Yin Zhu and Bai Yan make an appointment for a good time. They plan to study the animal pill carefully. Yin Zhu and Bai Yangui discuss for a long time, and Yang Wantong comes back. This girl comes back only after a good time.

Looking at Yang Wantong who came in empty handed and didn't buy anything, Yin Zhu felt guilty. To tell the truth, Yang Wantong has helped her a lot for such a long time, and she still has a spell to control each other. Although she has never tortured her with a spell, control is control, which is an indisputable fact.

"Why don't you buy anything? Don't you like it?" Asked Yin Zhu.

"Those things look OK at first sight, but I really don't like them after reading them carefully. Do you want to buy something?" Yang Wantong said with a smile, looking at the appearance of Yin Zhu and Bai Yangui, it should be the end of the talk. I don't know what they said.

There is no know Yin Zhu said did not say their own things, think of here, Yang Wantong can not help but secretly swept a glance at the white swallow.

It's a pity that Bai Yangui didn't respond to Yang Wantong. Yang Wantong is sure that Bai Yangui saw her own color, but the other party didn't accept it. Thinking of this, Yang Wantong's face is a bit bad. In fact, she also knows that Bai Yangui is not really suitable for her intellectually, but she doesn't know that she is infatuated with Bai Yangui, so she likes Bai Yangui And I like it more and more.

Bai Yangui is quite mature in his work. It doesn't match his tender face. If Yang Wantong couldn't think of it before, she would like such a beautiful boy.

Seeing Yang Wantong's white face, Yin Zhu can't help sighing. Since Bai Yangui is going to go back with her, Yang Wantong should not give her hope. She is a good girl.

"Silly girl, put it down." Yin Zhu patted Yang Wantong on the shoulder.

Hearing this, Yang Wantong's face became even paler. If she knew so clearly, she would be silly if she didn't know what it meant. In the past, she was able to deceive herself, and her perseverance will one day move each other. Now she finds that distance is always distance, which is not what she can walk to.

"Sister, I suddenly remember that my master told me to buy something to eat. I'll buy it first. You go back first." Then he turned and left.

When Yin Zhu sees Yang Wantong walking away, he can't help sighing, but he can't say anything. Can he say that Bai Yan can't go back?

Ze originally wanted to joke a few words, just wanted to open his mouth, saw that Yin Zhu and Bai Yangui's face were not very good, so he directly changed the topic, "I'll take you to buy some materials, and make preparations for the evening."

Yes, they have discussed. They are going to take out the animal pill from Yin Zhu in the evening.

Ze makes a plan, because the orc who takes out the animal pill in the orc world will die immediately. Although Yue Hua is there and Bai Yangui is OK, Ze thinks it's better to get some amulets and medicine. If Yin Zhu is injured, he can be rescued immediately.

Yin Zhu nodded. Although Ze is not reliable, he knows a lot, such as Dan Yao Fu and so on.

The two soon bought what Ze said, and then did the preparatory work, but even with Ze's guidance, the success rate of the two people doing these things was almost one in 20, and the effect was very poor. Ze also scolded Yin zhubaiyan for being stupid and wasting so many things. If he was replaced, the success rate would be as low as 30% How did it work.

Ze is elated. When he learned these things, he was scolded miserably. Because the demon clan is not good at making medicine and making talismans. The Yao clan is good at making weapons. He can reach 30% only after a long time of training, and this is low-level. If you want to be high-level, you can pounce. Now I can finally feel the pleasure of his master scolding him.

Yin Zhu is a little embarrassed about wasting so many materials. Bai Yangui will do better than her.

Everything was almost ready, and then they went out to the suburbs, because Yin Zhu didn't know whether he was being monitored in his own place. This means that it's better to go to the mountains in the wild. There won't be any people on the mountains in the middle of the night, and if there are any abnormalities, they won't be monitored and photographed.

A few people soon arrived at an unnamed mountain. The mountain looked deserted. Anyway, there was no one. A few people quickly climbed up the mountain. After arriving at the mountain and confirming that there was no one around, Yin Zhu and Bai Yangui soon made a big cave. Ze looked at the two transformed people, and the body made a hole very fast.

Everything is ready, and the rest is waiting for the night.

At night, when the moon rises, Yin Zhu is ready and begins to practice. Ze and Bai Yangui stare at Yin Zhu seriously. Bai Yangui still has a sewing needle in his hand. If Yin Zhu is lost, he can use it to stimulate her at any time.

