs me in particular. " Bai Yangui said with a smile.

As for whether it will be dangerous to go back like this, and whether it will be discovered by the mysterious man, it's not known. Bai Yangui said that he didn't say this because he has decided to face it. It's meaningless to say too much.

"Well, let's work together. Anyway, we'll take some of the blood back." Yin Zhu decided to go back to his brother's blood bank and get some samples from all kinds of blood types. As for Bai Yangui's suggestion, it's necessary to verify it well and make complete preparations. No one knows if he can come again next time.

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