When Yin Zhu heard Ze's words, he was silent for a while. He felt indignant and indignant. It didn't matter that he was suffering. However, it was quite painful to think that when Bai Yangui's animal pill disappeared, it seemed that the whole person didn't accept control. Now she can still control it. It's obvious that she hasn't reached that level. She really should continue.

Yin Zhu continues to compress the beast pill bit by bit, while Bai Yan and GUI Ze just stare at Yin Zhu. If Yin Zhu is abnormal, he will interrupt for the first time.

However, according to Ze's inference, there should be no big problem. Of course, at that time, Bai Yangui absorbed more Yuehua, and the strength of animal elixir should be consumed by Yuehua, while Yin Zhu absorbed less Yuehua. Now it is more important to take out the animal elixir completely. Yin Zhu will face more pain and danger than Bai Yangui at that time, which is also a fact.

In fact, the best way is to let Yin Zhu keep practicing, and then constantly kill the power of the animal pill, so Yin Zhu will not have any danger, but in that case, they will not have the animal pill to study.

Yin Zhu has a feeling that since the animal elixir was brought to them by mysterious people, if Yin Zhu did anything to the animal elixir in the orc mainland, it would certainly attract their attention, so the best way is to find out everything on this side of the earth.

They have to face people who are like gods. Naturally, they have to pay great attention to them. They don't know what Bai Kun is doing now. After all, it's a great stimulation for Bai Kun that she will send the news of the animal pill to them.

I don't know what happened to Bai Kun.

Ze watched the gentle smile on Yin Zhu's face, unable to help Tucao, "Yin Zhu, can you not laugh so much V make complaints about this man?" Come on, what's the matter now, and the mind is wandering. I'm really convinced you. "

Yin Zhu almost vomited blood when she heard this. She just thought about it, but she didn't think about anything else. It was this Ze who was dirty and thought about the mess.

However, being stimulated by Ze, Yin Zhu immediately concentrates her mind. Doesn't she feel too painful to think of something to distract her? And the most important thing is that the pain still needs to be controlled by oneself, which is the most difficult.

"Bai Yangui, I don't think I can control it. Why don't you come? I can't do such a cruel thing to myself. " Yin Zhu is very sad to say, then she can't continue, it's equivalent to let a person stab himself, still so painful, who can stab him one by one, Yin Zhu thinks that he can do this degree is very good.

Ze saw this and nodded, "it's just your willpower. I can't look forward to it too much. Bai Yangui will follow you. Fortunately, now the beast Dan has been forced to have no way to go. It's going to break away from Yin Zhu's body. The rest of you come and listen to me."

"Good." Bai Yangui nodded.

"Bai Yangui tied up Yin Zhu first. I'm afraid she will struggle later. You can't control it." The animal pill and Yin Zhu have become one. To destroy the animal pill is to kill Yin Zhu. Ze is afraid that Yin Zhu's subconscious self-protection will be over.

Yin Zhu also knew that, so he let Bai Yangui be trapped for many times. The rope to tie her was specially made.

"Bai Yan GUI, you will use the Demon power to force the beast Dan out later." Ze ordered.

Bai Yangui, according to Ze's words, uses his hands to pull the animal pill out of Yin Zhu's body with Demon power. At this time, the animal pill, which had never moved before, began to struggle. However, Bai Yangui's power is more powerful. The animal pill has been taken out of her body by Bai Yangui. Now it's in front of her forehead, and the animal pill is connected with her heart The line is still there.

Ze said that Yuehua is used to cultivate Demon power, which can control the beast Dan.

"Yin Zhu, the next thing is very important. Later, I will ask Bai Yangui to use Demon power to temporarily seal the line connecting your heart. Then if you have something, we will pause. If you have nothing, we will cut off the connection between the two." Ze once again explained that this matter has reached the most critical part, which is also the relationship they have contacted for a long time.

"Well, I see." Yin Zhu nodded.

When Bai Yan's words are finished, she begins to work directly. At that moment, Yin Zhu feels that her eyes are dark, and her heart stops beating. She feels that her world is about to lose color, and her body doesn't seem to be her own. The feeling of dying makes her struggle without hesitation.

"Ze." Bai Yangui asked calmly.

"Wait, no hurry." Ze said in a calm voice that Yin Zhu himself has a strong inheritance, and his strength is not weak. It's only a short time, and even if he has a real cardiac arrest, he can't die. What he wants is to be sure, 100% sure, Yin Zhu can't survive.

Bai Yangui's face is gloomy. He knew that there would be such a problem. He should have been used as an experiment at the beginning. Unfortunately, his ignorant cultivation could not provide experience for Yin Zhu.