Yin Zhu looks at Bai Yangui with a needle. She also mentions twelve points of attention in her heart. She doesn't want to be stabbed. She is scared when she thinks about it.

"Yin Zhu, can you find your animal pill? Carefully absorb you into the body of Yuehua, according to the route I said This operation route is a demon cultivation method mentioned by Ze.

"Then, you can make the Yuehua you master slowly round the beast pill. Remember not to hurry. First make a big circle, and then slowly shrink. Don't disturb him. Can you try this first? If you think it's impossible or impossible to do it, don't force it. We're trying to find a way to do it. Today, we're just trying, and you should be able to find the connection between animal Dan and people, and see if you can make a short-term connection between the two. " Although Ze has arranged everything, he is also worried about accidents. Everything is subject to Yin Zhu's safety.Yin Zhu naturally won't make fun of her life. She runs it first according to Ze's instructions, and then gets Yuehua to the side of the animal pill a little bit, carefully.

At the beginning, beast Dan didn't respond. However, when Yin Zhu narrowed down his position bit by bit, beast Dan began to shake uneasily. At this time, Yin Zhu felt that his whole body began to feel uneasy. This should be the reason why beast Dan controlled the life and death of orcs.

Yin Zhu didn't continue to oppress the space of the animal pill, but kept it for a while. Then he began to search in his body, and Bai Yangui also helped to search. With the help of Yuehua, Yin Zhu saw a thin line connecting her heart from the animal pill. No wonder in the world of orcs, the animal pill of orcs disappeared and died. That's the reason.

"What about this?" Yin Zhu asked, she will clearly feel that the animal Dan is just like her heart, beating.

Ze is very interested in research, "it's interesting that it's perfectly connected with the heart. I thought it might be connected to the heart when I heard you describe it before. Think about the most important position of a person's whole body, that is, the heart, and that person uses the orc to raise this animal pill. If he wants to absorb a person's energy, the most convenient one is the heart."

"But how did Bai Yangui get rid of the beast pill and make sure he was ok?" Ze puzzled thinking, now look at Yin Zhu's animal Dan should be with the heart completely grow together, how to remove this to be safe?

"I don't know. At that time, I was in a muddle, and then I felt that Yuehua was good for me, so I kept absorbing it, and then one day I would wake up." How did not own finally the animal Dan, this process is how occurs, the white swallow returns really does not know.

Ze heard this ha ha's smile, "can only say you lucky deep, fool has silly blessing."

"That Yin Zhu's luck is also very good." Bai Yangui said with a smile.

Hearing this, Ze shook his head and said, "no, I don't think her luck is good. You see, a person lives well, but she is calculated to go to another world. If she is really lucky, the rules of the world will protect her, and it won't happen at all, let alone a bad day after she goes through the past, so I think she is lucky No, we'd better be more comprehensive. "

When Yin Zhu heard this, she couldn't help vomiting blood. She was so old that she had no bad luck except for passing through. However, she had no good luck.

"What's my luck? When I was born, I was told that I would not live to be 15 years old. I grew up afraid that I would die one day. " Bai Yangui retorts that he has no better luck.

Ze said with a smile, "are you out of luck? It's said that you can't live to 15 years old, and then you live to 18 years old because of your aunt's help. Then, 18 years old can no longer be continued. You meet Yin Zhu and want to fight against fate regardless of everything. Then you come to this world. What do you want to do now when you succeed in counterattack? It's almost the fate of the protagonist. " Think about him at the beginning also want to give up, the result, the result, think about all tears.

Bai Yangui is so said by Ze, think about it really, can't help but smile.

Of course, Yin Zhu doesn't believe in the idea of luck. But now, he always thinks it's a bit mysterious, so he's half believing. Anyway, no matter what you do, don't be careless, especially when it comes to life.

"Yin Zhu, first try to imprison the animal pill. Use Yuehua. We don't take it out first, imprison it first, and then nibble it a little bit." Ze ordered.

Yin Zhu did the same. After a while, Yin Zhu felt that he was sweating, as if he was going to be breathless. "Ze, I feel very sick, as if I'm going to die."

"Not dead? Go on. " Ze gritted his teeth and said it coldly.

Yin Zhu nods. Ze and Bai Yangui look at it carefully, just want to see if the animal pill will affect Yin Zhu's heart beat after it is completely imprisoned.

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