Seeing that Yin Zhu's struggle has become weaker and weaker from the beginning, Bai Yangui's face is not very good. At this time, he can't help but want to let go, but Ze coldly said: "Bai Yangui, you say you want to listen to me.""Can Yin Zhu tell her?" Bai Yangui looks at Yin Zhu. She's already rolling her eyes. It's obvious that she can't hold on any longer.

Bai Yangui looks at Ze who is still cold. He can't help but get angry. Yin Zhu can't hold on any longer. He can't listen to Ze. Although Ze says that he will submit to him, will he be unwilling to pit him? Who knows if Ze has solved those spells under Yin Zhu? This guy has no strength, but he knows a lot of knowledge, at least relative to him It's a lot for us.

Just when Bai Yangui was about to let go, Yuehua in the sky suddenly wanted to be attracted by something, and all of them rushed towards Yinzhu. Moreover, they drilled into Yinzhu's body. Yinzhu, who could not hold on, would slowly improve.

Ze see this very happy said, "can, directly cut this line, careful, don't let the beast Dan burst."

Bai Yangui saw that Yin Zhu was really OK, so she broke the line connecting Yin Zhu with the animal pill. Once the line was broken, Yin Zhu cried out in pain. His body was trembling with pain, and his mouth was spitting out several mouthfuls of blood, and then he lay on the ground.

When Bai Yangui saw this, he went up to check it. Fortunately, Yin Zhu looked seriously injured, but he was still alive. At the same time, Yin Zhu had changed back to human shape. Moreover, Yin Zhu's human shape was different from that before. He was not more than two meters tall, and the whole person didn't look so strong. Although he was still very tall now, it was estimated that there was still about one meter eight left, but it was already in human life Within the acceptable range.

Yin Zhu was seriously injured this time, but he had to recuperate for a long time.

"Ze, why does Yin Zhu's appearance change? And mine hasn't changed? " Bai Yangui asked very kindly.

Ze was stunned when he heard this. Then he took a look at Yin Zhu and said, "what's wrong with change? It's good-looking. The one before is scary, OK? I don't know your Orc taste Ze thinks that Yin Zhushun has more eyes now, and the one before is totally spicy, OK?

After living with Yin Zhu for so many days, he almost became blind. Besides, the demon clan is also beautiful. Although he can't tell whether Yin Zhu and Bai Yan are demons, it's normal for him to use Demon power.

The animal pill, which used to struggle, immediately calms down after cutting off the line with Yin Zhu, and becomes a lifeless animal pill. However, when the line connecting Yin Zhu and animal pill is cut off, the ability of animal pill to attract Yuehua gradually dissipates. Of course, these three animals can absorb Yuehua, but they don't have the terrible attraction before.

Looking at the intact animal Dan, Ze was very excited and said, "hurry up and show me that thing."

Ze is not sad that the ability of this animal pill to attract Yuehua is gone. He thinks that as long as it can attract, there must be some opportunities to do it again. He just needs to experiment to understand.

He had always wanted to see the beast pill before, but he couldn't take it out. It would be very difficult for him to take it out from Yin Zhu. He must study it carefully.

Bai Yangui hands the animal pill in his hand to Ze. The whole animal pill is full of blood. It looks very terrible and unknown. It's just like the legendary living people in the orc world who take the pill. What normal orcs leave after death is normal shiny beads, and there will be no blood.

Bai Yangui looks at Yin Zhu who has been in a coma and thinks that Yin Zhu is more miserable than he was at the beginning. He was just in pain when he didn't have the animal pill, and he didn't faint because of it. Yin Zhu will hurt his body, and his strength will be reduced a lot.

"Since the animal pill has been taken out, you should go back to study it. Yin Zhu is not well now. Let's send her back first." Bai Yangui said.

"I don't mind, but where are you going to take Yin Zhu? Who can take care of her? No one can take care of her now, and I can't take care of people. " Ze said with a smile, Bai Yangui didn't live with Yin Zhu now.

Bai Yangui was stunned when he heard this, and then looked at Yin Zhu who was in a coma. "Naturally, he went back with me. I asked Yang Wantong to look after him later." Yin Zhu is a female, he is a male, he is not Yin Zhu's partner, it is not appropriate to take care of Yin Zhu.

Only when she thought of herself, she said that she wanted to draw a line with Yang Wantong, and then she made people cry. When she came back, she had to ask for help. Bai Yan really had a hard time talking. It's just that Yin Zhu can't look for other people. Of course, she can still reach Yin Zhu's parents. It's just that Yin Zhu deliberately left from her parents, but she didn't want to involve her family. In addition, Yin Zhu sent them back like this It will make Yin's father and mother more worried, so Yang Wantong is the most suitable.

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